Paranormal Adept
WTF?Well that is clear enough. Thank you for this thread pixelsmith. I have enjoyed posting to it. I would also like to thank ufology for helping to make clear what your position is. I think everybody else is clear about what they believe.![]()

I'm sorry, flipper, but this little bit of cadging to the ultimate internet bully has me speechless.
Please look at this thread: Global Warming Happy Fun-Time | The Paracast Community Forums
The foregoing thread was started by Angel of Loren in July 2012 and ended in October 2013. Pixel was dominant on that thread. His was the second post on the thread as well as the last post. His last post there references the 97% consensus btw. That thread ended at 37 pages.
Fast forward a handful of months: Angel of Loren starts this thread in May 2014 - not Pixelsmith, please note. The conversation proceeds for 23 pages when Pixelsmith makes his appearance with post#457. Pixelsmith dive-bombs the thread with one-liner posts (I personally think Pixelsmith is trying to catch up to Gene Steinberg's post count). He begins posting one-liner posts 4 and 5 in a row - and becomes abusive to any poster who diverges from his pov. This is what you are thanking Pixel for? By page 28 the thread undergoes a complete breakdown. Posters leave the abusive atmosphere. Manxman jumped in and he and Pixel engaged in pretty nasty stuff overall. Posters became a focus for hectoring. My "offense' seemed to be that I dared stay on the thread and post my thoughts and links. Pixel simply seems unable to abide opposing views, and does all he can to silence them.
What's very telling is that the previous thread ended with Pixel's last post - he had the last word. It ended at page 37. This thread broke down by page 28, very shortly after Pixel began posting on the thread, 4 months into it's life. Pixel was doing everything he could to smash it into silence - and this is what you are thanking Pixel for?

In fact, Pixel presents no novel or new ideas - he just relentlessly repeats the same, exact same, sentences over-and-over again. He may be copy-and-pasting his own text for all I know.
As best as I can make out the Paracast chat site world boils down to those who believe the world is riddled with conspiracies, and is probably a matrix-type computer simulation, on the one hand, and some very erudite, level-headed, sensible sorts on the other. It is the latter that makes posting here worthwhile. It's the former folks who give lip-service to science but actually are anti-science. Unless one subscribes to the conspiracist view, one is fair game it seems. I would not be one to thank Pixel for anything, and he has been very far from making posting on this thread 'enjoyable'.

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