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Thanks Frank for this very revealing quote.
It always amazes me that Mr. Jacobs fell for the trickster / elemental / psychoid archtype okey doke. In all his research, did he, or for that matter, Mr. Hopkins read Passport to Magonia? Dimensions? Alien Identities? The Fairy Faith in Celtic Countries? The Secret Commonwealth?
It's obvious they didn't. Substitute " Fairy Ring" for "Spaceship", and " Changeling" for genetic hybrid, and it's just more of the same. Tricks really ARE for kids!
The intellectual arrogance this man exhibits is astounding. Here he is dealing with something happening in the intermediate zone between the mental and gross physical planes, and he dismisses the most important part! Amazing.
Manifested reality is not that cut and dry. Giants such as C.G. Jung and Wolfgang Pauli understood this. As did Richard Thompson & John Keel. Jaques Vallee, Phil Imbrogno, Christopher O'Brien, Gregory Little, Allen Greenfield, Lon Milo DuQuette, Nick Redfern, & Jungian depth psychologist Remo F. Roth all have pieces of the puzzle. Oh yeah, and a major piece is in, of all things, the classic Sci- Fi movie "Forbidden Planet".
The "Trickster" opens and closes the way to your higher mental faculties, the "Gods,Deities, Archangels, etc." He's the guardian at the door. And you're asking for trouble if you knock on the door and don't know the password, which is the fate Mr. Jacobs & Mr. Hopkins are now suffering.
"Sebek, Hermes, Legba," governs the intellect and moves at the speed of sound. They couldn't keep up.
"Dealing with forces beyond your comprehension" indeed.
Obviously, you haven't read my book Stalking the Tricksters. If you had, you wouldn't articulate your confusion in such a gross, cut-and-dried manner. The "trickster" appears to me to be a bridge between collective cultural programming (conscious and/or unconscious) and the manifestation of change, or (in other words) the introduction of novelty into culture. What we are addressing here--something interacting with humanity that is truly "other"-- appears to be aided and abetted by a "tricksterish" doorman standing at the liminal threshold of experience. Like a doorman, the trickster is not responsible for anything that happens--rather, manifestation of these events evokes/invokes a compulsion, or force, that helps open the door between worlds (ET/Meta/Ultra/Crypto etc). The resulting experiences as related by experiencers in this reality are then subjugated into the realm of personal bias and second-hand spin like we see here at the Paracast. In other words: The "trickster" is evidently not what you perceive (or understand) it to be and perhaps you should walk through the liminal door before questioning whether there is a door, let alone why it is relevant.To me the "trickster" explaination is a cop out.Trick me once shame on you........It gives us something to blame for our confusion while simultaneously tidying up that loose end. The truth is our confusion is not caused by "the trickster" but simply our lack of knowledge, better imo to recognise that and continue seeking the answer
Obviously, you haven't read my book Stalking the Tricksters. If you had, you wouldn't articulate your confusion in such a gross, cut-and-dried manner. The "trickster" appears to me to be a bridge between collective cultural programming (conscious and/or unconscious) and the manifestation of change, or (in other words) the introduction of novelty into culture. What we are addressing here--something interacting with humanity that is truly "other"-- appears to be aided and betted by a "tricksterish" doorman standing at the liminal threshold of experience. Like a doorman, the trickster is not responsible for anything that happens--rather, manifestation of this tricksterish compulsion, or force, helps open a door between worlds. The resulting experiences are then subjugated into the realm of personal bias and second-hand spin like we see here at the Paracast.
I really do wish it was a simple as you make it sound---then it would be equally as simple to make such sweeping pronouncements to support what you perceive to be the "truth."
I didn't take your observation as "an insult," rather, I took it as an opportunity to educate you on the need to fully understand a concept before discarding it because you can't understand it. The "trickster" is not an easy concept to grasp, however I feel there is something worthy of examination that may help us gain further understanding of seemingly inexplicable events that occur every day all around this closed-system we call "Earth."Im sorry, and i dont mean it as an insult, but none of that makes any sense to me, while i see it makes sense to you, its pure gobbledegook to me.
Hello? You REALLY don't get it, do you? Again, I never said the trickster did anything, but you should do something: Get yourself up to speed and understand the conceptual baby before discarding it with prejudice along with the bathwater. I never said I "know" anything, rather, I am suggesting there are other ways of looking at the equation--especially the parts that exist within our cultural blindspots--where thinking is overshadowed by confusion.Personally id rather admit i dont know, and keep digging for the answer than to apply a panacea gap filler label like god did it or the trickster did it .
