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February 25, 2018 — Red Pill Junkie with J. Randall Murphy

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RPJ's ideas are radical and in some ways exciting. But I can't help seeing them as speculative and implausible. There's just no reason to think the mind can create things out of midair or that the Earth and Sun are conscious.

I'm looking forward to the appearance of Rick Doty. Grant Cameron would make an excellent co-guest.
RPJ's ideas are radical and in some ways exciting. But I can't help seeing them as speculative and implausible. There's just no reason to think the mind can create things out of midair or that the Earth and Sun are conscious. I'm looking forward to the appearance of Rick Doty. Grant Cameron would make an excellent co-guest.
Thanks for the commentary. I like RPJ if not just for the reason that he represents a creative member of contemporary counterculture, but at the same time I think you could probably sense my skepticism about the real-world validity of some of the ideas he's presently entertaining as a possible explanation for UFOs and paranormal phenomena. He's taken some of Vallée's ideas even farther out on a limb, and I got the sense that it's because he suffers from the same sort of restlessness as other intelligent minds that get stuck having to repeat the same thing over and over again. After a while it becomes less exciting and then outright boring. It's not because the answer is wrong. It's just no longer as interesting, so fringe thinking becomes much more attractive.

10 Struggles of Highly Intelligent People

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RPJ's ideas are radical and in some ways exciting. But I can't help seeing them as speculative and implausible. There's just no reason to think the mind can create things out of midair or that the Earth and Sun are conscious.

I'm looking forward to the appearance of Rick Doty. Grant Cameron would make an excellent co-guest.
He’s a spooky guy. That’s why we love him.
I think RPJ needs some more red pills because he is not quite fully unplugged yet from the matrix.

He says how he doesn't like that the red pill term is being 'hijacked' by other groups like men's rights but if you look closer these groups they are usually taking a critical thinking stance where they are trying to get at the truth (which is our base reality) and peel back the layers of sentiment and ideology which a lot of these social justice groups layer on us to create a matrix to serve their needs.

Men's rights is a classic example. Many womens rights groups exist, why not mens? Why are women so special? Because it's not about having equal rights, it's about these groups wanting additional rights and privileges to get ahead at the expense of others and in exchange for less effort and sacrifice.
I think RPJ needs some more red pills because he is not quite fully unplugged yet from the matrix.

He says how he doesn't like that the red pill term is being 'hijacked' by other groups like men's rights but if you look closer these groups they are usually taking a critical thinking stance where they are trying to get at the truth (which is our base reality) and peel back the layers of sentiment and ideology which a lot of these social justice groups layer on us to create a matrix to serve their needs.

Men's rights is a classic example. Many womens rights groups exist, why not mens? Why are women so special? Because it's not about having equal rights, it's about these groups wanting additional rights and privileges to get ahead at the expense of others and in exchange for less effort and sacrifice.
What 'additional rights and privileges to get ahead at the expense of others and in exchange for less effort and sacrifice' are they asking ?Example ?
What 'additional rights and privileges to get ahead at the expense of others and in exchange for less effort and sacrifice' are they asking ?Example ?

Workplace representation is a good example, the common narrative from a women's rights group is that men are being favoured for the more senior roles and will cite % of men in these roles vs % of women. (We have all heard this one right?)

What is assumed is that correlation of data is causation. E.g. it must be just that the system is putting women down and the stats show it!

This is the wrong approach. Shark attacks increase when ice cream sales increase. There must be a conspiracy by the ice cream companies? They must be putting something into the ice cream that attracts the sharks... Of course this is not the case and the correlation is not causation. The causation is the weather and on hot days more people buy ice creams and swim in the sea increasing likelihood of sharks and people meeting each other.

The red pill for the women's rights group is that it takes a certain input of effort and dedication and drive to reach the senior positions in a business, it's a highly highly competitive arena to reach the top. More men make the choice to dedicate their lives in pursuit of this aim than women do. Men are more skewed towards competitive tendencies, men spend on average more hours at work and more men take less career breaks (women usually take career breaks to have children).

So the men are their on merit of effort and dedication. It is not because society is trying to keep women down.

So the request that women are just placed into more senior positions because they are under represented comes at the expense of a man who is willing to get their on merit. The women's rights group is asking for additional privileges not afforded to the men.

More men die in the workplace than women, more men work in the lowest and unskilled roles than women but strangely enough we don't see the fight for women's representation to be 50/50 a long these parameters.

The red pill is a nasty one to swallow sometimes.
The red pill is a nasty one to swallow sometimes.
That's the whole point isn't it? Do we take the red pill and open ourselves up to disturbing truths or take the blue pill and remain comfortably numb in our socialization? These days it's almost heresy to say anything that questions the feminist agenda, yet there's a fringe element there that isn't merely advocating equality, but superiority, and I question how many allegations are reasonable or even true at all. I've been a victim of "reverse discrimination" and I never saw that I had any advantage at all in that situation simply by virtue of my gender. I'd say that as soon as it becomes about one gender or the other, then we've lost our way on the issue of equality.
RPJ – sounds like an entertaining guy to knock back a couple of beers with. A few random thoughts here that popped into my head as I was shoveling snow. Sorry it’s a mishmash but it's what's on the menu today.

In terms of ‘high strange’ experiences I was wondering about the differences between creative and prosaic personality types. Many, many years ago my friends and I got mixed up with all sorts of hallucinogens. Dr. Gonzo level foolishness. It seemed that some went on a much, much wilder ride than I ever did and the only difference between us was that personality type. I felt many things but enlightenment or extraordinary communication were not on the list. I actually do remember some of the weirdness with clarity. At least I think I do.

