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Has Kal Korff the famous Bigfoot, Roswell & Meier debunker flipped his lid?

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A.LeClair said:
Tug on Orgasmo's cape more like it. I'm basing this on all the porn spam I saw at his forums awhile back.

He is very, very lucky that the Web host he uses, DreamHost (same one we use, but for different reasons) is very understanding about explicit language. Otherwise, he'd be writing to dead air :)
It is interesting how different his behaviour is online compared to when he is interviewed.

He recently was interviewed on the SETI "Are We Alone" podcast and I was very concerned that he was going to be all nutty and degrade the reputation of AWA, but he sounded very lucid and reasonable.
derekcbart said:
It is interesting how different his behaviour is online compared to when he is interviewed.

He recently was interviewed on the SETI "Are We Alone" podcast and I was very concerned that he was going to be all nutty and degrade the reputation of AWA, but he sounded very lucid and reasonable.

The vast majority of researchers are way different on tv, radio etc. People in general are like this. They put on their best face. So, remember that if you see something ugly ever. They probably aren't prettier off camera.

Don Ecker was just on. He's one of the rarities. A basically, what you see is what you get, kind of guy. He held back on the language (believe it or not) but that was about it I think.

SETI has a podcast? Ew.
A.LeClair said:
SETI has a podcast? Ew.

Must be rivetting:

"Good evening and welcome to SETI online! I'm your host Seth Shortstack! Big news tonight folks as we've discovered...um... well, nothing. Thanks for listening!"
The "Are We Alone" podcast is a science based podcast that talks about many scientific principles, including robotics, computers, astronomy, etc. Once a month they have an episode called "Skeptical Sunday" that examines paranormal claims. Jim Underdown, from CFI-West and the IIG, usually has a short segment on those episodes.

Here is the link to the podcast:
Big Picture Science |
CapnG said:
Must be rivetting:

"Good evening and welcome to SETI online! I'm your host Seth Shortstack! Big news tonight folks as we've discovered...um... well, nothing. Thanks for listening!"

Hmm. I like your name for him as much, maybe a little more than my pet name for him, Poostack.

Lets go suggest Stanton Friedman be a guest on their show.
derekcbart said:
The "Are We Alone" podcast is a science based podcast that talks about many scientific principles, including robotics, computers, astronomy, etc. Once a month they have an episode called "Skeptical Sunday" that examines paranormal claims. Jim Underdown, from CFI-West and the IIG, usually has a short segment on those episodes.

Here is the link to the podcast:
Big Picture Science |

Thanks for the link. They don't have forums? Lucky them:)

Just noticed Korff was on. Anyone listen to it yet?
A.LeClair said:
Thanks for the link. They don't have forums? Lucky them:)

Just noticed Korff was on. Anyone listen to it yet?

This is the interview I mentioned earlier. He was very lucid and did not appear to be at all crazy, like his website/online persona.
derekcbart said:
This is the interview I mentioned earlier. He was very lucid and did not appear to be at all crazy, like his website/online persona.

Ah, you did mention it. I forgot about that comment when viewing the site. Silly me.
David Biedny said:
DBTrek, I have to say that you're right in the that this whole interaction with Korff is nothing short of childish.

I have sent Korff a couple of emails stating that if I ever run into him, I'll show him what I do to people who mock the children of Holocaust survivors. That's the extent of my "threats". Literally.

The reason that this topic seems to come up is that I am indeed sensitive to it - it really made my mother a bit crazy, and in turn, seriously complicated my childhood, which this type of situation tends to do. Anyone who listens to the Paracast has probably figured out that I have a temper, and that I'm passionate about things that are important to me. It's who I am, and at times, my temper runs hot. That's thanks to my maternal grandfather, who was old school tough as nails, a right brutal man at times, who didn't take crap from anyone. My brother and I both inherited that temper from him - we certainly didn't get it from our father, who was as sweet as the Universe ever made a human - but it's gotten better as we've gotten older.

Kal is crazy, not stupid, and he has indeed succeeded in pushing my buttons. He's really gone off the edge because I emailed him and Rob Bananahead a link to Korff's brother's police record, and told them that mental illness runs in his family. Kurtis Kern Korff tried to kill a police officer - click here and scroll down until you find the name Korff. Click on it. Nice, huh? I know something about pushing buttons as well, and Korff is going batsh_tinsane at my bringing this up to him and his enabler. The extent of the libelous slanders I'm "uddering" consists of me telling Korff he's having delusions of grandeur, making up events, people, his career, just about his entire reality. Nothing which isn't true.