Each to his own Chris, if your comfortable with the trickster as an explaination , good for you. For me its just not specific enough of an answer to be intellectually satifying
within our cultural blindspots--where thinking is overshadowed by confusion.
Correction: The "trickster" is the sound of one hand slapping.Like the sound of one hand clapping, "it is what it is, nothing more, nothing less"
Correction: The "trickster" is the sound of one hand slapping.
Smell the finger :0
Cultural blindspot? Oh that's helpful. At least there are those of us who seek to define that "blindspot" as opposed to existing within a place of blind acceptance. "It" all boils down to languaging and I can play semantic games with you all night long, but choose not to. Again, for the third or fourth time: it's obvious you don't get "it," so I'll look up the definition of "gobbledegook" and you look up the definition of "liminal," and we'll compare notes in the morning.At which point from my pov we are starting to use imaginary beings to explain something thats just a cultural blindspot, nothing more nothing less.
Cultural blindspot? Oh that's helpful. At least there are those of us who seek to define that "blindspot" as opposed to existing within a place of blind acceptance. "It" all boils down to languaging and I can play semantic games with you all night long, but choose not to. Again, for the third or fourth time: it's obvious you don't get "it."
Personally i dont believe in "supernatural" mechanisms including gods, deities ,archangels or "the trickster", to me these labels are simply gap fillers where solid scientific data is lacking, Id rather say "i dont know" than "the trickster did it".
For me saying "i dont know" and then continuing to seek a solid verifiable answer has more intellectual integrity than saying god did it, or the trickster is responsible and giving up the search for the actual mechanism at play.
Im sorry to be contentious, but to me those labels dont mean anything, dont explain anything.
i agree Manifested reality is not that cut and dry, but thats a result imo of our limited knowledge of it, nothing more.
I believe there are aspects of reality for which we dont even have the basic mental images, let alone the complex language needed to describe it.
For example if you could get ezekiel to describe a cell phone or Plasma TV, he might be able to give you a description that you would equate with the reality, but the instruction manual that comes with these devices is going to be more useful in exploiting their function.
To me the "trickster" explaination is a cop out.
Trick me once shame on you........
It gives us something to blame for our confusion while simultaneously tidying up that loose end.
The truth is our confusion is not caused by "the trickster" but simply our lack of knowledge, better imo to recognise that and continue seeking the answer
help us gain further understanding of seemingly inexplicable events that occur every day all around this closed-system we call "Earth.
I don't see you as being contentious Mike. You just don't know. And trust me, it's NEVER about believing in anything. Not even what I'm saying. With the important things in life, you've got to know.
I should have been clearer in what I said. Sorry, but I'm here working on deadline, so I was trying to keep it short.
There's no such thing as a "supernatural" mechanism. Never has been. It's all very natural, and based on laws that are repeatable and reproducible.
"Deities, Gods, Archangels, etc." are what Jung called " Psychoid Archtypes". He attempted to explain the way these faculties work to Western man, but they didn't quite grasp it. Still haven't.
These Archtypes operate both within you, and outside of you, at the same time. Pioneer quantum physicist Wolfgang Pauli coined the term " Unified Psychophysical Reality", and with Jung attempted to map it out.
Dr. Remo F. Roth explains it pretty succinctly on his site. I apologize for the length:
"A great part of the UFO encounter and abduction research remains within a world view that is – after the discoveries of quantum physics and of the depth psychologist Carl G. Jung during the 20th century – not current anymore today. As long as these researchers cannot realize that they try to explain these phenomena backed by an old-fashioned world view, they will continue to look for concretely existing spaceships in a physically describable spacetime, and like this try to find animal- or human-like extraterrestrials. Because these “spaceships” and “aliens” do not exist in physical spacetime but in an intermediate world for whom our physical categories of space, time, energy, mass and gravitation do not exist, they will never succeed in finding them.
In the UFO encounter and abduction research we have therefore to include one of the most important common insights of the physicist and Nobel laureate Wolfgang Pauli and the depth psychologist Carl G. Jung: The hypothesis of exactly the above mentioned intermediate world the former called the unified psychophysical reality, the latter the unus mundus (the unified world). It describes a potential world before the creation and exists behind or even beyond the Cartesian split into an inner and an outer world, into psyche and matter. As the abolition of this Cartesian split leads into a spatial experience of an “everywhere” and in a feeling of an eternal time, the diving into this world is accompanied by the sensation of the penetration of the Beyond into our space- and time-bound world.