And let me be totally clear – NOT recommending this to anyone. I was a stupid kid and lucky to have avoided any real trouble. It was however, interesting and dangerous as hell. I do think the personality and mindset of the person prior to ingesting anything will define the experience. This might seem obvious but walk a mile in my shoes and then revisit that statement. They didn't feel like a gateway to an expanded consciousness to me. I think it explains some of the experiences that John Alexander wrote about in Reality Denied.

Unrelated to that, I happen to be watching a Ken Burns film last night. There are those who claim they saw FDR rise from his chair to greet them. His paralysis wasn’t publicly acknowledged. Yes, I know he could mimic a certain degree of movement but it required careful choreography. It occurred to me that there were a number of people with no doubt impeccable credentials who claim to have seen something that just didn’t happen. So much for eyewitness testimony.
...These days it's almost heresy to say anything that questions the feminist agenda, yet there's a fringe element there that isn't merely advocating equality, but superiority, and I question how many allegations are reasonable or even true at all. I've been a victim of "reverse discrimination" and I never saw that I had any advantage at all in that situation simply by virtue of my gender. I'd say that as soon as it becomes about one gender or the other, then we've lost our way on the issue of equality.
Look where we've ended up with the so-called patriarchal system running things for the past 10,000 years. Perhaps it's time to give the whole shooting match over to a newly-empowered matriarchy—I don't think they could mess things up more than we already have!
Look where we've ended up with the so-called patriarchal system running things for the past 10,000 years. Perhaps it's time to give the whole shooting match over to a newly-empowered matriarchy—I don't think they could mess things up more than we already have!
Hey nice to hear from you! Hope you're doing well. And on that sentiment ( above ) I often tend to empathize ...
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Look where we've ended up with the so-called patriarchal system running things for the past 10,000 years. Perhaps it's time to give the whole shooting match over to a newly-empowered matriarchy—I don't think they could mess things up more than we already have!

I can't speak for the last 10K years but as a white American middle aged male allow me to issue a blanket apology for the last couple of hundred anyway. There are very few of the world's evils I am not responsible for, probably personally.
Now I'm off to kick my puppy .....
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Look where we've ended up with the so-called patriarchal system running things for the past 10,000 years. Perhaps it's time to give the whole shooting match over to a newly-empowered matriarchy—I don't think they could mess things up more than we already have!

Intercontinental travel for the masses
Disease prevention
The internet
Space travel and landing on the moon
Life extension
Mobile computers permanently connected to a database that contains all of human knowledge and accessble to the masses
Almost limitless nuclear energy

I could go on.

Humans are the most amazing creatures to ever have existed.

The patriarchy (doesnt exist by the way) but whatever it is, human achievement is phenomenal. Time we started celebrating it instead of always trying to make each other feel guilty about it.
I can't speak for the last 10K years but as a white American middle aged male allow me to issue a blanket apology for the last couple of hundred anyway. There are very few of the world's evils I am not responsible for, probably personally.
Now I'm off to kick my puppy .....

Lol, if only all the other descendants of colonial empires were made to feel so guilty about their ancestors time of technological superiority. Shame on you Greeks, Egyptians, Romans, various Chinese dynasties and the Japanese.

Now Asians are outperforming whites in average earnings and higher education populations I hope they also will be checking their privilege and feeling appropritely guilty.

Don't get fooled by this stuff, guilt is a powerful emotion and some people find it easier to keep pressing the guilt button to get the things they need in life from those who have worked hard and applied themselves.
Don't get fooled by this stuff, guilt is a powerful emotion and some people find it easier to keep pressing the guilt button to get the things they need in life from those who have worked hard and applied themselves.
That was meant as a rather frustrated tongue-in-cheek comment, but of course you couldn't pass up yet another opportunity to take something I say at face value and belittle me by ignoring what I was attempting to communicate.
Intercontinental travel for the masses
Disease prevention
The internet
Space travel and landing on the moon
Life extension
Mobile computers permanently connected to a database that contains all of human knowledge and accessble to the masses
Almost limitless nuclear energy

I could go on.

Humans are the most amazing creatures to ever have existed.

The patriarchy (doesnt exist by the way) but whatever it is, human achievement is phenomenal. Time we started celebrating it instead of always trying to make each other feel guilty about it.
It’s true, mankind has made large advances in all the ‘technology’ categories you have listed. One thing is missing. I don’t see any mention of spiritual advancement. That may be infinitely more important in the scheme of things and one thing humans are sadly lacking these days.
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That was meant as a rather frustrated tongue-in-cheek comment, but of course you couldn't pass up yet another opportunity to take something I say at face value and belittle me by ignoring what I was attempting to communicate.

Apologies, I hate it when those from across the political divide can' take a joke so if I missed some irony there it's on me
Chris man, just some friendly advice. People's responses aren't always directed at the personality of the writer. So while It's true that conflicting opinions affect people internally, it's an essential skill in a constructive discussion to dispassionately separate the exploration of an issue from the people participating. Otherwise the discussion shifts from the issue at hand to judging the people involved. When that happens, the conversation degenerates into attacks on each other as opposed to making progress exploring the topic.

That being said, if someone does make an unambiguous personal attack on you, then IMO you have every right to object and report it to our mod. But in the meantime, unless someone actually says something that unambiguously belittles you or is a slam against you, then it's unwise to assume that's what they've done. You've turned things personal with me unnecessarily more than once. Just stick with the facts of the discussion and you'll find that after a while you'll get better at handling situations where your personal feelings about it flare up and make you say stuff that is counterproductive.
This isn't an attack on Chris it's a build of a general nature on Randals point.

I notice in society in general today the political discussion has shifted from exploration of an issue to victim narrative.

Instead of taking an argument on for its merits, you merely ascert your victim hood and proceed to name call and label your opponent. Once you notice the formula you begin to see how endemic it is