Sorry but again you say lots, you throw out a few ad ho miens, you more than flash your Greenpeace credentials, you slip in about how complicated it all is etc etc burnt, you tell me you believe a trace gas is going to cause CATASTROPHIC warming and climate change.
Yet you struggle to admit, to even say it, that your belief is faith based, it cannot be based on the current science, because you do admit science doesnt understand our climate systems well enough, you say it below.
Similarly, as I've outlined above, and as would any basic science textbook, the issue of how carbon works is also a highly complex, interconnected set of systems. One accepted model is that excess carbon production and an inability to remove that excess carbon can result in warming temperatures. However, as we study the planet's ability to breathe and take in excess carbon and repurpose it, and how the various positive and negative feedback loops work, we know that
we still have a limited grasp on just how complex it all is.
My beef has never been with global warming, my beef is with the claim CATASTROPHIC warming, and CATASTROPHIC climate change.
Why ? Because its politically motivated bullshit.
No logical person could come to any other conclusion other than bogus claim after reading the emails between the top people from thr IPCC, of which the 2 beneath make my point, if you press the point i will post dozens of similar emails to make my point.
“Any work we have done in the past is done on the back of the research grants we get – and has to be well hidden,”Jones writes in another newly released email.
Michael Mann
“I’ve discussed this with the main funder (U.S. Dept of Energy) in the past and they are happy about not releasing the original station data.”
chart above 150 years of actual station readings.
Wheres the warming ?.
oh heres the warming, bogus just like the CATASTROPHIC label.
And to top it off, what should be every citizens right, to educate themselves, to be able to form educated opinions, is hidden away, they are above the freedom of information acts, your tax dollar paying their fat salaries and pension funds, paying to fly them pop star style to big important conferences all around the world, but you not allowed to see the data, just the results.
Being above the FOI acts, means NO scrutiny, which means they self peer review, and the money keeps flowing, and pinochio's nose just keeps on growing.