No offense my American friends here on the Paracast .. but your nation scares the shit out of me when I see people like that and realize there are many more who have even some grasp of political power.
Honey, let me tell you, it scares the shit out of me as well.
Did I mention that I have friends who left the lovely mountains here in Colorado in order to move to Uruguay? It's a pretty dramatic statement to make, considering it's a third world country, whereas we are among the richest - and most heavily militarized - nations on earth.
Things have turned absolutely sinister for me due to the holy batshit coming from a neighbor - who happens to have a whole arsenal of weapons, is a violently pathological liar and thinks he's some Christian soldier who needs to wipe out God's enemies. The scarier thing is, he has no shortage of (alleged) friends who are also heavily armed and buy into this mindset. It's been so extreme that it feels he's holding the entire neighborhood hostage. I no longer walk my dog in the neighborhood and won't let the dog be unsupervised in the backyard, lest some "accident" happen. He likes to shoot military-grade weapons in his front yard, which isn't in itself against the law, though it might violate some noise ordinances. He does this as part of the implied threat, just to show what a badass he is and as a desperate need to be respected. (There's A LOT more to that story.) When he's firing his weapons, it sounds as though he's shooting a cannon, which rattles the entire house even though we're acres away from him. The sheriff's office does nothing about any of this. I moved to the mountains for peace and quiet. Now, my housemate and I keep the blinds closed in the rooms facing his house, as well as some of those that face the street.
Oh yeah, things have just been stellar over here.
If there's any good news, it's that he appears to be moving, though we fear he'll be renting his home to one of his lunatic friends. I had planned on moving in the next few months, though this recent string of events over the past few weeks has lit a new fire under my feet. I had considered leaving the country as well, possibly to Uruguay, though this would put some considerable hardships on my remaining family and be difficult to achieve in a rather short amount of time. Still, things have been insane for so long that I fear I'm losing sight of what it once meant to live a "normal" life. When you're drowning in batshit, sanity becomes radicalized.
Things weren't always this crazy. What's happened is a result of fear-fetishists embracing the gun-fetishist culture and then combining it with religious fervor. People have always looked for reasons to listen to their meanest instincts and do so in the name of righteousness, but there is something tangibly and desperately insane about what's going on right now. I don't remember things ever being this polarized in the past. Part of this is due to gerrymandering (redistricting) areas so that only the most extreme fringes on one side or another can win elections, but even this doesn't explain the insanity. Secularism is, fortunately, at an all-time high, yet the most radically religious among us have grown their numbers and see any non-religious beliefs by any person as a deadly threat to themselves. They also see all other religions as a threat, as if there's some competition going on for souls and dollars. In addition, while fewer Americans own guns than ever before, more guns are being sold than at any other time. In other words, a small part of the populace is arming themselves to the teeth in anticipation of some religious/political/nuclear Armageddon. Overwhelmingly, these are the people who want to die *and especially kill* for a cause. Those who think some annihilation will bring about Second Coming of Jesus are only to happy to make that happen. I dread the fact that these people are not only their own little armies, they may well end up controlling our nuclear arsenal.
What is available online about this one neighbor should be enough to make people piss their pants. That he's part of some legion of mentally ill, armed nutcases who thinks there will only be salvation through an apocalypse would cause the whole world to tremble. Something is seriously wrong. We haven't just failed ourselves. We've failed the civilized world.