David Biedny
Paranormal Adept
Early correspondence with Korff
<tt><tt>Dear David,
Thanks for writing me, I really appreciate it. I will try to take a few
minutes and answer some of your questions, I am sorry I don't have a
more time at the moment:
On Fri, December 22, 2006 10:56 pm, David Biedny wrote:
> Kal,
> I listened to the show last night, as you can see from
> my CC to you on the email I sent that McConnell
> fellow.
> Today I've been looking at the your website, and I
> have some concerns that I need to address with you,
> especially since you've requested that I share my
> correspondence with Horn, as well as my findings
> regarding the Meier case.
> I see that you've posted a link on your site, to the
> X-Zone radio show. It also looks like you're stating
> that you'll be engaging in a weekly segment on that
> show. This seems a little odd, given that the host
> claimed last night that he does indeed believe that
> Meier is a "prophet", as well as essentially allowing
> Horn to have the entire first hour to spew his
> nonsense. McConnell never attempted to call Horn on
> the fact that he was being abusive to you and to
> myself, Gene, Jeff and Royce, but instead, actually
> tried to call into question the idea of the Meier crap
> being a cult.
David, I get interviewed normally for two hours each Thursday night on
Rob's show. I have no idea what else is broadcast during the other days
and times on his show. I don't have time to listen to it, and it is not
show. I only know about my segment.
The reason I went on last, is because I could not go on first, and did
want to. There were two reasons. I had no idea Horn was also going to
there and it did not matter to me.
I have never heard Rob refer to Meier as a Prophet, could you please
direct me to either written statements or a recording?
> I was a little disturbed that much of your response to
> Horn's ridiculous accusations essentially boiled down
> to you stating repeatedly that you were working with a
> major publisher. To my mind, this has little bearing
> on the actual content of the case, and I'm not sure
> why you kept bringing this up. I agree that Horn was
> playing in the mud, and I appreciate the difficult
> situation this put you in, but giving into the anger
> that Horn was fishing for is perhaps a less than
> optimum response to his baiting. I should know, I've
> done this with him as well, he is all about
> psychological projection, distraction and fabrication.
I agree and disagree. My POINT was that THIS IS NOT "NEW" STUFF, and
cries of "copyright violations" are NOT "new" either, they just were
to the XZone, which fell for them. Copyright laws care NOT about
That's irrelevant to them. However, the fact that ALL my major
have printed this stuff for over 30 YEARS PROVES there is NO
issue because none of this would have happened if there ever were. Horn
exploiting the fact that over the 30 years there has been a new
of Meier believers who don't know all of these old long ago late last
century argued issued that were settled a long time ago.
This is why I held FIRM on my stance, and ended my comments by saying
was not an issue, and it is not. But not being allowed to post or refer
listeners to images kept me from then moving on to the ISSUES and
them down piece by piece on the air with visual help from being able to
> Also, looking on the portion of your site labeled
> "credibility", you claim to be an innovator in many
> fields, including some in which I myself have a
> longtime involvement, namely multimedia and human
> interface design. I have never seen your name
> mentioned in my many years of deep involvements in
> those fields, so I'm curious about knowing some
> specifics regarding your work in those areas.
David, I worked at Atari and Apple Computer for 7.5 YEARS, also worked
Xerox. I was on the HyperCard, QuickTime, FileMaker, AppleWorks and
Macintosh design teams, my name is even on software, that's a matetr of
fact, I need not "prove" anything here, I was even written up on the
page of the San Jose Mercury News newspaper for being a pioneer in
Hypermedia and UFO buff who then went to work for the Star Wars
Matter of public record, from later 1980s.
No, it is NOT on the internet, I will post these newsclippings myself
in a
matter of days. PLEASE, you are barking up a tree that does not exist,
there is no "issue" here, only ignorance.
> The thing is, when you say you were involved in the
> O.J. Simpson civil case, or that you work for the
> "Special Secret Service", and you then ask for my help
> in going after Horn, you need to show me that you're
> being sincere and are not making any type of claims
> that Horn & Meier can potentially use against you, and
> by association, against me or my compatriots. I also
> noticed the note about the Saudis providing financial
> backing to this endeavour, which raises all sorts of
> warning flags with me.
David, I am going after Santilli and Horn and Gimlin within the
of the law. The Saudi yuo refer to has to do with other undercover
operations I am undertaking against Al_Jazeera!!
I have a new three
book trilogy series called Secret Wars: Defending Against Terrorist
coming out in 2007. It shows my work as a counter-intel operative, who
a Captain, and believe me, compared to going up against Hamas and
Hezbollah, nailing Michael Horn is a piece of cake.
Our psychology ops guys have already taken him apart in their analysis,
and I predict when the online store goes live shortly, Horn won't know
what to do with himself. I also have seven people inside Meier's cult
sewing dissent. I am not sure you understand what the Meier cult is
like or about, but it is not just an "innocent" UFO prank or longtime
that supports its master financially.
> Going after these liars and charlatans is a noble and
> necessary goal, one I agree with, but before I get
> involved in any way with your effort, I'll need to
> know more about you and the specifics of your
> situation. I look forward to considering any and all
> information and details you wish to share.
> Sincerely,
> dB
The news of my "other lives" comes out in Secret Wars, I only started
come out a bit months ago over here so that when the news broke, it was
less of a shock. I want people to focus on the data, not the "surprise"
that one of the presenters of the data wears a uniform.
