You are obviously unable to convince anyone, even with your BLIND faith and al gore disaster movies.
Any time you or mad mike can actually verbally communicate to us the reason we should take your 'leap of faith' and believe the extraordinary claims for our future we are all ears.
So we dont loose focus of what the debate WE are having is actually about, ive copied theway you can convince us.
It is not a devious or an impossible to answer question/s, infact it couldnt be a SIMPLER request, show us the modelling evidence, that bacs up the extradinary claim/s you whole-heartedly have endorsed, here long and loud, about.
Does skeptical Science not have the answer, ?.
No being the top top top climate guru he is, all he will have is advice on how to slip the question, how to avoid direct response, just like i bet you will.
I will make it simple for you to convince me and many others that Catastrophic Climate Change, leading to extinction, due to runaway Global warming, that is caused by manmade co2 emissions, as you claim is correct.
And remember it is YOUR claim.
Show me the models that enable you and mad mike to make this leap of faith.
Show me the models, by that i mean the corroborating parallel independent modeling that forecast the future climate you are so sure of, is their any ?.
Or is the modelling secret ?, the criteria and data used etc etc, i mean they would be open and honest with such dire predictied consequene's from their modelling wouldnt they.
I mean you would want your modelling to be stress tested by the very best scientific minds, if they are forecasting extinction.
What about the tremendous fuel poverty the poor will suffer, the extortinate taxe's we will all suffer, our childrens tax's wasted on a politically motivated fantasy, just to prop up a broke country, and failing president who make's great tweets,, if those secret models are wrong..
And explain to us what it is about the modelling that makes you so sure of the deadly forecast consequence's if we dont completely drop fossil fuels now, convince me.
Convince me why i should be all for having the human race turned upside-down, because of some wooey semi secret science, making an extraordinary claim.