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February 26, 2012 — Dr. Barry Taff

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Paranormal Adept
Good episode. Dr. Taff's theory that there is a synergy between the environment and the individual in paranormal cases is interesting and new. But I wasn't clear why he was so sure that UFOs are extraterrestrial. Couldn't they be manifestations of the synergy too? A la tulpas or the like?
I resist commenting on shows because I am not in search of entertainment and actually pity some of the quests. Now having said that I will make an exception for Dr. Taff, for he is exceptionally entertaining. Here is the man who has claimed to have invented Remote Viewing. I will not bore you with my impressions of Dr. Taff, and his alleged accolades. What I will say is that if in fact Dr. Taff thinks he invented Remote Viewing I would suggest Dr. Zhivago invented vodka…, which you may need in order to get through this show.
Here is the man who has claimed to have invented Remote Viewing.

Where in the show did he say that? If I remember correctly, he said something about doing research that would lead into what would be called Remote Viewing. He didn't say that he was doing that research alone or that the Remote Viewing projects were directly emerging from his work alone.

I agree with wwkirk, great show. And it's really good to hear that he will be back. I'm afraid I have a few more questions now. :D

Hadn't expected him to be so straightforward, though. Didn't hold back, especially concerning Reality TV. But ...well, he's right. TV is in a bad state for the most part, I guess. I stopped watching years ago.

Oh and I'm quite convinced that it wasn't Dr Zhivago who invented Vodka. I think that must have been Boris Yeltsin.
In that one of my favorites aspect of the paranormal is what we as humans bring to the table (it takes two to tango after all) i enjoyed this episode as well; it was all i could ask for, a well-informed guest, a VERY interesting subject, and a sorta apology/explanation from gene on his off-the-cuff cutaways (they can't all be aces, gene). Chris, if you happen to read this, i'll like to be able to grab the podcast of your appearence on barry's show, if you get a heads up on the posting date pls. mention it in the forum. I'm assuming the appearence was the psi para tek show on blogtalkradio but as of today 2/28/12 there was no mention of it.

oh and if there are any girls in this forum, tomorrow is feb. 29 leap year day and i have no plans. 'nuff said

the inventor of vodka was robert goddard, it was a waste by-product of his liquid rocket propellent and not wanting it to go to waste, realized he could pawn it off as a moonshine type substance instead. Unfortunately (and you won't read this in ANY biography) before he perfected his blend he got hooked on it and drank himself blind
I thought it was a good show as well. I remember he mentioned he has his "own show". Does anyone know what that is? I went to his website and couldn't find anything. Would like to wean myself off the the George Noory days of Coast to Coast and perhaps along with the Paracast this is a way of doing it.
IMO the show with Dr. Taff was exceptional. My only criticism was that it ended before he was able to talk about more than a fraction of his experience and his overview of what makes the paranormal tick. Maybe we could have him back soon? !
IMO the show with Dr. Taff was exceptional. My only criticism was that it ended before he was able to talk about more than a fraction of his experience and his overview of what makes the paranormal tick. Maybe we could have him back soon? !

I agree. One of the best shows in a while.
Loved the show. The part about distracting the masses from an economic collapse was on target imo. It's refreshing to hear someone so open and honest about absolutely everything and not shy about naming names.
I thought it was a good show as well. I remember he mentioned he has his "own show". Does anyone know what that is? I went to his website and couldn't find anything. Would like to wean myself off the the George Noory days of Coast to Coast and perhaps along with the Paracast this is a way of doing it.

I was wondering that too. I'd like to add him to my list of routine-saving podcasts ;)

I really enjoy listening to Dr. Taff. I find his ideas about certain 'sensitive' individuals as bio-amplifiers of paranormal phenomena fascinating.

I also find interesting how his ideas toward Ufology lean toward the conservative --read ETH. Kind of a weird dichotomy if you ask me.

Or perhaps he's decided that keeping it in the realm of extraterrestrial visitation only helps in addressing the phenomenon as knowable to Science, without dismissing the more fringe aspects of the contact experience.
I also find interesting how his ideas toward Ufology lean toward the conservative --read ETH. Kind of a weird dichotomy if you ask me.

Ditto, if you were going to advocate that the eth scenario was nothing but a destiny altering science experiment ( which is an interesting thought) this would seem to fly in the face of his earlier argument about the genesis of poltergeist activity being derived from the combination of people and environment, which I find to be more compelling.