Yesterday, I emailed the moron from X-Zone radio and Korff, challenging them to have my on the X-Zoned show, where I could confront Korff and put this nonsense to bed for once and all. I promise the listeners of The Paracast that I will cease from emailing these idiots until I get a response from Rob Bananahead, otherwise I will simply ignore this nonsense and not feed Korff's ravenous ego any further. The guy is so completely desperate for attention, ANY kind of attention, it's truly pathetic and sad. He's really no different than Meierite HornO. I suppose I'm guilty for the crime of indulging him in ANY sort of interaction. I'll learn, and save my energy for more productive battles.


I read somewhere many years ago that Kal Korff's real name is Steven Thomas. If true that is not his brother.
Just checked Korff's website, he's a "colonel" now. Somehow he just got promoted and skipped the rank of major. Pretty impressive. Don't think that has ever happend before in the history of the military. Anyone ever found out yet about the Israeli "special secret services"?
My jaw really dropped when I saw Korff's latest articles. There's a piece about his brother getting shot, not about the circumstances of course but about a cover-up by the police and the D.A. The overall impression I got from reading his stuff is; what an arrogant, egotistical, psychotic maniac. Incredible.
TerraX said:
Just checked Korff's website, he's a "colonel" now. Somehow he just got promoted and skipped the rank of major. Pretty impressive. Don't think that has ever happend before in the history of the military. Anyone ever found out yet about the Israeli "special secret services"?
My jaw really dropped when I saw Korff's latest articles. There's a piece about his brother getting shot, not about the circumstances of course but about a cover-up by the police and the D.A. The overall impression I got from reading his stuff is; what an arrogant, egotistical, psychotic maniac. Incredible.

And tomorrow he'll be a general :)
I'm tempted to post the entire email thread I had with Korff earlier this year (Gene, Jeff Ritzmann, and Royce Myers III and were CC'd on most, if not all of it), this guy is really off the deep end and has totally crossed any line of decency or sanity.

After he had emailed me with some truly disturbing nonsense, and posted highly defamatory remarks about me on on his site, this was my last email to him, in January:


For you to try and take my comments regarding my being
a child of a Holocaust survivor, and twist them around
to be all about YOU, shows the depth of your depravity
and the absolute indecency of your true inner being.

So now you're a "Jewish Community Hero and Leader"?

You're a sick person. For you to slander my good name
on your website is really the icing on the cake. You
would not DARE say that kind of thing about me to my
face, you cowardly little ****. Are you going to do an
expose of me? Good luck. My life and career are an
open book, easily verified, my professional bio is
well documented, and I don't make outrageous claims
about my past and life, unlike you. There's nothing to
dig up on me, asshole, and trying to now make me out
to be a Jew basher is just really as sick as it gets.
Yeah, you left the US to get back to your Jewish
roots. Sure you did, right. Not only are you a
disgrace, misrepresenting America over there, now
you're a disgrace to Judiasm, trying to attack the
child of a Holocaust survivor. Nice work.

Yeah, you're a Jewish hero, working for the state of
Israel, FUNDED BY SAUDIS, as you've claimed. RIGHT.
Got it.

Have that Rabbi email me - like that will ever happen.

Korff, you talk about me being over the line. How dare
you make ANY kind of statements about me - I was the
one who called into that "show" where you went up
against Horn, coming to your defense and pointing out
that Horn was being evasive and could offer no
evidence to back up any of his nonsense. I tried to
have a constructive dialog with you, but all of a
sudden you snap like a pretzel, making big claims,
telling me how you want to "publish" my findings, that
we'll be associates. You are really something - a
delusional, abusive psychopath. You are NO different
than Horn. As Jeff has pointed out, we're best friends,
and we are open and honest with each other. You think
none of us have communicated with each other during
this distasteful exchange? If you actually had
friends, you would have a clue, but as you've said,
you have no life, hence no friends, no love, no
compassion, NO EMPATHY. Empathy and sympathy don't mix
well with self-obsession, inflated egocentric behavior
and a deeply-seated superiority complex.

You're some piece of work. But it's not like you'll
ever realize it - you're out of your mind, mad as a
loon, living in a fantasy world of your own making.

Pray we never meet face to face, I'll show you what I
really think of you at this point. I know I should
handle an insane person with care and compassion, but
you've shown yourself to be as indecent as they come.




Not that anyone would want to read it, but at this point, I'm happy to post the entire ugly exchange, so everyone knows the depths of Korff's sickness.

Oh, and in an email to Korff, I "told a lie": I said that his brother tried to shoot a police office. I was wrong, he actually tried to mow him down him with the car he was driving. My mistake. So sorry.

I cannot believe how far this Korff character has gone to abuse David, absolutely without cause.

If the rest of you agree with me that this offensive behavior has to stop now, I would suggest you send your complaints about Korff's behavior to the registrar of his domains, at [email protected] and his Web host at [email protected].

By the way, the latter is the same Web host that has the American Nazi Party on its roster. So he's in good company, I suppose.