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Mike, get your own thread. Start your own thread on overpopulation or whatever you want. This thread is discussing AGW.
Then, beginning in the 1920s, Western states began divvying up the Colorado’s water, building dams and diverting the flow hundreds of miles, to Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix and other fast-growing cities. The river now serves 30 million people in seven U.S. states and Mexico, with 70 percent or more of its water siphoned off to irrigate 3.5 million acres of cropland.
at the lake’s edge they can see lines in the rock walls, distinct as bathtub rings, showing the water level far lower than it once was—some 130 feet lower, as it happens, since 2000. Water resource officials say some of the reservoirs fed by the river will never be full again.
“There’s not enough fresh water to handle nine billion people at current consumption levels,” says Patricia Mulroy, a board member of the Colorado-based Water Research Foundation
Again you miss the point of that statement.
Modern humans have been on Earth for 200 centuries. True sustainability means providing every person now alive, as well as generations yet to come, with a reasonable standard of living that can be maintained into the foreseeable future.
Today humanity uses the resources of the equivalent of 1.5 Earths. This means it now takes the Earth one year and six months to regenerate what we use in a year.
Consumption « Population Matters
You have a small view of a much larger system, a simplistic view of a much more complex issue
There's only only slight problem. You see, the earth's average global temperature hasn't risen in 17 years now. The last time the earth's average global temperature warmed was in 1997. We are currently in a cooling trend that some scientists believe may last another 40 years. This cooling trend was not predicted by AGW. However, believers in AGW were quick to announce that this cooling trend "proves" AGW after all! Of course, we who are opposed to AGW would remind people that we were in a similar cooling trend from 1940-1975, when man's CO2 output from industrialization was growing. Yet amazingly the earth did not warm. Just as we have been trying to tell you, CO2 is not associated with global warming. The very premise of AGW falls apart and can't withstand this inconvenient fact.
The earth's resources, as a whole, are not running out.
Today is Earth Overshoot Day. Happy Earth Overshoot Day! Except, well, we don't much feel like celebrating.
That's because Earth Overshoot Day is the day each year when we've consumed natural resources at a rate beyond which our planet can replenish, and have produced more waste than can be reabsorbed, according to the Global Footprint Network, a think tank based in the US, Switzerland, and Belgium.
The cause for our unsustainable consumption is multi-pronged. We have a growing population (now at more than 7.1 billion, and according to the World Popular Clock, the net gain is one person every 13 seconds) with growing demands for products and services that create more waste, and use more resources. At our current rate of global consumption and waste production, the level of resources required to support us is about 1.5 Earths. The Global Footprint Network says we are on track to needing two Earths before we reach the middle of the century.
Today, according to the Global Footprint Network, more than 80 percent of the world's population lives in countries that use more than their ecosystems can renew.
You have betrayed where you are getting your information (Fox News) - and that you are not reading links. That's your choice - but means you are not really interested in getting new information. (I do notice that you make numerous statements of 'categoric fact' - yet give no evidence in support of what you are saying.) Some of what you are saying is simply not supported by the facts - as in the case of warming over the last 30 years (which includes the last 15 years).
In the link discussing the out-right lying Fox news is engaging in regarding Climate Change, the year 1997 and the claim of 15 (17) years of no warming is directly spoken to: "On September 30 of last year (2013), Gutfeld (of Fox News) accused the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of obfuscation saying the 'experts pondered hiding the news that the earth hadn’t . . . warmed in 15 years, despite an increase in emissions. They concluded that the missing heat was trapped in the ocean.' To the contrary, IPCC scientists publicly discussed the “relationship between surface temperature trends, heat trapped in the ocean, and the flow of heat throughout the planet as the climate warms."
"Fox News downplays climate change by looking at tiny snippets of recent time. Krauthammer has outright denied increasing temperatures on our planet: “temperatures have been flat for 16 years.” Rich Lowry similarly stated that the earth hasn’t warmed in 15 years, as did Gutfeld. However, the IPCC has found, with science, a correlation between increase carbon dioxide emissions and increased temperatures over the 250 years."
"The thought-process among Fox News hosts is completely backwards. Instead of letting scientific findings influence their stance on policy, they are letting their ideology influence, or skew, science. This make no sense. As the UCS aptly stated, “the most productive step that Fox could take to improve the accuracy of its coverage of climate science would be for hosts and guests to differentiate between scientific facts about climate change and political opinions about climate policy.” "
Many of your point are old canards long since unravelled. We know where the disinformation is coming from (Fox News is a big offender) and who we are having to deal with (Koch brothers et al). It is a powerful status-quo that does not want their flow of wealth impeded - do not wish to be accountable to the rest of us for what they do, what they destroy.
