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How Silly is Climate Change Denial?

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Thanks Climate Change/Weather Change/Global Cooling/and whatevs ! It's the dog days of August and it's in the low 60s all month in the mornings, so chilly I have to put on pants and a sweatshirt. Highs in the 70s, maybe low 80s—in Washington DC. Coolest summer on record. It's really crazy, never experienced anything like it.
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Can Geo-Engineering Save the Planet? - Christopher Williams on Reality Asserts Itself (4/5)
I would like you to note one thing which is that Williams says that we are already doing Geo-Engineering and that means CHEMTRAILS. This is not followed up on by Paul Jay.

WILLIAMS: Well, I think, in terms of geo-engineering and geo-engineering projects, I think we're already doing one. It's the biggest one out there, right? We're geo-engineering the atmosphere to create a different climate
WILLIAMS: Well, I think, in terms of geo-engineering and geo-engineering projects, I think we're already doing one. It's the biggest one out there, right? We're geo-engineering the atmosphere to create a different climate

All they are achieving is altering weather patterns short term, localised wherever they choose, altho i use localised in it's broadest term.

Ofcourse it isnt enough to effect global stat's, but it is enough to convince those Americans experiencing odd weather pattern's that global warming is 'real'.
At approx 3:40 Hartmann reports on the global temperatures, particularly on the warming of the oceans -

I haven't watched the mentioned 'Carbon' video in regards a carbon tax yet, but here is the link: greenworldrising

Anecdotally: we have had a very hot summer here in SoCal. In the Venice Beach area temperatures were 'comfortable' at say 82'F (still high for the area) and just a few miles away inland the temps were soaring to 102'F at the same time - a 20 degree difference between Burbank and Santa Monica.

Having a conversation with some 'old-timers' and the observations were along these lines: in the late 1980's, Venice Beach was 'chilly' in the summer (relative term, I am aware). People never wore short sleeves - it was cool and 'dampish'. Inland, in Burbank, say, it was warm, nothing unbearable. It's why people went to live there - went to the valley - beautifully warm and pleasant. Now? Venice Beach and Santa Monica are warm - and occasionally quite hot. The inland like Burbank and the Valley are sweltering hot with temperatures now 'normally' hitting 100'F and more.
Soooo.... in California is that Weather or Climate.
As Myself said above, " Big difference between climate and weather"
By me this may be the earliest I can recall the trees turning their
Fall colors. And that was 3 weeks ago already.
Please tell me is that Weather or Climate?
Soooo.... in California is that Weather or Climate.
As Myself said above, " Big difference between climate and weather"
By me this may be the earliest I can recall the trees turning their
Fall colors. And that was 3 weeks ago already.
Please tell me is that Weather or Climate?

As is often stated here - Google is your friend. :) If you honestly don't know the difference, and are genuinely asking for clarification, here is the first link I came across for you. Might help you if you do the Quiz in the link.


TEXT: "Weather is the conditions that occurred very recently or are currently happening. The current temperature, dewpoint, relative humidity, cloud cover and precipitation are examples of weather.

Climate describes the typical weather a location will have. For a good climate data set, at least 30 years of data for a location is needed. Climate also includes what type of weather extremes that can be expected for a location. Normal high and low temperature, typical monthly rainfall, most accumulation of snow in a year and record lowest temperature recorded for each month are examples of climate."

Interesting Dialog in the Comments Section with Guy McPherson, the Extinction fella -

Guy McPherson: This is the most ignorant film I've seen in a long time. 2C is locked in, and it's a political target, not a scientific one.

A: "Most ignorant film"???? Clearly, you have not taken the time to watch true science denial drivel. Watch a Monckton speech, for example, or Marc Morano's "Climate Hustle".

Guy McPherson: Excellent point. I stand corrected.

Oliver: Why pick this battle? I don't understand. Why not allow them their hope?

Jim: Guy, What's wrong with setting a goal? And why do you think it's ignorant?
Oliver, I hope you know we're all living on the same planet.

Guy McPherson: They're misleading every viewer. The truth is valuable, at least to me. This is wishful thinking. There's no way to avoid 2 C: it's locked in, as indicated by abundant evidence. Tim Garrett's work from 7 years ago indicates only collapse of industrial civilization prevents runaway climate change. It's too late for that, now that we've fired the clathrate gun [methane release] and numerous other self-reinforcing feedback loops. Climate-change summary and update

Oliver: I'm aware of that, and I dislike the extent to which these types of films tend to throw around "renewable energy" as some sort of panacea for the total anthropogenic destruction of every ecosystem on the planet, as if solar panels and windmills weren't made with fossil fuels, or could be maintained without them, or had no environmental impacts of their own, or made up for things like deforestation and over fishing and an all around commitment to waste that seems to be the hallmark of human nature.

