Paranormal Adept
I continue to read much of the same things but I'm not convinced.
As a general rule- Pick out the most extreme example you can find and make it the poster boy for your cause. The underlying message is that all religion is evil, all religious people are evil. I don't buy it.
People here( Mike) preach the religion of the bad god or the religion of the no god. Using the same techniques listed above. You can't or won't see the forest for the trees.
If a good poster boy can't be found people find a way to create one.
Politics is much the same way. Our entire system is corrupt. Can we agree on that?
Of course not all religious people or evil. Just as not all atheists or agnostics are good. This part is not hard. What is "not good" is the mixture of any organized religion with politics in an organized and targeted way. History is strewn with wrongness justified (not necessarily caused) by affiliation with religious movements. Moderation is these cases may be discarded. After all: What action, no matter how extreme in the eyes of man, could by definition be wrong in the eyes of a supreme intelligence who makes all the rules ?
This is what I meant earlier about "intent" as the root of all good and evil. Intent to do good or bad will manifest within systems of any label, whether it be Communism or a nation ordained by god.
No reasonable person is concerned about how anyone worships his or her personal god. In our own way, perhaps we all do. But we see increasing evidence of a wider process. We see almost daily in the news a trend toward the citation of personal knowledge of what deity wants as justification to mind the secular business of others. To suggest religions do not have a long history of this would be, I think, somewhat disingenuous.
The link between right wing Christianity and the corridors of military power for a besieged American culture is somewhat predictable. Ironic that those who most loudly proclaim the power of heaven are often the first ones to arm themselves with all the high tech weapons of mass destruction they can grab.
"Political tags - such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth - are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire."
Robert A. Heinlein