Industry vs. Environment: The Battle over Climate Change
LINK: Industry vs. Environment: The Battle over Climate Change - Ring Of Fire Radio: Robert Kennedy Jr, Mike Papantonio and Sam Seder
- The Carbon Disclosure Project represents 722 investors and a total of $87 trillion in assets, about one-third of the world’s invested capital, calling for companies to disclose their carbon emissions and climate change strategies. The CDP holds the largest collection of climate change and environmental information on companies and aims to use it to reduce companies’ impacts on the environment.
- Right-wing media outlets such as Fox News and Rush Limbaugh decrease trust in scientists, thereby decreasing the trust in science and climate change. According to Skeptical Science, a study on conservative media outlets and global warming denial finds five main methods that outlets use to create distrust in scientists, including: 1) “presenting contrarian scientists as ‘objective’ experts while presenting mainstream scientists as self-interested or biased,” 2) “denigrating scientific institutions and peer-reviewed journals,” 3) equating peer-reviewed research with a politically liberal opinion,” 4) “accusing climate scientists of manipulating data to fund research projects,” and 5) “characterizing climate science as a religion.”
- The US Chamber of Commerce, a powerful business lobbying group that represents mega-corporations, fights climate change legislation and opposes federal efforts to regulate CO2 emissions. In 2009, the Chamber spent over $65 million actively campaigning against climate change legislation. It has taken a lead role in challenging EPA attempts to regulate greenhouse gases and continues to cast doubt on climate change science, Environment360 reports.
- Republican politicians, some on the Environment and Public Works Committee and other government environmental boards, continue to fight climate change legislation and EPA efforts. In April, Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) claimed that Al Gore, the United Nations,, Michael Moore, and George Soros are responsible for creating the climate change “hoax.” Politicians are often backed by industry contributions.
- Conservative think tanks and institutes fund climate change denial, spread misinformation, and incite tensions. Two trusts, Donors Trust and Donors Capital Fund were created by ideologue billionaires like the Koch Brothers and Richard Mellon Scaife to fund over 100 anti-climate groups working to discredit the science behind climate change. One recipient of Donors Trust funds, the Heartland Institute, is notorious for spreading climate change science denial by targeting children by attempting to integrate anti-climate science materials into schools.
In 8 Months, Humanity Exhausts Earth's Budget for the Year
August 20 is Earth Overshoot Day 2013, marking the date when humanity exhausted nature’s budget for the year. We are now operating in overdraft. For the rest of the year, we will maintain our ecological deficit by drawing down local resource stocks and accumulating carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.![]()
Just as a bank statement tracks income against expenditures, Global Footprint Network measures humanity’s demand for and supply of natural resources and ecological services. And the data is sobering. Global Footprint Network estimates that in approximately eight months, we demand more renewable resources and C02 sequestration than what the planet can provide for an entire year.
ROFL, now whos making things up ?
Good Job, Humanity: As Of Today We Are Consuming More Than Earth Can Replenish This Year | Science | Australian Popular Science
Once a population starts doing this
Consuming natural resources at a rate beyond which our planet can replenish, and have produced more waste than can be reabsorbed
Its too big, thats just common sense.............
Consuming natural resources at a rate beyond which our planet can replenish, and have produced more waste than can be reabsorbed
Current extinction rates are at least 100 to 1,000 times higher than natural rates found in the fossil record, the report stated. The data were released as 3,500 delegates gathered in Bangkok, Thailand, for a World Conservation Union conference focused on halting what's deemed an extinction crisis.
The report concluded that humans are the main reason for most species' declines. "Habitat destruction and degradation are the leading threats," the union said in a statement, "but other significant pressures include over-exploitation (for food, pets, and medicine), introduced species, pollution, and disease. Climate change is increasingly recognized as a serious threat."
The union, which is a coalition of leading conservation groups, called the report "the most comprehensive evaluation ever undertaken of the status of the world's biodiversity."
Overpopulation has nothing to do with poverty, hunger, or lack of resources. All of those are separate problems.
I wish the numbers were just "made up"
i really do
Unprecedented species decline reported - US news - Environment | NBC News
And again, the cause of this obscenity ? Humans
Why should thousands of whole species be wiped out, lost forever. Never to have a chance to evolve to sentience like we did..... Just so we can have more humans