Skilled Investigator
This would be a good time to remind everyone about the Dunning–Kruger effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . We see it a lot these days as so many people substitute the internet for an education.
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1. we can't? Sorry, this assertion is not supported by any evidence.1. We can't do anything about climate change. We aren't technologically advanced enough to control the climate. Stopping human emittance of CO2 would not change anything, assuming CO2 was the driving force behind climate change, even though it's not.
2. The earth's average global temperature hasn't increased in about 17 years now. We are currently in a cooling trend.
3. All that we are able to do is adapt to climate. Believe it or not, we humans have been able to adapt to pretty much everything the Earth has thrown at us so far in our history on the planet. Unless we are faced with a gigantic asteroid impact or the eruption of a super volcano, then not much will change. The greatest threats for us in the relative near future would be the coming Ice Age in about 50,000 years and the eruption of a super volcano in about a million years. Plagues and pandemics can happen at anytime.
This would be a good time to remind everyone about the Dunning–Kruger effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . We see it a lot these days as so many people substitute the internet for an education.
Re: sea level rise, I just read piece this yesterday.
Last week, we learned from two separate research teams that the ice sheet of West Antarctica, which comprises just one relatively small part of Antarctic ice overall but contains enough frozen water to raise global sea levels by some 10 or 11 feet, has been irrevocably destabilized.
This Ice Sheet Will Unleash a Global Superstorm Sandy That Never Ends | Mother Jones
1. we can't? Sorry, this assertion is not supported by any evidence.
Ozone depletion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We created a massive hole in the ozone layer and have halted much of this damage. Or does this have nothing to do with climate? Wrong. Interactive effects of ambient ozone and climate measured on growth of mature forest trees
2. We are not in a cooling trend.
Global temperature rise3. At any rate, even if we are, it's not the temperature itself that's necessarily the problem. It's sea levels.
All three major global surface temperature reconstructions show that Earth has warmed since 1880.5 Most of this warming has occurred since the 1970s, with the 20 warmest years having occurred since 1981 and with all 10 of the warmest years occurring in the past 12 years.6 Even though the 2000s witnessed a solar output decline resulting in an unusually deep solar minimum in 2007-2009, surface temperatures continue to increase.7
Sea level riseClimate Change: Evidence
Global sea level rose about 17 centimeters (6.7 inches) in the last century. The rate in the last decade, however, is nearly double that of the last century.
Why are sea levels rising?
Why is this a big deal?
Go back and look at the picture of the earth during the last known time the ice caps were completely gone, the Eocene, when there were alligators at the poles:
Eastern seaboard? Gone. Much of Europe and Asia gone. North Africa gone. An ocean in the middle of South America.
Tough to retain our civilization with a pretty rapid change to this.
My logic is simple.
If we are going to stay on this planet eventually we will need to control it's climate. If not human activity, there will be vulcanism, solar weather and other factors that will undoubtably change it and not for the better for us.
Investing in cleaner energy production and industrial activity also has nice secondary and tertiary effects, like clean air, water, and conservation of the biological diversity on this planet.
Monocultures are a bad thing. Of which we are a massive one.
1. I'm not going to discuss all these extra stuff people here like to tack on to this.
2. Global temperatures fell from 1940-1975, during the time that human industrialization was peaking after WWII. So no, the earth's temperature have not been increasing since the 1800s as you claim.
3. The Earth's average global temperature has not risen in 17 years now but you people still continue to claim that each year gets hotter and hotter.
4. I'm not sure why you aren't capable of seeing that the AGW theory completely, repeat completely, falls apart because temperatures rise first and then CO2 levels rise.
Pro-AGW people want to trick people into believing the reverse of what is happening is actually occurring.
Honestly, I don't know if this is true or not.
I am worried because the pro-AGW always uses scare tactics and fear mongering to frighten the public.
Maybe the Antarctic is melting. However, is that melting from global warming?
How much melting has taken place in the past 17 years because the Earth's average temperature hasn't increased in 17 years.
Meanwhile, we know the Arctic ice continues to grow.
Pro-AGW doesn't want to talk about this for some reason. I'm not sure why.
FYI: For the majority of Earth's history there have not been ice at the poles. However, we are going to hit another Ice Age. And during that time any melting will most definitely reverse.
Let me give you a clue, BoyintheMachine, as you could use a few: You have dismantled nothing. You keep repeating the same mantra and keep ignoring all the evidence that makes you look foolish. If you cannot produce a meaningful, logical refutation of global warming — forget for the moment the cause — I'll just close this thread and be done with it. It's really getting tiresome, and I'm sorry you seem to be far too obtuse to understand how your arguments have been demolished over and over and even over again.Tyger,
I'm sorry but there's no point in me replying to you further. I've dismantled the very premise of AGW and the fact that you still are blind to this fact just goes to show your devotion to this AGW cult. It is a cult. It's a fanatical religion.
How am I supposed to compete with the type of crazy that when proven that CO2 rises after temperature rises continues to insist that CO2 causes global warming? How am I supposed to compete with the type of crazy who insists the Earth has been warming since the 1800s even though it's pretty much proven that the Earth was cooling from the period of 1940-1975, not to mention that we are currently also in a cooling period that started after 1997. There is no arguing with that type of crazy.
No matter what evidence is shown to disprove it you can not and will not reject AGW because it is your religion and it is your fanatical faith.
Let me give you a clue, BoyintheMachine, as you could use a few: You have dismantled nothing. You keep repeating the same mantra and keep ignoring all the evidence that makes you look foolish. If you cannot produce a meaningful, logical refutation of global warming — forget for the moment the cause — I'll just close this thread and be done with it. It's really getting tiresome, and I'm sorry you seem to be far too obtuse to understand how your arguments have been demolished over and over and even over again.
And, no, I will not discuss any of this with you. My worthy colleagues here are doing great.
Tyger, I'm sorry but there's no point in me replying to you further. I've dismantled the very premise of AGW and the fact that you still are blind to this fact just goes to show your devotion to this AGW cult. It is a cult. It's a fanatical religion.
You're making it personal and you're on the edge. Just watch it!Yes Gene. I'm sorry that I offended you and your cultic faith. If your cultic faith is true, the CO2 levels would rise and then global temperature would rise. That's not what happens in reality, the place where we all are supposed to be living. The opposite happens. Global temperatures rise and then CO2 levels rise. So you tell me, Gene. How can CO2 cause global warming?
You won't discuss it because you can't, not that you won't. You don't have a comeback because you are an AGW cultist. This is your faith, not mine.
Yes Gene. I'm sorry that I offended you and your cultic faith. If your cultic faith is true, the CO2 levels would rise and then global temperature would rise. That's not what happens in reality, the place where we all are supposed to be living. The opposite happens. Global temperatures rise and then CO2 levels rise. So you tell me, Gene. How can CO2 cause global warming?
You won't discuss it because you can't, not that you won't. You don't have a comeback because you are an AGW cultist. This is your faith, not mine.
You're making it personal and you're on the edge. Just watch it!
Please take the time you waste posting the same stuff and actually read what other say on the surface. If you did that, instead of repeating your mantra over and over again oblivious to facts, you might actually learn something. Give it a try.