Evidence - cite, please. Backup for categoric statements. Perhaps instead of calling names and simply contradicting, you could provide some counterargument? Or even a refutation?
LOL after 60 pages its pretty obvious he doesnt have one
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Evidence - cite, please. Backup for categoric statements. Perhaps instead of calling names and simply contradicting, you could provide some counterargument? Or even a refutation?
The warm year and higher CO2 levels have giving us record crop harvests around the world. This is great news yet our alarmists continue to wet their pants and wring their hands in worry. LMAO.
This is why just debating the climate works for those who want to continue to destroy the planet.And that same human activity has given us deforestation, depletion of fish stocks and a 50 percent decline in the worlds animal species to name but a few of the effects
Human Impact On The Environment
WWF: World has lost more than half its wildlife in 40 years - CNN.com
Yes colder and wetter due to global warming is exactly what I have been experiencingWhat has been stated endlessly here on this thread with absolutely no back-up is that the predictions of Climate Scientists 20 and 30 years ago have not happened. False. They are happening. Island nations are disappearing. Permanent changes in coastlines have begun - even here in the US. With Warming we were told that weather extremes would be more common - colder winters, more extreme precipitation events while drought and harvest fails occur elsewhere. The 'new normal' is now exactly that.
This is why just debating the climate works for those who want to continue to destroy the planet.
Do your own damn research. Google "CO2 record harvests 2014" or "CO2 greening 2014"Evidence - cite, please. Backup for categoric statements. Perhaps instead of calling names and simply contradicting, you could provide some counterargument? Or even a refutation?
Due to my foofighter sighting {one night in November of 1976, approx. 40 miles west of Washington D.C.} I'm an advocate of fusion power technology --- whereas --- oil should only be used for greasing frying pans and lubing ball bearings.WHY haven't you hypocrites junked your cars and computers? You piss n moan yet continue to support big oil. WTF?
Well its oil giving you the ability to post here, and probably oil that got you 40 miles w o w.
Dreaming about fusion, wont light your house tonight, that will be that does that.
What would you experience from global cooling then? Warmer and dryer weather?Yes colder and wetter due to global warming is exactly what I have been experiencing![]()