On the other hand, if collapse of civilization your goal, then certainly a big energy tax and a shift to the actually-unsustainable "sustainable energy" sources seems like a decent way to ensure it comes to pass soon enough.

But more importantly, if it really is too late, as you say, then surely there's some better way to spend time than hating on some who would at least fight against the machine for that last shred of hope, in case the climate models aren't perfect, or to at least minimize the impact on future species which may survive us. A carbon tax is at least something.

Guy McPherson: Who's hating? I'm pointing out facts. Apparently people hate that!

Rob: You know, Guy, in the last talk I saw by Richard Alley, he suggested clathrate gun [methane release] was unlikely in the next century. I would suggest that it's you who is being overly alarmist here. You're taking an absolutist position in an area with huge uncertainties and low likelihood.

Greg Laden: Guy, that's a fairly obnoxious and narrow minded thing to say! Yes, actually, 2 C is a political target, as well as a policy-related target and a number somewhat arbitrary but picked out by scientists as an important level to avoid.

It is not locked in, but it could be. There are two ways that could happen, each coming from a different end of a spectrum.

1) We can listen to Andy Revkin. Revkin says global warming is nasty but we can deal with it, so chill. His imaginary airbag will save us from that crash, or make it survivable. If we listen to Andy, we don't bother doing much about fossil Carbon release and then yes, we lock in 2C

2) We can listen to Guy McPherson. Guy says that we are beyond the point of no return, that no matter what we do we have an extinction level event in front of us. If we listen to Guy, we won't bother doing anything because it is too late. And then, yes, we lock in 2C.

Or we could try to fix this.

Guy McPherson: The science indicates 2 C is locked in. Read this and tell me where it's incorrect: Climate-change summary and update

Randall S: If you want a good example of huge uncertainties and low likelihood, just look at the forecasts by most General Circulation Models, in regards to temperature. Soaked the American taxpayer for $Billions, once again.

Guy McPherson: Richard Alley apparently pays no attention to scientific data. The clathrate gun [methane release] has been fired, according to abundant refereed journal literature.

Everybody here is ignoring Tim Garrett's excellent work indicating only collapse of industrial civilization prevents runaway climate change (in a paper written seven years ago). I suppose I'm the only person commenting here who is working toward that goal.

Greg: I have read that, Guy, and I agree with about a third of it (related to climate change ... putting aside discussion of talking about climate change, trolls, etc.).

Guy McPherson: With what data do you disagree?

Randall S: We can't allow climophobes this indulgence, because increasing taxes and increasingly misdirected human resources are costing $Billions in lost productivity in a nation which can't afford to flush it's future down the toilet.

mgreshis: I read your link. It's tinfoil hat bullshit about Extinction.

Guy McPherson: With what data do you disagree?

Rauni: I tried to read through at least part of the data that You have gathered. It is very unsettling reading: as a human being it is hard to even consider the fact that the human race might be heading to an extinction. One way or another, I am not educated enough at the moment to agree or disagree with You, or Oliver Tickell on the proposition that "On a planet 4 C hotter than baseline, all we can prepare for is human extinction". But I will try to educate myself. But even to my ignorant mind it is clear, that:

Self-Reinforcing Feedback Loops (all 39 (!) of them that You mentioned) are accelerating the climate change, and we are not on a course to slow them down, but are even accelerating the tempo.

I encourage everyone to read the data provided by Guy. Of course, everyone should and will make their own conclusions, but the raw facts demand the attention of the humankind.

Stephen: So basically from that logic, we should just ignore GHG emissions and let the fossil fuel industry have immense power over us and our daily lives. Really, I don't even care if climate change is rubbish, I want to take power away from big oil. And working on climate change is an excellent way to do that. I also want our economies to become much more localized, seeing as how the economy of my home town was decimated because of globalization. Globalization, which was made possible by cheap energy.

Stephen: We're flushing our future down the toilet by being pawns for the energy sector. [...]

Guy McPherson: I left the easy life of a tenured full professor to live in an off-grid homestead. From here, I work to terminate civilization (the only way to prevent runaway climate change, according to abundant scientific literature). Don't judge me, and I won't judge your lunacy.

Randall S: Even gasoline from coal helps sustain the international marketplace, so if you've ever consumed gasoline or diesel from any global source, you've been an equal part of this 'problem'. It's highly likely that in the process of mixing stock grades at refining, you've even become a direct consumer of this coal product.

Sorry to give you the bad news, but with easily over one million types of consumer, medical and industrial products now produced from oil, coal and gas, it's highly likely you have sucked [...]. Since antibiotics and quite a few other medications are partially a petroleum product and even the syringe is a coal/oil/gas product, you've probably even been to a hospital or doctor's office and been injected with [...]. And I could have been really nasty.