According to my research results so far, this hypothetical intermediate world, postulated by two of the greatest scientific geniuses of the 20th century, becomes observable through exactly these UFO encounter and abduction phenomena. With the help of this new hypothesis – however already known to specific alchemists of the Renaissance as Paracelsus, Gerardus Dorneus and Robert Fludd – abductions become explainable in a very natural manner: With the help of a spontaneous, acausal act and against their will, the abduction victims are thrown into this unified psychophysical world (unus mundus), into this Beyond of the everyday’s experience. This Beyond they experience in a state of an altered ego I call Eros consciousness (see below). Further, because of epistemological reasons we will deal with below, this experience of the Beyond is also connected to the vision of real acausal creation and incarnation acts (see below) out of this potential unus mundus.
Out of this potential intermediate world on principle anything can incarnate into our space- and time-bound world, be it usual, or be it alien that we cannot understand with our today’s scientific tools. As these beings are incarnated from a completely alien world – i.e., out of the psychophysical reality we can only observe with the help of an altered state of consciousness – they will mostly be very strange. Their appearance will however – as already the late Johannes Fiebag guessed with the help of his Mimikry hypothesis – depend a lot on the specific conscious state of the victim. Therefore we can be sure that there exist not only the often quoted Greys, but a great diversity of such creatures."
Of course you don't believe in the "supernatural". Most people don't understand that when they say they believe, they're saying they don't know. When you say you don't believe, you're saying you don't know that you don't know.
For us to even have this conversation and use the intellect, associative thought processing, breaking up and defining concepts, are all governed by the very real faculty that various cultures call "Hermes, Trickster, Coyote, Fox, Monkey, Sebek, etc." Western science would say "left Brain Hemisphere", or "Syllogistic logical faculty". Same thing. But the older terminology deals with both the left, right, & unified functions much more completely than a predominately left sided, segregative way of perceiving reality ever could.
We all have to always keep ever present in our awareness that you're only perceiving a tiny sliver of reality. The Electromagnetic spectrum is very wide. There's things happening all around us all the time that we can't see, and actually don't need to see. If you could visually see radio waves, gamma waves, microwaves, etc. you couldn't function. Some doors are meant to stay closed.
For "modern" man to think that he has a complete understanding of the way this all works is both arrogant & ignorant. It's been used to death, but the Bard spoke truth with the line " There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
I don't expect you to know any of this. Hell, until 15 years ago, and a whole lot of study, practice, and direct experience, neither did I. I speculated like we all did & do. But a lot of this is just intellectual BS until you've had a chance to learn the systems out there to find out for yourself.
There's a reason why this knowledge is hidden (Occult). There's a reason why 90% of the people out here are saying they're "psychic", or "clairvoyant", & are full of crap. Various barriers have been put into place. Everyone doesn't need to know this stuff. Most people couldn't handle knowing the way this all really works, and having direct contact with the behind the scenes workers. As I said in a previous post, most people have very tightly constructed, though fragile, reality boxes. When confronted with something that doesn't fit, it breaks, sometimes for good.
There's a vast multiverse out there that we can all access through the receivers we call our brains. So keep an open mind Mike. Just not TOO open.![]()
I dont understand the issue with chastity belts.
If you have a subject who may be having unwanted gynae proceedures being done, then it seems to me like a valid experiment.
Get them to wear a device that prevents it, if its interfered with ie they wake up and the locks are off/broken then you have a valid result.
Kmart dont stock these devices, sex shops do, visiting a sex shop shop to procure these devices doesnt in that context strike me as wrong
I'm going to assume that the chastity belt thing had nothing to do with sex as far as Jacobs was concerned. To him it was likely another tactic, a defense, a way of giving them trouble. But even that scenario is hilarious in the extreme. I don't know what possibly could have gotten into his head that would lead him to believe a chastity belt could thwart beings allegedly able to travel the stars, walk through walls, evade all of our surveillance capabilities, etc.
On the matter of ex wife testimony, she sounds like she's doing the right thing.
But let me give you a real life example from the family law courts. ... It is very typical in these sceanrio's for people to suddenly want to do the right thing after the breakup, where before they turned a blind eye.
