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Has Kal Korff the famous Bigfoot, Roswell & Meier debunker flipped his lid?

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Tommy Allison said:
I've taken an interest in Kal Korff, much in the same way that Royce used to take an interest in some of the other people in the UFO community.

I'm curious. Please explain.

I've been reading the stuff that KK has written in the last few days about David. Frankly, I had ignored a lot of that up till now. I've been the victim of online flamewars myself, and I was always just too quick to answer some of the outrageous attacks. In recent years, I have reached the conclusion that it is often best to stay away from such abuse. It's not productive.

But even though David hasn't communicated with KK for months, KK's latest hate barrage is way beyond what one should be expected to tolerate.

I hope we can find a way to put an end to this -- and now!
Btw, can't Kall get a decent lawyer for his brother with all the financial sources he claims to have?
TerraX said:
Btw, can't Kall get a decent lawyer for his brother with all the financial sources he claims to have?

Too bad Korff got rid of his mullet.

Whoops, I was supposed to quote the Poison remark for my previous statement above, not the lawyer one.
From the world of the insane and the curious, I wrote to KK demanding he stop harassing David and the others on his hit list, using the same address from which David received emails from him earlier this year.

This is what I received:

Dear Mr. Steinberg,

Please forgive me for my English.

Do not send emails to this address.

Kal Korff does not work here and never has, his email address is this:

[email protected]

Please re send again your email to him.

We will not forward this to Herr Korff, and we are deleting it.

As you can see our system marked your letter as spam.

Please do not write to us again as any emails which are not from Czech
readers are automatically deleted.

Sincerely yours,

Radovan Smrt
I won't even begin to suggest what's going on over there.
Tommy Allison said:
What could you have done to the guy Gene?

Not my style, really. But, frankly, the fact that KK is off somewhere overseas (allegedly) makes it all the more difficult to take appropriate action.
Friends, if you think that the world of the paranormal is strange get a load of this letter, which I just received in response to my request that KK stop harassing David and my other friends and colleagues:

Dear Mr. Steinberg,

My name is Avim Ashkenazi and I am Colonel Kal Korff's new Adjutant.

Like Colonel Korff I am also with the Israeli-based Special Secret Services.

I know nothing about the matters you cite in your letter.

Please advise me as to what you wish me to do.

Right now, Colonel Korff is enroute to the secure Russian communications
center and is calling the United States. He uses this center often, and
even calls UFO researcher Brad Sparks from it to discuss sensitive issues.

You may confirm this with Mr. Sparks yourself.

Colonel Korff's other calls concern the criminal investigations into the
District Attorney, and also Mr. Royce Myers III, one of your colleagues.

We are aware that Mr. Myers III has written various parties falsely
claiming that he is not the subject of any inquiries. This is NOT true.
What Mr. Myers III does not know is that this investigation of him is
being done from outside the United States.

The results of this will be turned over to the proper authorities in the
United States.

I am under no legal requirement to disclose the investigative agency.

The same is true concerning the filing of official police complaints
regarding your other colleague Mr. Biedny. Those get filed no later than
tomorrow, as far as I was informed.

Since these efforts are well underway, my best advice to you is to advise
me on YOU wish me to do. I will be seeing the Colonel later tonight and of
course escorting him to the media center for his radio show. Then tomorrow
we oversee the arrival of the Special Prosecutor from Israel who is
certainly real, and is tasked with handling the Sheriff's Department and
the District Attorney.

As I close Mr. Steinberg, I should share with you the following: there is
NO "sympathy" on this side of the water for you and your colleagues. Let
me be very candid with you as to why.

NONE of you have had the human decency to admit the obvious: that you were
WRONG about Colonel Kal Korff. He is indeed a Colonel now, and I am his
Adjutant. You also upset Czech Supermodel and former S3 Agent Lt. Martina

Please TRY to put yourself in our shoes: we warned then-Captain Korff that
the UFO field was populated with, well, I'll spare you the Yiddish we
taught him :-)

So we sat back in amusement at first while we watched Captain Korff squirm
a bit trying to get his rhythm back in the UFO field. But then when you
accused him of lying, and said that we did not exist, even after former
Lt. Tycova came forward, when David Biedny said he would lick her, but
then in the same breath denies she exists and accuses Colonel Korff of
making things up....WHAT or WHY should we "care" about you?

Our orders are simple: EXPOSE YOU on the new reality-TV show for WHO and
WHAT you are, not who and what you CLAIM to be.

This order is logical. It is if anything a public service.

So what can I do for you now?

Do I tell Colonel Korff that you "gents" finally now believe that he is
indeed a Colonel?

Is David Biedny going to RETRACT and then APOLOGIZE for lying about
Colonel Korff's brother saying he "tried to shoot a police officer"?

