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Guest Suggestions for The Paracast

Free episodes:

Douglas Dietrich, I don't actually believe his theories, but I find his ability to ramble on endlessly without having to actually catch his breath amazing...
Since there are such strong feelings here about the benifits and problems of hypnotic regression I would love to see a show on this subject. I do know that Doctor Ian Stevenson, who did so much research on reincarnation was opposed to hypnosis. One reason I respect his work is believe it or reject it he was very thorough and didn't take any easy outs. Anyway, I second this motion.

Jacques Valle has had some cogent things to say about this. I agree with him that it is unethical to apply pseudoscientific "repressed memory" therapy to abductees.
Ted Phillips? I heard from him recently, so it appears he is ready when we can work out the scheduling.
Hi Gene, yeah thats the fella. Its great to touch base with the grassroots fieldwork researchers who do the back bone work and supply the solid data for us armchair amateur enthusiasts to run amok with!
... don't know if we are supposed to do this, but here is two facebook pages,

first Mrs Kruse, as mentioned above...


I've just been listening to an interview with her (you'll have to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page). All the time I was like wishing desperately for a professional interviewer and a real investigator to ask intelligent questions and make real funny remarks. Guess you know who I'm talking of. Mrs Kruse sounded like an authentic and witty guest for the paracast. And I'm pretty sure what she's been videotaping is not at all helicopters and landing lights.

....and 2nd, Erling Strand of the Hessdalen project

Erling P. Strand | Facebook

Same feelings as above with an interview I found here. Investigating anomalies and hosting a radio show or podcast takes a lot of talent besides money and equipment, I guess. Maybe it isn't such a good thing after all that anybody with a few bucks to spare can give it a try these days...
Hi Gene, yeah thats the fella. Its great to touch base with the grassroots fieldwork researchers who do the back bone work and supply the solid data for us armchair amateur enthusiasts to run amok with!

I can't tell if you are taking the piss or not! I've nothing against Ted Phillips but has there not been a lot of moaning because he is not releasing his marley woods research? I could have this all wrong, won't be the first or last time either!
I would like to see the following on the show to hold them accountable!
Richard c hogland
Michal horn
Johnthan reed
Jerome corsi
Alex jones
Get them on and hold their feet to the fire!

Every one of these. I'm not hoping for a public stoning, but rather a fact-based accounting of their beliefs. I don't fault them for their opinion. I fault them for promoting verifiable bullshit.
May I suggest John EL Tenney? He has quite a few interesting cases and writer Grant Morrison has had some crazy experiences in his time as heard on Fatman On Batman
I'd love to hear more about the skinwalker ranch and also the Navajo police officers who deal with cases of high strangeness
I also think Lon Strickler would be a good guest

Ditto that, and with albert rosales (again) on same program. I love the p & m blog because lon seems to favor zooform cryptids and esoterica (especially on sundays) which are two of my favorite subjects. And albert is one of those guys that seems to stay under the radar which I'm sure is intentional. He doesn't want or need to promote himself over his work.

I said it before and I'll say it again, I've mentioned albert and his work several times to the point that i may come off as a shill and I don't care. I like him, he's a good man and like I said doesn't inject himself into the narrative, basically he just reports and compiles, although he's done a few investigations at least from what I've heard.

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