So I just spent an entire day with Mr. Horned One. Dave, he sends his love. Kidding, of course, he seems incapable of love. But he is capable of picking a fight and yammering on and on. You know how he writes? THAT'S actually how he speaks. And, yes, always at you, never with you, except for a brief moment when we were talking about the improv scene in Chicago circa the Fred Willard days. Yes, for a brief few moments, Michael Horn became a human being you might want to speak to.
Then his autistic fixation with all thing Billy Goat kicked back in and it was off to the races. I told him I wasn't interested in having this sociopathic dialog anymore. That was at around 3:30pm. "Anymore" didn't end 'til like 7 or 8.
It wasn't pretty for a while there what with him declaring himself my intellectual superior (he said something that sounded like a physical threat then tagged on, "intellectually speaking, of course") and my flat out telling him I think he's a charlatan and insane ... but in the end we agreed that the tea in the Chinese/Vietnamese restaurant was pretty good, so it had that for a happy ending.
I must say that my opinion of him has changed somewhat. I no longer think he doesn't believe what he's selling. I think he is truly a zealot who is so deep into his beliefs that he actually thinks he's an objective observer just trying to get to the bottom of things, with no vested interest in Meier being a prophet or a hoax.
Mike, I'm certain you're reading this and will probably respond in some fashion somewhere and that's fine. I'm sure you'll say, "This is the same The Clueless One who agreed that he was ignorant of the case and just has an unlearned opinion--but he never mentions that" and so forth--with nary a clue that I agreed so you'd shut the fuck up. See, when you're trying to connect with other human beings you need to converse WITH them, not ear-rape them with lengthy over explanations, and generally boring "facts" that ultimately lead to the unsatisfying conclusion of "Yeah...I can't really prove that."
If anyone is a real prophet let them give exact dates for the big events, not tell us they had them after the fact. See how that works? You say you have proof in these Meier books? Excellent. Scan them into the computer and show the world.
And for the love of god, stop touting that plastic toy gun as an alien weapon from the peaceful, so-superior-they-don't-need-weapons-isn't-it-a-coincidence-that-Meier-loves-guns-and-now-they've-shown-him-theirs
Or whatever.
Let's see...Prophet Billy's "farm" is a commune and he owns a giant gun collection...hmmmm...where have I heard this story before...? How does it end...?
I know, I know, experts have done this and done that and looked into the gun and can't find a toy maker who makes that toy gun. Well two things about that:
1.) When I was a kid, most of the toy space ray guns were made from that same ugly white and orange plastic.
2.) When I was a kid I had a friend whose dad worked at a toy manufacturing plant and would make us one-off small plastic monster figures.
So it's not impossible that Billy did this. It's not improbable that he did this. The gun ain't real. If any one piece of the Meier puzzle is a lie then you've gotta chuck the whole thing as it isn't based on uncertain knowledge or events that are up for interpretation. It's based on the photographic/film evidence and the direct conversations & exchanges Billy had with these higher beings.
And like I told you, just as I don't need to study the 9/11 attacks to know that Alfred Webre is wrong, lying, insane, or some combo thereof when he claims that the towers were taken down via alien beam weaponry, I don't need to churn through hours of Meier evidence to know that the space gun is a toy. The wedding cake UFO is a sham. Meier did not travel to the future and photograph the destruction from a San Fransisco earthquake.
And now I've shed too many words on this imaginary topic. So...THE END.