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what a world you lot live in, we have the odd violent swan have ago at a dog walker, but thats about it, i dont have a front door key, i just dont know what happened to it, and the only time i take the keys out of the ignition of the car, is when i lock it on/in trips to england, otherwise they are left in it 24/7, never lost them ever, i always know where they are, whose going to knick it, the islands 33 miles long and 11 miles wide, and it always in my driveway, where are they going to go in it..
Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
With help from the National Rifle Association and the pro-gun lobby, the idea that the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees an unrestricted right to gun ownership has achieved a firm footing in recent decades.
The National Rifle Association has never argued that. The NRA has always lobbied for gun laws which prevent black and Hispanic Americans from protecting themselves against both criminals and government aggression.
The NRA succeeded. The current web of American gun laws ensure blacks and Hispanics remain disarmed, and that criminals can predate them largely without fear of resistance.
What I quoted is correct...
No. What you quoted is false. The National Rifle Association has never argued that the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees an unrestricted right to gun ownership.
Amazon Summation: "A demystifying guide to the complex debates surrounding the constitutional right to bear arms. With help from the National Rifle Association and the pro-gun lobby, the idea that the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees an unrestricted right to gun ownership has achieved a firm footing in recent decades.
In a serious disaster the police etc can not really help you...
charlie, how does being armed...
Sigh folks lets keep this civil! thank you.