How is this 4.6 degrees rise flipper old son, do yourself a favour, let your eyes do the believin, not your ears.
When you fall for this.
The trend line shows that the statewide rate of temperature increase is 4.6 degrees per century. Scientists agree that as it continues, it ratchets up the risk of dangerous, destabilizing, and very long-lasting climate change within our lifetimes.
Using ALL raw station data, against just the selected ones usedto show a slight rise, America is cooler now than it was 150yrs ago, cooler than 100 yrs ago, infact each decade since 1880 atleast has been cooler than the previous, so wheres the integrity in posting the above.
NOAA : Hiding The Decline In US Temperatures | Real Science
You will fall for the rest of his hard sell.
Now you cannot deny he is blatantly mistaken or lying, about statewide 100 yr rise's.
So how can you logically put any faith in the rest of it ?.
Can you honestly not see the hype, the gross distortion of reality, we all know theres been nearly a degree of warming worldwide in the last centuary, we all know the world is in a mess, neither are going to cause mans extinction in the next 50/100 yrs, runaway global warming is an unsustainable myth, which will keep on morphing, then collapse in time as life goes on, but not before alot of people gorge on your dollar, and chain your kids with a lifetime of debt repayments making up a substantial part of their tax's...
Do you not see a whole new generation of kids in America now being educated that catastrophic global warming myth is a real scary, they are being brainwashed into why they will be paying off the debt as adults, America is broke, all this bullshit to keep a country trillions of dollars in debt from collapsing now, borrow, give it to the economy, borrow spend, borrow spend, borrow spend, go to war, borrow spend borrow spend, kaboom.
When you fall for this.
The trend line shows that the statewide rate of temperature increase is 4.6 degrees per century. Scientists agree that as it continues, it ratchets up the risk of dangerous, destabilizing, and very long-lasting climate change within our lifetimes.
Using ALL raw station data, against just the selected ones usedto show a slight rise, America is cooler now than it was 150yrs ago, cooler than 100 yrs ago, infact each decade since 1880 atleast has been cooler than the previous, so wheres the integrity in posting the above.

NOAA : Hiding The Decline In US Temperatures | Real Science
You will fall for the rest of his hard sell.
Now you cannot deny he is blatantly mistaken or lying, about statewide 100 yr rise's.
So how can you logically put any faith in the rest of it ?.
Can you honestly not see the hype, the gross distortion of reality, we all know theres been nearly a degree of warming worldwide in the last centuary, we all know the world is in a mess, neither are going to cause mans extinction in the next 50/100 yrs, runaway global warming is an unsustainable myth, which will keep on morphing, then collapse in time as life goes on, but not before alot of people gorge on your dollar, and chain your kids with a lifetime of debt repayments making up a substantial part of their tax's...
Do you not see a whole new generation of kids in America now being educated that catastrophic global warming myth is a real scary, they are being brainwashed into why they will be paying off the debt as adults, America is broke, all this bullshit to keep a country trillions of dollars in debt from collapsing now, borrow, give it to the economy, borrow spend, borrow spend, borrow spend, go to war, borrow spend borrow spend, kaboom.
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