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February 26, 2012 — Dr. Barry Taff

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I would not think Dr. Taff’s education would be called into question, as he was recently interviewed on UCLA’s radio station, but rather the research he was involved with. One note of interest, Russell Targ heads the Institute of Noetic Sciences, which you might say is Spiritual in nature. Could it be possible that Dr. Taff is attempting to emulate Dr. Targ? Just a thought. http://www.espresearch.com/russell/
Time travel anyone? Barry Taff describes the possibility of a time machine. (Scroll down 1/4 of a page.)

Has any further work been done on such radical, cutting-edge, physics?
The answer is somewhat convoluted, but here goes. During the mid-1970′s during our descent to the conference room at UCLA’s Neuropsychiatric Institute which we used for our psi training groups, a visitor, a relatively young Asian woman, started talking to me about a U.S. government funded time machine project that was being conducted. She said that such a machine was indeed under development and there had been some success in terms of it’s operation. I asked her why her, a total stranger, had even brought this matter up to me. Her answer was that after reading several articles I had published on time, she automatically assumed that I knew of, or was even part of the project. I told her that I was not and that I had never heard of such an R&D program.
Needless to say, I asked many questions like: the machine’s power source, actual principles of operation, etc. The young lady was quite mum from that point on and refused to talk further on the subject. I asked for her phone number and she refused to give it to me so I have her my card with the lab’s number and my home number on the back. Strangely, she never returned to our group again, nor did I ever hear from her again either.

That is very interesting to me because I've spent the last 25 years reading a saga of 'novels' (I'll get back to why I put them on quotes) written by J.J. Benítez titled Caballo de Troya (Trojan Horse). The core of the story is a super-secret project undertaken by the United States Military involving a completely radical understanding of the laws of physics which allows, among other things, the capacity to travel to time. So the novel centers about this mission to travel to Palestine to the year 30 A.D. to observe and record the last days of Jesus.

Now, what caught my attention about Taff's statement is that the Benítez's novel states this unbelievable mission was undertaken in 1973, and this mysterious Asian woman talked to Taff in the mid 70s.

And another thing I found the other day in Grant Cameron's Presidential UFOs website in this essay he wrote about Bob Lazar & Area 51, is that very puzzling part about the part where he discusses the story of the "alien crystal":

[...]The aliens could use it to show us our history and in most stories told about the crystal the time of Jesus Christ was mentioned. Linda Howe was told about the crystal. So was Paul Benniwitz, and Moore. Jamie Shandera, Moore’s partner in the MJ-12 investigation, hinted to Greg Bishop just before he disappeared from the UFO community that he had been shown something that Moore speculated might be the crystal. Bill Moore stated that Falcon had mentioned the crystal “numerous times.” Bob Emenegger had an experience he thinks might have been connected to the crystal story. He was asked by a government official “If we had something where we could show Christ giving the sermon on the mount, how would you present it to the public?”

Obviously I don't see this as confirmation that what Benítez wrote is actually true, although he has always cryptically maintained that the whole story he wrote in the books (all 9 of them) was based on factual material. But it's interesting to find all these mentioning of time travel (or time viewing) paired with military secrets AND the figure of Jesus.