I sincerely hope this answers your many questions, I wish to put
a volume on recreating Meier's photos, done by his critics, another on
Tao of Horn, exposing Horn as his "best" using his own carefully chosen
<tt><tt>Dear David,
Thanks for writing me, I really appreciate it. I will try to take a few
minutes and answer some of your questions, I am sorry I don't have a
more time at the moment:
On Fri, December 22, 2006 10:56 pm, David Biedny wrote:
> Kal,
> I listened to the show last night, as you can see from
> my CC to you on the email I sent that McConnell
> fellow.
> Today I've been looking at the your website, and I
> have some concerns that I need to address with you,
> especially since you've requested that I share my
> correspondence with Horn, as well as my findings
> regarding the Meier case.
> I see that you've posted a link on your site, to the
> X-Zone radio show. It also looks like you're stating
> that you'll be engaging in a weekly segment on that
> show. This seems a little odd, given that the host
> claimed last night that he does indeed believe that
> Meier is a "prophet", as well as essentially allowing
> Horn to have the entire first hour to spew his
> nonsense. McConnell never attempted to call Horn on
> the fact that he was being abusive to you and to
> myself, Gene, Jeff and Royce, but instead, actually
> tried to call into question the idea of the Meier crap
> being a cult.
David, I get interviewed normally for two hours each Thursday night on
Rob's show. I have no idea what else is broadcast during the other days
and times on his show. I don't have time to listen to it, and it is not
show. I only know about my segment.
The reason I went on last, is because I could not go on first, and did
want to. There were two reasons. I had no idea Horn was also going to
there and it did not matter to me.
I have never heard Rob refer to Meier as a Prophet, could you please
direct me to either written statements or a recording?
> I was a little disturbed that much of your response to
> Horn's ridiculous accusations essentially boiled down
> to you stating repeatedly that you were working with a
> major publisher. To my mind, this has little bearing
> on the actual content of the case, and I'm not sure
> why you kept bringing this up. I agree that Horn was
> playing in the mud, and I appreciate the difficult
> situation this put you in, but giving into the anger
> that Horn was fishing for is perhaps a less than
> optimum response to his baiting. I should know, I've
> done this with him as well, he is all about
> psychological projection, distraction and fabrication.
I agree and disagree. My POINT was that THIS IS NOT "NEW" STUFF, and
cries of "copyright violations" are NOT "new" either, they just were
to the XZone, which fell for them. Copyright laws care NOT about
That's irrelevant to them. However, the fact that ALL my major
have printed this stuff for over 30 YEARS PROVES there is NO
issue because none of this would have happened if there ever were. Horn
exploiting the fact that over the 30 years there has been a new
of Meier believers who don't know all of these old long ago late last
century argued issued that were settled a long time ago.
This is why I held FIRM on my stance, and ended my comments by saying
was not an issue, and it is not. But not being allowed to post or refer
listeners to images kept me from then moving on to the ISSUES and
them down piece by piece on the air with visual help from being able to
> Also, looking on the portion of your site labeled
> "credibility", you claim to be an innovator in many
> fields, including some in which I myself have a
> longtime involvement, namely multimedia and human
> interface design. I have never seen your name
> mentioned in my many years of deep involvements in
> those fields, so I'm curious about knowing some
> specifics regarding your work in those areas.
David, I worked at Atari and Apple Computer for 7.5 YEARS, also worked
Xerox. I was on the HyperCard, QuickTime, FileMaker, AppleWorks and
Macintosh design teams, my name is even on software, that's a matetr of
fact, I need not "prove" anything here, I was even written up on the
page of the San Jose Mercury News newspaper for being a pioneer in
Hypermedia and UFO buff who then went to work for the Star Wars
Matter of public record, from later 1980s.
No, it is NOT on the internet, I will post these newsclippings myself
in a
matter of days. PLEASE, you are barking up a tree that does not exist,
there is no "issue" here, only ignorance.
> The thing is, when you say you were involved in the
> O.J. Simpson civil case, or that you work for the
> "Special Secret Service", and you then ask for my help
> in going after Horn, you need to show me that you're
> being sincere and are not making any type of claims
> that Horn & Meier can potentially use against you, and
> by association, against me or my compatriots. I also
> noticed the note about the Saudis providing financial
> backing to this endeavour, which raises all sorts of
> warning flags with me.
David, I am going after Santilli and Horn and Gimlin within the
of the law. The Saudi yuo refer to has to do with other undercover
operations I am undertaking against Al_Jazeera!!

book trilogy series called Secret Wars: Defending Against Terrorist
coming out in 2007. It shows my work as a counter-intel operative, who
a Captain, and believe me, compared to going up against Hamas and
Hezbollah, nailing Michael Horn is a piece of cake.
Our psychology ops guys have already taken him apart in their analysis,
and I predict when the online store goes live shortly, Horn won't know
what to do with himself. I also have seven people inside Meier's cult
sewing dissent. I am not sure you understand what the Meier cult is
like or about, but it is not just an "innocent" UFO prank or longtime
that supports its master financially.
> Going after these liars and charlatans is a noble and
> necessary goal, one I agree with, but before I get
> involved in any way with your effort, I'll need to
> know more about you and the specifics of your
> situation. I look forward to considering any and all
> information and details you wish to share.
> Sincerely,
> dB
The news of my "other lives" comes out in Secret Wars, I only started
come out a bit months ago over here so that when the news broke, it was
less of a shock. I want people to focus on the data, not the "surprise"
that one of the presenters of the data wears a uniform.
I sincerely hope this answers your many questions, I wish to put
a volume on recreating Meier's photos, done by his critics, another on
Tao of Horn, exposing Horn as his "best" using his own carefully chosen