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Guest Suggestions for The Paracast

Free episodes:

I suggest the hosts of the Middle Theory podcast in order to speak to the soft-shelled reactionaries who are offended by any whisper of something that doesn't absolutely concur with their political tribe.
I for one don't mind hearing Gene or Chris or any reasonable guest mention current events.
Dogmatic diatribes are one thing, but I've always found the Paracast to be the tops in reasonable, fun discourse.
PS Yes I know the names of the hosts of that show :cool:
More of a show suggestion than any particular guest:

I would like to hear a show about the history of UFO's
Maybe limited to the 20th century e.g. 1940 to 1990.
It could be just about the "characters" Adamski and so on, etc.

Alternatively it could be about how the actual UFO's and their "occupants" have evolved over the years?

Or maybe both?

I believe it would be useful to those new to the field, or those like me who have big gaps in their understanding and knowledge.
I have joined & hope to make a contribution over time. I have some amazing new discoveries from my massive archive of NASA downloads & am working on a new film out of L.A. My You Tube Channel is full of NASA videos. There are over 300 & I like to add to it from time to time. Please visit & enjoy over 300 UFO events!!
Tom Delonge and/or Peter Levenda. In Levenda's case I'm still trying to figure out if he really thinks HP Lovecraft's Necronomicon has a basis in fact.
I would love to hear Gary Rowe on the show.

If you are not familiar with him I believe he is the investigator that looked into the 1985 Dodleston messages case, which was recently featured on the Mysterious Universe podcast.

I had forgotten about this fascinating case - does anyone have more info regarding these events?

Please find the following link that outlines this case
Ghost in the machine

Tom Delonge and/or Peter Levenda. In Levenda's case I'm still trying to figure out if he really thinks HP Lovecraft's Necronomicon has a basis in fact.
He sure seems to.

And if you're half the Lovecraft fan that I have, you've probably read some of the Lovecraft Letters. The guy wrote thousands of letters to folks, often discussing 'they mythos,' getting ideas from others, bouncing thoughts off them as he went.

You can actually chart the progression of ideas through the letters.

I mean, it would be cool if the mythos was grounded in fact. It just isn't.
I agree that it is time to get Tom DeLonge and/or Peter Levenda on the show. It's time someone held their feet to the fire, so to speak, and questions Mr. DeLonge specifically about why he thinks he isn't being set up, knowing that such things have happened in the past. Even George Knapp recently defended his efforts, which was only somewhat shocking.

On the other hand, If he *does* have "sekret" information that is potentially world changing and too important not to share, why the drip-drip-drip and teasing via this UFO Media Empire? His claim is that he is trying to foster trust between the youth and government. Does he not know that this pay-to-play model will accomplish exactly the opposite?
I would love hear Joe Montaldo be interviewed by Gene & Chris. A different point of view than Mufon(s) would be refreshing.

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Any chance of another listener round table.A girl's and boys episode perhaps with the likes of Sue and Contance with Goggs and Usual Suspect.Gene,Chris and Erica overseeing.Perhaps an open subject episode but please no politics!.Maybe throw in a wild card like Existential who comes across as a no nonsense Aussie or Mike a more diplomatic Aussie,could be fun?
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