I see no reason why BOTH circumstances couldn't co-exist but I prefer to think there is a more common bond between them, as chris got out that maybe et/)aliens themselves are not the agent but a result of that agent. If we could create poltergeists via some unknown force can we not also create et or to go the other way,if et alters our perception or emotional makeup via sightings, contacts, and abductions why would it not throw poltergeist activity into the mix as a causal agent for change

So lets try this... I'm sure its not an original idea...Maybe there is an inherent force eminating from earth that allows us humans to absorb and create paranormal activity and that et was onto this a long time ago and is WAAAAYYY more adept at manipulating it. They just take it up a couple of notches.

Has anybody read Barry's book, did he make mention of this? I realize the guys were short on time but this scenario would seem to be a natural followup if one was going to put both eth and humans as a generator of paranormal phenomena
Great show! Dr. Taff's idea about the relationship between electromagnetic energy and the paranormal reminds me of a book by Albert Budden called UFO's Psychic Close Encounters. I'll be seeking out Taff's work for sure!
Where in the show did he say that? If I remember correctly, he said something about doing research that would lead into what would be called Remote Viewing. He didn't say that he was doing that research alone or that the Remote Viewing projects were directly emerging from his work alone.

I agree with wwkirk, great show. And it's really good to hear that he will be back. I'm afraid I have a few more questions now. :D

Hadn't expected him to be so straightforward, though. Didn't hold back, especially concerning Reality TV. But ...well, he's right. TV is in a bad state for the most part, I guess. I stopped watching years ago.

Oh and I'm quite convinced that it wasn't Dr Zhivago who invented Vodka. I think that must have been Boris Yeltsin.
These are just a few of the impressions I have taken away from this show. I will not say that Dr. Taff has not contributed to the field of Parapsychology, however I will say that it is quite possible that he is embellishing, embroidering, and borrowing a bit.

(1). At 28 minutes and 23 seconds into the first segment Dr. Taff describes how he was working in a laboratory, then starting his own research into telepathy and precognition. He claims to have developed what is commonly known as Remote Viewing, including the protocol, and methodology.
I find this curious because Dr. Taff may very well have been cheated…yes cheated, and I will show you why.
(2). In the following link you are a mouse click away from viewing the history of Remote Viewing, via Wikipedia. I would just like to add that it is quite extensive, and pre-dates Remote Viewing. Russell Targ is in there, Hal Putoff is in there, Ingo Swann is in there. Frankly, there is a hell of a lot of people in there. Even Gene Steinberg is in Wikipedia. However, guess what? Dr. Barry Taff has eluded Wikipedia. I would suggest that Dr. Taff being the “Grandfather of Remote Viewing” should take his rightful place at the top of the heap.

Remote viewing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(3). Approximately 40 minutes into the first segment Dr Taff explains how he is not able to speak about the highly classified research in which he conducted for all the alphabet agencies.
I am curious as to why this is the case. Targ, Putoff, Swann and a few others are speaking freely about work performed for defense contractors without fear of reprisal. What makes Dr. Taff so unique? It would also be interesting to find out who his mystery associate is.

(4). Approximately 44 minutes into the first segment Dr. Taff describes how precise and accurate remote viewing can be in relation to names and dates. If his ability is so precise, accurate, and “extremely acute”, I am certain Dr. Taff will be more than willing to demonstrate his ability by Remote Viewing a date in time, or a simple three letter word selected by a random forum member.

(5) 16 minutes into the second segment Dr. Taff starts discussing chapter 10 entitled “Abduction Central”, of his new book, relating a romantic conquest in which he initiates, involving an obviously psychically disturbed patient/client. Moreover, by Dr. Taff’s account, he helped that poor woman out…, right out of her panties.
I still don't get where you got these "Grandfather" or "Father of Remote Viewing" titles from. Has he been called that or did he do so himself?

I can see you have your doubts about the importance of the role he played, what with the Wikipedia article not naming him and the commonly known history of RV (I hadn't heard his name in relation to that either but I haven't really looked into that).

But I give him the benefit of doubt there. Sometimes people do slip under the radar and aren't noted althogh they ought to be (the most notable example being Nicola Tesla but I guess his case wasn't so unique after all). Most inventions and developments have been made by several researchers at the same time, sometimes without knowing of each other.

Maybe that's why he sounds quite a bit disgruntled there. I guess you should post the question why he doesn't seem to really be acknowledged as a "founder" of the RV projects in the questions thread.

