DBTrek, I have to say that you're right in the that this whole interaction with Korff is nothing short of childish.
I have sent Korff a couple of emails stating that if I ever run into him, I'll show him what I do to people who mock the children of Holocaust survivors. That's the extent of my "threats". Literally.
The reason that this topic seems to come up is that I am indeed sensitive to it - it really made my mother a bit crazy, and in turn, seriously complicated my childhood, which this type of situation tends to do. Anyone who listens to the Paracast has probably figured out that I have a temper, and that I'm passionate about things that are important to me. It's who I am, and at times, my temper runs hot. That's thanks to my maternal grandfather, who was old school tough as nails, a right brutal man at times, who didn't take crap from anyone. My brother and I both inherited that temper from him - we certainly didn't get it from our father, who was as sweet as the Universe ever made a human - but it's gotten better as we've gotten older.
Kal is crazy, not stupid, and he has indeed succeeded in pushing my buttons. He's really gone off the edge because I emailed him and Rob Bananahead a link to Korff's brother's police record, and told them that mental illness runs in his family. Kurtis Kern Korff tried to kill a police officer -
click here and scroll down until you find the name Korff. Click on it. Nice, huh? I know something about pushing buttons as well, and Korff is going batsh_tinsane at my bringing this up to him and his enabler. The extent of the libelous slanders I'm "uddering" consists of me telling Korff he's having delusions of grandeur, making up events, people, his career, just about his entire reality. Nothing which isn't true.
Yesterday, I emailed the moron from X-Zone radio and Korff, challenging them to have my on the X-Zoned show, where I could confront Korff and put this nonsense to bed for once and all. I promise the listeners of The Paracast that I will cease from emailing these idiots until I get a response from Rob Bananahead, otherwise I will simply ignore this nonsense and not feed Korff's ravenous ego any further. The guy is so completely desperate for attention, ANY kind of attention, it's truly pathetic and sad. He's really no different than Meierite HornO. I suppose I'm guilty for the crime of indulging him in ANY sort of interaction. I'll learn, and save my energy for more productive battles.