ufoman said:
From my understanding of the Meier case. Meier will call a person false even if they are in contact with an earth based ET group like the group he calls the Giza group that lived under the Pyramids in Egypt.
Yes, but it doesn't really matter. He criticises everyone who goes public with ET related stories and the inner circle of his supporters help him with that angle. He tries to blame it on the "Giza group", secret U.S. craft, milabs or just calls others downright frauds.
Within Meier's mythology the Giza group allbeit ET in origin, is labeled as a highly negative group bend on conquest and using religion to create friction and wars. (Nevermind that Meier's Plejarens allegedly accidentally created Christianity) Meier has lots of tales concerning this Giza group but not an ounce of substance. Sadly that doesn't stop some people swallowing the myth.
I came across this comment on the BlackVault forum by a poster which sums it up rather nicely in my book;
"Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 12:37 pm Post subject: It's just a game...
There is no way that any truly advanced civilization would give Billy Meier (or indeed any one single human) what amounts to exclusive franchise rights to spread the 'Good Plejaran Word' for $$$. Billy wants to be acknowledged as a prophet (for profit, of course), and the whole 'sacred anointed spokesperson' scenario being played out here is what is keeping humanity marooned on Earth.
I can only compare Billy's rehashed hierarchical biblical drivel to the stance taken by Lisette Larkins, who also claims personal ET contact: in her three self-authored books about her experience, she basically says 'If you want to meet ETs, take up whatever kind of meditation suits you, calm your mind, and do it yourself.' While she has spoken about her own experiences, she has done so from an inclusive point-of-view, and actively encourages others to come forward with their own contact experiences. The number of people who have responded to her invitation (myself included) easily show that BM is not at all unique or special insofar as ET contact goes.
Given the numbers of people who have been 'visited' in one way or another, Billy could have very well been contacted once upon a time, just like many other people have been. The main problem for me-- ignoring the photos and such-- is in Billy being merchandised as 'Lord High Priest of the Plejarans on Earth', and the promotion of his experiences as the Only True Ones. At present he is a front, pure and simple, to 1) keep people involved in 'is it true/false' bickering, 2) disempower other contactees (as in Billy is The Official Spokesperson from 'them' to 'us') and 3) to make double-damn sure none of the rest of us step out of the 'we must all follow a Single Leader' paradigm, by trying to set Billy up as One. It's grandiose, pure and simple. I for one will be foregoing the latest Plejaran-burger-with-fries served up by offensively sexist big-breasted Plejaran space-babes as channeled through humanity's latest bearded biblical wanna-be, BM."
Amen to that.