Well, you brought Dr Zhivago into it. Now I can't stop thinking of Omar Sharif sitting in some dacha tasting his home-brew before writing his newest poetry. And carnivals are mostly noisy and crowded.
So you're sceptical about his work or what? Why don't you just tell us what evidence you have?
I think so too. I've seen some "tests" in TV programmes that were otherwise quite sceptical. Although the desriptions are never quite a perfect fit, there are always way too many quite specific details right for it to be mere coincidence.
RV has even arrived in my country, the high fortress of sceptics and debunkers. Just because I knew others would frown at me if they knew I went to their website and made a test myself. A randomized process gives you a picture which you have to "guess". All I "got" was a color - green - and the feeling of "healthy". The picture was of a lush green meadow with a few wild flowers. No kidding.
I looked at other pictures the randomizing thingy would give out and they were of machinery, buildings etc. Not much green there. Haven't tried again, though. I think I got scared.
I recently posted a thread in the “chit chat” forum where Uri Geller’s name was bantered back and forth. Geller was a remote viewer for S.R.I. and worked under the instruction of Targ, and Putoff. It was later discovered that he may not have had any ability in Coordinate Remote Viewing, and has been used by skeptics ever since to decry the advancement of research into Parapsychology. Recently there was a scathing article published in MSNBC, Discovery News by science writer Ray Villard, condemning Parapsychology, and the advancement of research. Once again Uri Geller, the spoon bending psychics’ name came up, and I responded in the defense of the advancement of research in Parapsychology, citing Dr. Bem’s research, and The Rhine study. So Mr. Villard, and I have exchanged emails engaging in some interesting dialogue. Moving forward enters Dr. Taff, the flamboyant paranormal super sleuth to the stars, sharing his thoughts, and research, (not to mention peddling his latest work), on the subject.
One thing you will notice while listening, reading or looking at the brightest scholars in this field, (which are few, and far between), they are careful and humble with their thoughts, as they ring true. If they make a mistake, they will admit it, and move on. They seldom wax over statements in order to hide their mistakes. This is what you call integrity, credibility, and character, which is the most valuable currency in this realm. You will seldom hear a scientist, or researcher boasting about his or her accomplishments in order to impress the crowd. They just present their best evidence in the brightest light possible, letting the chips fall where they may. These men and women know all too well that it may take a million theories to produce one single fact.
Now to answer your question in respect to my post which included “unfortunately there is more to the Barry Taff story.”
It is my opinion when taking integrity, credibility, and character into consideration, along with contradictions, and inconsistencies; I would suggest a different picture emerges of Barry Taff’s story. Speaking to integrity and character, the most damming of all was the woman who he was supposed to protect. 18 minutes and 18 seconds into hour 2 Dr. Taff remarks, “the reason I met her was because there was poltergeist activity around her.” Then when having to defend himself, he flatly states. “Prior to her abduction, there was not the slightest indicator that she was emotionally troubled or disturbed. At least none that I was aware of.,” Then to make matters even worse he cowers behind the fact that he is not a clinical psychologist by stating, “ First of all, the girl I had the relationship with that was abducted while we were together was NOT a patient of mine at any point of time, as I am not a clinical psychologist.” That statement was unsettling to me, as if to say, I am not responsible for the care of this disturbed woman.
Now speaking to Dr. Taff’s research is a different matter. On the one hand he presents, (in my opinion only), some insightful, and provocative thoughts. But on the other, it is not like they are his alone, as I have heard and read the same theories form other scholars, and researchers. As there is little doubt Dr. Taff had a part in the development of what is commonly known as Remote Viewing, It is highly unlikely that all of his alleged research is still classified, especially in light of the fact that Targ, (not Taff), himself commented that the program was declassified in 1995, with the release of some information. This is quite puzzling as I find Dr. Taff’s answer as inadequate. Now keep in mind that Dr. Taff never worked at the Stanford Research Institute, (S.R.I), and the Stanford program was not classified until 1972, and partially declassified in 1995.
Now enters the other S.R.I. (AKA), “Spirit Rescue International”, a registered trademarked, first of its kind, international, non-profit whose specialty is removing, and relocating departed spirits by a group of remote viewers scattered around the globe. Their founder, Irene Allen-Block does not believe in learning from books or from humans, because it would contaminate her knowledge, learned from the spirit world, when she was very small. And guess who her associate is? None other than the highly educated Dr.Barry Taff.
My finial thought rests with Parapsychology, Dr. Taff, and the other S.R.I, (AKA), “Spirit Rescue International.”
First of all I would think that all of us could agree that the work performed at Stanford Research Institute shed some light into what may be perceived as a possible sixth sense. However the results did not confirm this to the empirical science community, and more research is needed. Even though there were very interesting results, there were also a multitude of ambiguities. So my question is, why Dr.Taff would become involved with S.R.I., (AKA), “Spirit Rescue International?”
I will leave you with this link to “Spirit Rescue International,” and you may want to view their welcome clip.
Spirit Rescue International - Home