Or does TRUTH and the GUILT of you and your colleagues mean anything to
you, Mr. Steinberg?

I await your reply, and then I will pass it along to the Colonel.

Like Colonel Korff, I am also in Intelligence and wear a green beret from
Israel to reflect it.

You will forgive me if I KNOW that "Roswell" was really Project Mogul.

Oh, you conveniently did not mention, we HAVE the previously labeled
"missing General Ramey Roswell debris photos" and they're being published
in Volume 9 of our series. We also have the original camera that took

And you can kiss Kevin Randle's "investigation" goodbye.

Please let me know what it is that you wish us to do.

Until you and your colleagues start with the basic and the obvious, a
apology for being WRONG and denying that we exist, I do not think there is
muchto discuss.

And with Hamas gaining a further foothold and Colonel Korff changing his
focus over there, which is only right, my best advice is that you respond
and do so soon.

It is best if you make peace with us, because the people tasked to "deal"
with you now make Colonel Korff look like a powder puff.


Avim Ashkenazi
Adjutant, Colonel Kal Korff
Israeli Special Secret Services (S3)

So am I to understand that Hamas is coming after us too? ;)
Geez, Korff is really out to lunch. That's OBVIOUSLY written by him. What a psycho!

And for you, Korff, given that you are reading this posts, take a look and see that I've corrected my statement about your brother trying to shoot a police officer. I was wrong - he tried to MOW DOWN an officer with a car, and was shot in the head for his failed effort. Paint me corrected.

After speaking with the Israeli consulate in New York this week, the head of security over there confirmed that there is NO SUCH THING as an Israeli "Special" Secret Service (not that I didn't already know this). You are NOT part of Mossad, the ACTUAL Israeli secret service (ONLY Israeli nationals are considered for service in Mossad), you have no adjutants, you have NOTHING to do with the Human Genome project, and you are a sad, jealous little man with delusions of grandeur and WAAAY too much time on your hands. Nothing more.

I have but one question after reading the following: Is there an analyst in the house?

Dear Mr. Steinberg,

I have yet to hear a reply from you. I hope you received my previous email.

I wish to communicate whatever "concerns" you have to Colonel Korff and

I am willing to do this. If you do not reply, we will go public.

Please understand that this is by no means "a threat" -- I am only
informing you of facts. Going public is a public service.

It would be appreciated if you would care to pass them along, your
concerns, as well as "explain" how your side and your colleagues are going
to handle all of the breaking news.

To update you, I was informed that former S3 Agent Lt. Tycova (which your
side made the false allegation that she did not exist and that Colonel
Korff "makes up" conversations with her) will now directly engage ALL of
you as early as next week.

This means you are in serious trouble. Are you going to accuse her of
lying as well? Her father was a Czech Diplomat in IRAN.

Go "Czech" it out for yourself. I highly doubt you will attack her the
same way you have maligned Colonel Korff. Colonel Korff was her commanding
officer, and she was even in Fortean Times Magazine years ago, ON THE
COVER and inside it.

Do you see how INEPT your accusations have been? Uneven standards of
evidence, absolutely. And this will especially be proven regarding Kevin
Randle and Royce Myers III. The fact you think he is credible, (Mr.
Randle), when Tycova and others have proven otherwise, and Tycova is now
taking him out, PROVES you NEVER investigated his claims about Roswell,
(and neither did Royce Myers III, obviously!) or that you are not capable
of doing serious investigation.

Any other "explanation" is worse than these two posssibilities.

But your failures are yours to explain.

I was also told that after tonight, Colonel Korff intends never to discuss
you folks again if he can avoid it, until you start admitting the truth
and confessing WHERE you went wrong and WHY to the public.

If you do not, we are going to broadcast everything that happened anyway
in Secret Wars, and you cannot stop us.

It is NOT an American production, and you have no authority of any kind.

Lastly, after Colonel Korff drops his issues concerning you all tonight,
you may remember that he really did try to warn all of you that others
would probably do as they figured best, and on their own.

Now that has happened. Your "demand" that the exposes stop, is not only
unreasonable, but as I was told earlier this evening, "Gene Steinberg is
not in a position to 'demand' anything. Who does he think he is?"

Your FAILURE Mr. Steinberg to acknowledge that you were wrong, that David
Biedny has more than "just a temper" are most revealing. I'm not surprised
you "believe" your own rhetoric.

I will close this letter by offering you, once again, but for the last
time, the ability for you to express your "concerns" and have them heard.

Please present FACTS, not declarations.

And STOP AVOIDING the areas where you are wrong and still have yet to
admit this to the public.

I await a sincere reply from you, and I am sending a copy of this email to
appropriate parties.

If you ignore it, you won't get away with pretending you are trying to do
"the right and responsible thing."


