Comment: "If there are people who "do not believe" in human-caused global warming, who claim it's not warming or it is cooling, or it will cool any year now, could they explain why global average temperature in the 1970's was warmer than that of the 60's, the 80's were warmer than the 70's, the 90's warmer than the 80's, and the 00's warmer than the 90's? (By the way, the average for this decade of the teens is already above the average for last decade, according to recent data.) Further, if this is a hoax, then the plants are in on it, too - look at the Burpee Seed Catalog planting zones for the past 50 years - from 1965, say, until now. The plants are moving away from the tropics and toward the poles, away from the lowlands and up the mountainsides. Pretty freakin convincing hoax, hm?"
Response Comment: "And I really hope I'm wrong. But I'm worried, because if the climate and weather patterns change enough to dump several years more heat into the oceans, this will totally cement the deniers' positions in their minds, and they will block all action until it is very late in the game. At some point, that heat is going to come out of the ocean, and when it does, we are going to be hurting big time. The longer it takes, the more we will hurt. I wish you luck where you are, and hope there's a friendly mountain on your island."