About the alleged classified work he won't talk about, I think he wasn't referring to the RV projects at all. Gene had just mentioned the forum questions where I had asked if the government had been interested in anything besides RV. And in answering Gene's question, he said something like he couldn't speak about anything other than the Remote Viewing work.

I don't really want to comment on your criticism (5). That's where I really started to wonder if you have some personal issues with Dr Taff, to be honest.
I still don't get where you got these "Grandfather" or "Father of Remote Viewing" titles from. Has he been called that or did he do so himself?

I can see you have your doubts about the importance of the role he played, what with the Wikipedia article not naming him and the commonly known history of RV (I hadn't heard his name in relation to that either but I haven't really looked into that).

But I give him the benefit of doubt there. Sometimes people do slip under the radar and aren't noted althogh they ought to be (the most notable example being Nicola Tesla but I guess his case wasn't so unique after all). Most inventions and developments have been made by several researchers at the same time, sometimes without knowing of each other.

Maybe that's why he sounds quite a bit disgruntled there. I guess you should post the question why he doesn't seem to really be acknowledged as a "founder" of the RV projects in the questions thread.

About the alleged classified work he won't talk about, I think he wasn't referring to the RV projects at all. Gene had just mentioned the forum questions where I had asked if the government had been interested in anything besides RV. And in answering Gene's question, he said something like he couldn't speak about anything other than the Remote Viewing work.

I don't really want to comment on your criticism (5). That's where I really started to wonder if you have some personal issues with Dr Taff, to be honest.

If Dr. Taff claims to have such an important role in the development of (RV), he should be rightfully noted as the “Grandfather of Remote Viewing”, being placed above Targ, and Putoff. And I will add that this research was not mainstream, and developed among a fairly small circle of researchers. I would be quite surprised if Targ, and Putoff did not know who he was, being that Dr. Taff allegedly developed the methodology and protocol for (RV).

Concerning number (5). I am indifferent to Dr. Taff as I do not personally know him, thus have not an axe to grind. However I will state this with certain clarity. A researcher, physician, or anyone who is involved in mental health care should never, ever involve themselves in an intimate personal relationship with their patient, or client. This is all too well known in the mental health care profession. It is the physicians or researchers duty to protect the patient, or client.
In case you haven't noticed, Dr. Taff is answering the preceding questions in the "welcome Barry E. Taff" thread
In case you haven't noticed, Dr. Taff is answering the preceding questions in the "welcome Barry E. Taff" thread
Yes I have noticed Mr. Taff has joined the member’s forum. And I as one welcome him, as Mr. Steinberg provides a large tent for all to enjoy. But what I think you are really trying to relate is:

(Q). Have you read his response to your criticism?
(A) I have only had the time to read partially through.

(Q) Are you not going to reply to him since he has created a thread in order to clear the air?
(A) That depends on Mr. Taff.

(Q) We are all really excited to see this unfold, when?
(A) Really good question wwkirk.

What I do know is that I stand by my statements in relation to the audio interview with Mr. Taff. Once again I invite you to listen to the interview at the points in time which I have included.
I resist commenting on shows because I am not in search of entertainment and actually pity some of the quests. Now having said that I will make an exception for Dr. Taff, for he is exceptionally entertaining. Here is the man who has claimed to have invented Remote Viewing. I will not bore you with my impressions of Dr. Taff, and his alleged accolades. What I will say is that if in fact Dr. Taff thinks he invented Remote Viewing I would suggest Dr. Zhivago invented vodka…, which you may need in order to get through this show.

Well, regarding remote viewing - I thought it was the Russians who were doing research in that field first and because they were doing it, the US felt it should too.

Is it possible Dr Taff had something to do with RV early on? it would make sense for someone known in the parapsychological field to be consulted about starting research into RV?

Regardless, the Russian answer means Dr Taff did not invent RV in any way. Case closed on that.
Well, regarding remote viewing - I thought it was the Russians who were doing research in that field first and because they were doing it, the US felt it should too.

Is it possible Dr Taff had something to do with RV early on? it would make sense for someone known in the parapsychological field to be consulted about starting research into RV?

Regardless, the Russian answer means Dr Taff did not invent RV in any way. Case closed on that.
Ingo Swann, along with Hal Putoff, and Russell Targ developed the concept of Coordinate Remote Viewing at S.R.I. for the CIA. And it is possible that Mr. Taff had some peripheral involvement. Here, instead of me explaining, I will let Harold Putoff explain the history of remote viewing.