Tell me Chris, how does "the trickster" help us gain understanding on the inexplicable ?
This is the point i'm trying to make, The inexplicable is not suddenly explained by chucking the trickster label in as an explanation
Any more than santa claus or the tooth fairy "works" to resolve the question of where presents come from, or where that tooth under the pillow goes.
If "the trickster" works for you as a means of understanding the inexplicable, thats fine, case closed question resolved.
But for me it doesnt answer anything, i would rather say i dont know yet and keep looking for understanding and explanation.
For me everything is explanable, even if i dont posess those explanations, but i would rather keep searching than take a shortcut and use "the trickster" as an explanation
---------- Post added at 03:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:48 PM ----------
Theorys including quantum ones are all well and good, but that doesnt make them reality.
When a tree falls in a forest it makes a noise, schrodingers cat died before the box was open.
I get that we live in a reality bubble that may not be representitive of the greater universal reality
Some of my personal ideas would send most people shreiking mad.
But at the end of the day im of the firm mind everything has an explanation, even if i dont posess it, everything is nuts and bolts so to speak, everything has a mechanism than can be disassembled and understood.
to me its all about having the correct level of sophistication language/jargon wise.
If you dont posess the correct language/jargon/labels you cant describe the reality ,the mechanism at play.
And i would rather say i dont have that data than use shortcuts and gap fillers, better to acknowledge a gap in knowledge than fill it with a lie
It's not that I disagree that Jacobs was in the wrong with things he's done in the last several years. But I just can't agree with the way people are characterizing the wrongdoing. What I see is evidence for a guy who got way in over his head with his belief system. There was no doubt for him anymore and he started behaving in a "the ends justify the means" kind of way and began doing some very bizarre, stupid, and even unethical things. I don't condone it but I can make sense of it. I think he's so far gone in his convictions and paranoia that over time it became easier and easier to step over boundaries. After all, to him, "It's fargin' war!" I am convinced that he completely believes the things he says and kept getting deeper and deeper into a "It's up to me to save the world because nobody else is willing to" kind of mindset. But lots of you are trying to spin these things into something else. "He wanted her to wear a chastity belt and send him crusty knickers because he's a perv." Bullshit! "It's all a scheme, he's deliberately influencing testimony so he can sell books." Gatorshit! Emma Woods has convinced me he did the things she claims he did. And they are truly some pretty strange and idiotic things (Every time I read about the "tactics" he would try I can't help but laugh and shake my head. Is he trying to trick space-trekking ETs or The Little Rascals?). He's guilty. But I just cannot agree with the motives quite a few of you are speculating about.
You make my point Chris, when you say the trickster IS.
It is to my mind the unnecessary anthromorphasising of a non biological event.
Ppl say "its the work" of the trickster, you yourself described "It" as a "doorman"
At which point from my pov we are starting to use imaginary beings to explain something thats just a cultural blindspot, nothing more nothing less.
To me its more honest to state "what we see here is a cultural blindspot at work" than ""the trickster" at work"
Using imaginary beings to explain gaps in our understanding is something i hope humanity is growing out of.
As ive said supernatural mechanisms and imaginary beings as explanations for any given mystery is personally unsatisfying
How can you say what I said is a lie? Have you done what I've done? experienced what I've experienced? You have an opinion. A belief. You don't know. I don't expect or want you to believe it, But it's pretty arrogant on your part to call me a liar.
You said you don't have the explanation, but then you gave an explanation, everything is nuts and bolts, a mechanism. You contradicted yourself in one sentence.
You may also want to do some more research on quantum mechanics, because to paraphrase Iningo Montaya, " that phrase, I do not think you know what it means." Sweeping away almost 100 years of work by some of the greatest scientists of the 20th century? Wow.
By the words that you use to communicate these opinions, you have a very mechanistic, segregative worldview. If you haven't already, you may want to check out the latest research in cutting edge physics.
You say that quantum physics is a theory. So is evolution. Doesn't invalidate it.
Oh, and the mind isn't very firm. It's all over the place. It's why it corresponds to Mercury, also to the slippery monkey in Asian thought. And Wile E. Coyote. Always trying to build the better machine to catch the roadrunner. Cosmology in a cartoon! I love it.
---------- Post added at 11:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:44 PM ----------
Exactly. I couldn't agree with you more.