They might say the same about you. Let's just not go there, pixel, OK?
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Again. Start a pollution thread. You might do well there. This is about climate.But its also not the totality of the problem. The CO2 in human emissions is "Dirty" Co2 Its not clean and its not safe, any more than Dirty water is safe to drink.
Omg. Will you PLEASE understand that the core problem according to your science in regards to climate IS CO2.Climate in the context of being effected by man made emissions, I think my contribution is relevant to the gestalt of the discussion.
Though i am sure Gene will let me know if i step out of line.
Man made emissions are pumping CO2 into the atmosphere, at the same time they are pumping all sorts of other HAP's and toxic nastys.
Thats the full story and worth discussing in this thread
While you might try and debate the effects of CO2 as a component of those emissions, there can be nothing but consensus as to the disatrous effects the other components of man made emissions are having on the biosphere.
Once you get your head around that, the course forward becomes clear.
You've allowed yourself to fall prey to Neros folly.
To occupy oneself with unimportant matters and neglect priorities during a crisis.
Fixing the core problem will render the CO2 one moot, something perhaps you are opposed to since it seems to be your Raison d'être here
Be lucky pixel, Gene wants cater to this garbage then thats his choice, one day it will dawn on him why his forum is a dead duck now.
You ask for models, but why would anyone bother at this point? We can show you the IPCC models, which, by the way, are endorsed by scientific organizations from over 100 foreign countries
For 40 years now none of the doomsday predictions of ... melting poles ... have happened ...
For 40 years now none of the doomsday predictions of ... drought ... have happened.
The one thing that seems obvious to me is that the whole carbon trading scheme seems to be more about money than climate change, and that getting governments and industry to sign onto agreements that include the carbon trading scheme is not the greatest plan. Setting aside the argument about CO2 and it's actual effect on climate change, here's a primer for those ( unlike you ) who don't know:
Far from it. They are the worst possible entity to be involved... Unless you want a one world government.Its one of the reasons why a global body like the UN is better suited to making the unpopular decisions required.
Far from it. They are the worst possible entity to be involved... Unless you want a one world government.
Should this not be crap and trade?Arctic Sea Ice Decline:
BTW: Everyone who signs up with the forum should have a right to express their opinions and present their views here so long as they're not breaking any laws or participating in obvious flame wars and personality attacks for the sake of personal online harassment. I don't see any of that going on. Also, on the news here today the government decided that in the face of declining oil prices they were going to take a hands off approach to GHG regulation as part of their climate change agenda. Note that the subject was framed as GHG ( greenhouse gas ) not simply CO2. So although we can focus on CO2 if we want to, it's not the only factor to consider."Arctic sea ice decline describes the sea ice loss observed in recent decades in the Arctic Ocean. The IPCC AR4 reported that greenhouse gas forcing is largely, but not wholly, responsible for the decline in Arctic sea ice extent. More recent studies found the decline to be “faster than forecasted” by model simulations. The IPCC AR5 report concluded with high confidence that sea ice continues to decrease in extent and there is robust evidence for the downward trend in Arctic summer sea ice extent since 1979. It has been established that the region is at its warmest for at least 40,000 years and the Arctic-wide melt season has lengthened at a rate of 5 days per decade (from 1979 to 2013), dominated by a later autumn freezeup. Sea ice changes have been identified as a mechanism for polar amplification." - Wikipedia
So maybe what we should do here is separate the economic side of the argument such as carbon trading from what is actually going on in the environment. Depending on which conspiracy one has aligned themselves to, graphs like the one above will be considered as propaganda and fake if it doesn't support their views. So how do those who want to know the truth tell what we should and should not believe? Simply because some data may not agree with ones conspiracy theories doesn't automatically make it false.
Special update: The Extraordinary California Drought of 2013-2014: Character, Context, and the Role of Climate Change
"Using these climate model simulations, we found that the human emission of greenhouse gases has very likely tripled the likelihood of experiencing large-scale atmospheric conditions similar to those observed in 2013. This claim is based upon the simulated 500mb geopotential heights over the northeastern Pacific Ocean, which are strongly related to California precipitation."
If I look for evidence for the rest of the predictions you say haven't happened, how likely is it do you think that I'll find something that provides counterpoint to each of your claims? I suggest it's very likely. How likely is it that you'll simply hand-wave those examples claiming your superior knowledge of the subject matter? I don't know. We can all probably find charts and data and interpretations out there to support our views if we want to cherry pick it and present it within a context that only allows for our pet interpretations.
So let's keep it simple. Has there been a decline in Arctic sea ice as the graph above claims? Has there been a draught in California as the article above claims? Can both be reasonably linked to climate change as both articles claim? How much of that climate change has to do with GHG? How much of that GHG has to do with human emissions? Again it all boils down to the question of whether or not human emissions have any effect at all. Personally I cannot get behind the notions of those who suggest that adding GHG to the atmosphere has no effect whatsoever.
Like I said before add another 20% of insulation to the attic and there must be some effect, and as the link in my previous post showed, satellite measurements have been measuring a slight increase in GHG trapping of solar radiation. It's not of Armageddon like proportions. But where's the tipping point? Maybe it doesn't have to be as bad as a Hollywood disaster movie to have consequences we'd rather do without. Maybe we're cooking ourselves just slowly enough that some people thinks it doesn't matter enough to worry about. I don't know. It seems like for every argument and variable there is some counterargument and variable.
The one thing that seems obvious to me is that the whole carbon trading scheme seems to be more about money than climate change, and that getting governments and industry to sign onto agreements that include the carbon trading scheme is not the greatest plan. Setting aside the argument about CO2 and it's actual effect on climate change, here's a primer for those ( unlike you ) who don't know:
What is the lowest amount of CO2 plants can survive on?How we choose to define the word 'pollutant' is a play in semantics. To focus on a few positive effects of carbon dioxide is to ignore the broader picture of its full impacts. The net result from increasing CO2 are severe negative impacts on our environment and the living conditions of future humanity.
Is CO2 a pollutant?