Sven: Guy, I am a bit puzzled. Do you believe that 'terminating civilization' from an off-grid homestead will be better and more feasible than trying to change civilization from within? What do you mean by terminating civilization?

[Guy McPherson exited before this juncture in the conversation thread.]

LINK: Climate Deniers Are Giving Us Skeptics a Bad Name - Fred Singer
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CO2 levels in atmosphere rising at dramatically faster rate, U.N. report warns
LINK: CO2 levels in atmosphere rising at dramatically faster rate, U.N. report warns - The Washington Post

TEXT: "Levels of heat-trapping carbon dioxide in the atmosphere rose at a record-shattering pace last year, a new report shows, a surge that surprised scientists and spurred fears of an accelerated warming of the planet in decades to come.

Concentrations of nearly all the major greenhouse gases reached historic highs in 2013, reflecting ever-rising emissions from automobiles and smokestacks but also, scientists believe, a diminishing ability of the world’s oceans and plant life to soak up the excess carbon put into the atmosphere by humans, according to data released early Tuesday by the United Nations’ meteorological advisory body.

The latest figures from the World Meteorological Organization’smonitoring network are considered particularly significant because they reflect not only the amount of carbon pumped into the air by humans, but also the complex interaction between man-made gases and the natural world. Historically, about half of the pollution from human sources has been absorbed by the oceans and by terrestrial plants, preventing temperatures from rising as quickly as they otherwise would, scientists say.

If the oceans and the biosphere cannot absorb as much carbon, the effect on the atmosphere could be much worse,” said Oksana Tarasova, a scientist and chief of the WMO’s Global Atmospheric Watch program, which collects data from 125 monitoring stations worldwide. The monitoring network is regarded as the most reliable window on the health of Earth’s atmosphere, drawing on air samples collected near the poles, over the oceans, and in other locations far from cities and other major sources of pollution.

The new figures for carbon dioxide were particularly surprising, showing the biggest year-over-year increase since detailed records were first compiled in the 1980s, Tarasova said in an interview. The jump of nearly three parts per million over 2012 levels was twice as large as the average increase in carbon levels in recent decades, she said. “The changes we’re seeing are really drastic,” Tarasova said. “We are seeing the growth rate rising exponentially.”
Soooo.... in California is that Weather or Climate.
As Myself said above, " Big difference between climate and weather"
By me this may be the earliest I can recall the trees turning their
Fall colors. And that was 3 weeks ago already.
Please tell me is that Weather or Climate?

Actually neither. It's called Economic POLITICS. After a planet has been around for as long as this one has, and has been through as many EXTREME climate cycles as this planet has, far and away prior to mankind's existence, only an alarmist, deluded, and utterly self important moroon would entitle mankind itself to such a NATURAL event's elite cause.

Where the beep is everyone's common sense meter when it comes to ultra high profile, commercially motivated, and politically driven, nonsense like this? How long has mankind been keeping records of climate/weather on the planet? And we are prepared to call that "science"?

How long has the planet itself been around? How many ice ages have there been? Remember those things called Dinosaurs? Were they global elitists as well? Can we put two and two together here people and be done with this folly?

I seriously doubt it. ;)

BTW: My post here is NOT aimed at this exact post, or poster, just jumping in here.
The climate change debate has always been politically motivated, even though logic, reality, and science (to the extent we can consider what we know about climate change to be considered science) should prevail. Democrats believe in and present policies about climate change, while Republicans deny climate change is really an issue.

I certainly believe in the theory of climate change, but I need a little more evidence than a few extra cold summers or extra hot winters to be convinced. The ice caps are still intact and the thought of extreme weather conditions killing masses of people remains to be only a mere image of Dennis Quaid surrounded by bad CGI.
I do not recall seeing this in our media here in US. May be it was on the very back page as usual.
Why do I have to go to the UK to get some other viewpoint to consider.
That may be why we call it lame stream media over here.
So far all I have seen is billions of green wasted spending on a wag (wild ass guess).

Myth of Artic Meltdown:
Stunning satellite images show summer ice cap is thicker and covers 1.7million square kilometres MORE than 2 years ago...despite Al Gore's prediction it would be ICE-FREE by now | Mail Online
I know of no scientist that denies that climate change happens. Thankfully it does. We would not be here if it didn't.
The foundation of this absurd belief system is that catastrophic global warming is happening now and that human generated CO2 is causing it.
I wonder how many of the climate change deniers, the professional ones, aren't paid for by the energy industry who wants the status quo.

Consider the extreme weather of the last couple of years and tell me that it's normal.
This is one of the silliest posts I have EVER read on these forums.. :)