Really? What exactly was his attitude that you find so offensive that you would have him unconscious - I assume you meant you would have him KO'd.

So that is how you deal with someone who doesn't think the way you do? Have you found that
modus operandi productive over the years?
Note: Thom Hartmann is not an "RT anchorman". His show is on the RT Network.
Thom Hartmann described what he was engaging in as a 'rumble' - a wrestling match - two against one. They were all in on the 'rumble'. Listen to the points being made by each 'side'. A bit of fun but some important back-and-forth.
Can't take the heat, Manxman, when its emanating from the other side?

It was either you or Pixel who posted the interview from the Austrailian show that was pretty much three against one.
That one you liked. This one not so much. Wonder why.
No he would have ended up unconscious for shouting over me, for trying to intimidate me, and it would of been very swift,, that kind of 'Gerry Springer' TV, masquarading as political debate is exactly why you are being ridiculed .
You present a 2 minute sham political debate, between NOBODIES when asked what convinces you of runaway global warming, again the 95% of the world population do not know your micky mouse politico's or your mickey mouse interviewers, or even the mickey mouse tv or news outlets.
You have gone back to your Butterfly in the garden routine, because you have no logical way of explaining to us in your OWN words the the illogical LEAP OF FAITH.
The butterfly routine is such, you have recently entered the runaway global warming garden, and there are daisie's everywhere.
Top of the garden, bottom of the garden, daisies everywhere.
Political diasies, science daisies, green daisies, environment daisies, crazy daisies, oil daisies, gas daisies, coal daisies, over-crowded daisies, solar daisies, modelling daisies, many daisies of all sorts of types, a butterfly's wet dream.
Your trouble is you just flit from one to the other, repeatedly, in any random order that takes your fancy, which ever one smells the best at the time, and you are oblivious to the turd that most of the daisies you visit are growing thru the centre of.
Ive suggested we start with the biggest daisy here.
I will make it simple for you to
convince me and many others that
Catastrophic Climate Change, leading to extinction, due to runaway Global warming, that is caused by manmade co2 emissions, as you claim is correct.
And remember it is YOUR claim.
Show me the models that enable you and mad mike to make this leap of faith.
Show me the models, by that i mean the corroborating parallel independent modeling that forecast the future climate you are so sure of, is their any ?.
Or is the modelling secret ?, the criteria and data used etc etc, i mean they would be open and honest with such dire predictied consequene's from their modelling wouldnt they.
I mean you would want your modelling to be stress tested by the very best scientific minds, if they are forecasting extinction.
What about the tremendous fuel poverty the poor will suffer, the extortinate taxe's we will all suffer, our childrens tax's wasted on a politically motivated fantasy, just to prop up a broke country, and failing president who make's great tweets,, if those secret models are wrong..
And explain to us what it is about the modelling that makes you so sure of the deadly forecast consequence's if we dont completely drop fossil fuels now,
convince me/us.
Convince me/us why i should be all for having the human race turned upside-down, because of some wooey semi secret science, making an extraordinary claim.
We ALL undestand WHY you want to stay with CRAZY daisy talking about political and green daisies, and avoid visiting the BIG RUNAWAY GLOBAL WARMING daisy in the centre of the garden, [[especially with the last 18yr hiatus]].
That is the ACTUAL topic of the debate WE are having here in this thread, which are the extraordinary claims from the IPCC noted above, but ofcourse you know that, you only pretend you do not 'get it'.
Your contributions are little more than political/green /enviromental info-mercials.
Some of us need more than that, to get off the fence, when it comes to
extraordinary claims, even more so when so much is at stake
, which is the near future extinction of mankind due to manmade co2 emissions.
For me all it would take is an open peer review, of the predictions, the
extraordinary claims are based on.