You even MOCKED Colonel Korff and said "next thing he will be a General."

REALLY? Mr. Steinberg? And you dare to "lecture us" about personal attacks?

Do you honestly "believe" that this is all because Biedny wouldn't let
Colonel Korff give him a free book, one of his 500 he has coming out?

WHERE did you get your "facts" on this one? From David Biedny? Regardless,
you are not only wrong, but your claim is beyond stupid, sorry.

And of course you never bothered to directly ASK COLONEL KAL KORFF, who is
the ONLY person who could answer this question for you.

Again, uneven and blatantly uneven standards of evidence.

Tomorrow Colonel Korff contacts several parties regarding Mr. Royce Myers
III. They are police investigators. We WILL prove to the public shortly
that Mr. Myers III HAS indeed become the subject of several probes.

It all began when he completely screwed up on Colonel Korff's brother's
case. When Mr. Myers III let is slip that he trains police officers, the
concern became train them to do WHAT? Since Mr. Myers III has been found
guilty of having uneven standards of evidence, which former Lt. Tycova and
others ARE proving, a valid question is WHAT ELSE MIGHT Mr. Myers III also
be screwing up?

The amount of corruption inn his area by law enforcement is a FACT. Go
look it up. Same with the DA's assistant resigning for similar reasons. It
is not uncommon for assistants at that level to also have corrupt bosses.
And it is a FACT that the DAv tried to use TAXPAYER MONEY, to the tune of
10,000 American dollars, as a "going away present".

REALLY Mr. Steinberg? This is how the American system of "justice" is
supposed to run?

Did David Biedny tell you about the lawsuit already in place re the
wrongful shooting? Of course not. Biedny never checked his facts. But the
local quivalent of the ACLU is suing over this. If it were not for us,
there would be NO ballistics test, and the bullet would STILL be in Kurtis
Korff's skull.

You are trily clueless in this affair, Mr. Steinberg, and so is David
Biedny especially.

So WHERE are your condemnations and admonitions against Mr. Biedny? DO we
need to REALLY go public with this and PROVE before the world your one
sided literal disregard for the full facts!??

The investigation of Royce Myers III by others, launched outside the USA
by an outside entity, assumes one thing: INNOCENT til evidence indicates
otherwise. Everything is being checked.

And UNLIKE your David Biedny, who just blatantly accused Kurtis Korff of
trying to shoot a police officer and said he was GUILTY...well, unlike Mr.
Biedny we do not dare say such things until the COURTS have declared such.

THEY are the authority, Mr. Biedny is not.

Are you starting to see Mr. Steinberg, the light yet? You remain silent
about Biedny's false claim about Korff's brother, and Biedny never
bothered to do any serious checking. And Royce Myers III, who knows better
than to make such a false claim, and knows Kurtis Korff was NEVER charged
with such a thing, is on record NOWHERE correcting the public record.

Gee, and you wonder WHY there are valid charges of uneven standards of

As Royce puts on his web site, and we noticed this hyprocrisy, telling the
truth demands that you not withhold evidence or facts. We all know your
Stanton Friedman does this all the time.

It can be argued quite reasonably that if Myers III were not personally
feeling some sort of hatred or dislike for Colonel Korff, Royce would have
stepped forward to tell Biedny we was way out of line.

So WHERE can I read this "self-policing" of your colleagues to PROVE to
the PUBLIC that you REALLY care abot the TRUTH?

I await your reply, and the public hyperlink, of course.

If you need me to send another copy of my previous email to you, I will.

But regardless of what you do, this is all going before the public, and
you and your colleagues CANNOT hide anymore.

My best advice to you is to come clean.

We cannot expose you further when you admit you are wrong and apologize
and come clean.

There would be NOTHING to expose, Mr. Steinberg. And since we ARE Jews,
our religion demands that we make real peace where those and with those
parties who want real peace.

This would include yourselves, even "an agree to disagree" -- but until
you admit the facts, you are in NO position to "demand" anything. And how
DARE you think you are Super Human and ABOVE the truth, to do so.

Ask Paul Kimball. He was wise enough to contact Brad Sparks (a very close
friend of Colonel Korff's, and THAT SHOULD have told even you guys
something, but your hatred blinded you), and there is peace. He does not
attack us, and we do not attack him.

We will NOT allow you to drag Paul into this. Nice try, but you will NOT
manipulate us.

We have an email from Paul admitting that he is willing to say he "went
too far" in his "characterizations" of Colonel, then Captain Korff.

Korff is willing to admit the same. And as per their treaty, WE HAVE KEPT

Mr. Steinberg, DO NOT EVER "DEMAND" from us again, that we "stop
attacking" someone we are NOT. That would be Paul Kimball.

You can ask Paul yourself. We are about to release to the public the facts
as to how we kept the Communist Party from trying to hurt him.

