Disarm criminals? Really? Do you realize how absurd that statement is? Maybe we can do that and issue them rainbow colored unicorns to ride on to identify them in the future as wellYou will never see a kid with no access to a gun, shoot someone either.
Yall should share the same dream, that your police can one day do their job un-armed, people need screened before being issued a certificate for a hunting weapon.
Personal firearms for protection is just macho bollox, dis-arm criminals, heavy jail terms for possession, heavy estrictions on sales, dis-arm the nation, and de-militerise your police, everybody lives happily ever after, if yu want a gun, get screened, and get a liscence..
Teaching kids to use fire-arms is ludicrous, how can any sane person not see that, theres a reason why kids cannot consume alcohol and vote until they are 21, or drive a car until they pass numerous tests, and even then they are restricted.
Tell me who in their right mind would give hormonal teenagers access to fire-arms.
Take away mood altering drugs the kids are on and you will eliminate 99% of those events you listed.
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