Has any further work been done on such radical, cutting-edge, physics?
The answer is somewhat convoluted, but here goes. During the mid-1970′s during our descent to the conference room at UCLA’s Neuropsychiatric Institute which we used for our psi training groups, a visitor, a relatively young Asian woman, started talking to me about a U.S. government funded time machine project that was being conducted. She said that such a machine was indeed under development and there had been some success in terms of it’s operation. I asked her why her, a total stranger, had even brought this matter up to me. Her answer was that after reading several articles I had published on time, she automatically assumed that I knew of, or was even part of the project. I told her that I was not and that I had never heard of such an R&D program.
Needless to say, I asked many questions like: the machine’s power source, actual principles of operation, etc. The young lady was quite mum from that point on and refused to talk further on the subject. I asked for her phone number and she refused to give it to me so I have her my card with the lab’s number and my home number on the back. Strangely, she never returned to our group again, nor did I ever hear from her again either.