It is being done quietly through the Canadian Government.

You see, Mr. Steinberg, this is the former Iron Curtain. Unless you live
here, with all due respect, you remain clueless as to what it is like

Accordingly, while symbols like the "Red Star" maybe cool or "sexy" in the
West, over here there are two reactions to such a symbol: hatred, or
happiness -- the latter only from COMMUNISTS.

But when Communists see westerners use THEIR symbol, they do not like it.
They consider it mockery.

And the Communist Party DOES hold seats in the Czech Government.

Are you starting to understand things better now Mr. Steinberg?

I look forward to reading your reply, to you admitting your untruths,
explaining what you now intend to do, and I will pass ALL of this along to
Colonel Korff.

I am grateful he gave me permission to write to as me, and share my
complex thoughts on all this.

As an intelligence analyst, I take no comfort in telling you that the UFO
field is clueless regarding how real world stuff works in the intel world,
especially outside the United States.

Here's one more piece of info for you. Mr. Philip Mantle is in Roswell. He
knows we have the Ramey debris photos. And Philip has some very special
images concerning UFOs from behind the Iron Curtain, and he will publish
them. We gave them to him.

It's yet another story you and your colleagues missed. Only because they
can't even handle the fact that Colonel Kal Korff is who he claims and is
moving forward and letting his public works "speak" for themselves.

We know you are NOT used to being held accountable, but those days are
over. The public IS reacting AGAINST you now. When we respond line-by-line
to your false claims, I mean people like David Biedny, there's nothing
Biedny can do. This is not only LEGAL, but your shameful attempts to keep
Colonel Korff from going on the radio will NEVER work.

We can simply broadcast from anywhere, and Rob McConnell as a journalist,
can legally ask and interview Kal. There are NO American brodcast
companies involves in what we are doing. Only YOU are.

Your backer is Timothy Green Beckley.

And you dare to "lecture" us about morals, ethics, "truth" and then make

WHY has not Royce Myers III ever EXPOSED this Timothy Beckley connection?
Does Royce think Beckley is "suddenly credible?"

I highly doubt it, if he does it is his liability.

AGAIN, UNEVEN "standards of evidence."

If your colleague Mr. Biedny does NOT want formal charges filed on record,
he has only hours to retract remarks you are certainly aware of and to
tell the TRUTH.

If we do NOT hear back from you, we will also let the police know we made
this offer,but that Biedny refused to disclaim, withdraw and also
apologize for his threats.

For the record we CANNOT "control" nor stop former S3 Agent Martina Tycova
from doing as she sees fit. It would be wrong to try unless we saw
evidence of injustice. IF you think this is true, inform us with FACTS,
not declarations.

As far as Kurtis Korff and now Kurtis Korff's mother seeking to sue David
Biedny for lying and not retracting it, we also CANNOT prevent them from
taking action. I am sure Mrs. Korff's first priority is the wrongful
shooting suit now underway and the prosecution of the DA.

She and her son now have, according to your laws, three years to sue David
Biedny. And for each day he does not retract, according to your U.S. laws,
his penalty increases. Go look this up. And since his claim is a lie, and
there was never any such charge, Mr. Biedny CANNOT win his case.

Biedny failed to check his facts.

One can argue because he cannot control his emotions.

The police reports filed against him for several threats of physical
violence, then his LIE that he had "no contact" with Colonel Korff for
several months, will certainly help go a long way in establishing
foundational material for future litigation against his additional
slanders, which we remind you for the last time ARE being exposed in the
new Secret Wars reality-based TV series.

Since your colleagues are writing much of the script so far, because it
exposes so much of you, you can end ALL of this on a completely positive
note by starting to do what is RIGHT.

Otherwise, you will continue to "fool" only your listeners, and of course
we're proving that as well.

Cordially yours and still waiting for a response,

Avim Ashkenazi
Warrant Officer - Analyst
Adjutant to Colonel Kal Korff
Israeli-based Special Secret Services
I suppose people in the "Special Secret Services" were all trained to write in the exact same style :rolleyes:

And I notice, from the above, that they are clearly reading our forums, for better or worse.

Here's the kicker, and this is true for the letter I quoted earlier today. Despite the signature, it comes from this email address:

Kal Korff: [email protected][/b]<[email protected]>

As Stan Lee once remarked: 'Nuff said!</[email protected]>
Wow. Very sad - but not surprising.

And it's from Kal's personal email address. Absolutely, utterly revealing!

It's time to turn to productive topics. Noise is of little interest to me, unless it's tucked into a cool synth or pedal.

Btw, I also did a google search on the Israeli based 'special secret services' and came up with nothing except Korff's entries. But I would suspect some people know his M.O. by now. I say this politely; consider yourself warned Korff.