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Have they always had juries down there that can decide whether or not a person should be charged in the first place? I thought charges were laid by the police and then prosecuted by the DA's office ( at their discretion ).

Your run-of-the-mill jury, a la "Twelve Angry Men" does not.

This was a GRAND jury, which is a whole different matter. Grand juries are convened to look at evidence and decide whether or not an indictment is indicated. Grand juries are standing bodies in some places (I actually got a summons once to serve on one, but my being in the U.S. Navy at the time trumped that!). If I am not mistaken, this originated in Britain, where we Americans got an awful lot of our legal traditions from.

And they are every bit as susceptible to politics, prejudice, and just plain being wrong as any other group of fallible humans.