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How Silly is Climate Change Denial?

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Personally i find the Ariel school sighting to be a compelling case

Curiously, the older students said that they felt that the creatures communicated with them somehow, sending the message that we humans are destroying our planet, polluting the environment in ways that will have dire consequences.

Its a common theme in the contact narrative, i cant help but think its important
Sorry mike, skepticalscience references are not credible. You should go to Tyger's anti science thread to post that crap.
Personally i find the Ariel school sighting to be a compelling case

Its a common theme in the contact narrative, i cant help but think its important
I think to much CO2 has made you confused Mike.
The Ariel school sighting has little to do with this topic.
Try holding your CO2 emissions for 20 minutes and see if that helps you. ;)
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Pixel did you notice Tyger dropped in the gem about him being a scientist, thats why he recognise's the deep deep trouble humanity is in and 'deniers' do not.

It will be funny a recap of this thread.

You have Tyger announcing in all seriousness, that he is a visionary at the cutting edge on this myth, and now a few weeks later another revelation of being a 'scientist', however i smell something bovine in the air.

But he could prove my skepticism of his silliness wrong ofcourse, if his claims are true.
He is the Paracast's very own Billy Meier of global warming, imo
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I did notice that. I don't believe it. She would be the worst scientist in the world if that were true.
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Do you think he is unwell.

Are self confessed apocalyptic Vision's normal ?.
Then theres the full bore paranoia about human extinction in a few years, as we quickly cook, just a soon as we come out of this 19yr warming hiatus.
Are the Activists over at skepical science making him ill with worry do you think ?.
Its all doom gloom pollution and overcrowding, the 1% of the earth surface that our metropolis's make up is too much man, the other 99% of the earths surface just cant fit the overcrowding in, and the pollution, its just so awful.

Maybe on seconds thoughts he has just been spending to much time with mike, and is a little overwrought these days as a consequence.

I get the impression mike sleeps under a green-peace headboard and 'climate change is real' quilt, with a fully loaded automatic weapon, just incase a muslin rides past his house on a bus.

That would stress anybody out, imo, it might even make some people think they are a 'real' scientist or such.

Maybe it was all that talking to himself in another thread that tipped him over, its easy to get carried away, so we can try and assist him, and only hope that, that way it will not be in restraints.

As for mike the rising ocean will probably just gobble him up one night, its that dangerous now, he wont go without fight, i reckon he will shoot the shit outta that big ol wave.

Anyway im probably miles off, just pondering a few things.
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Fire away, as I know you both will. Sad. It's not me you are hurting - it's the reputation of the Paracast forum. But if Gene is willing to have the nonsense you are peddling set the tone for threads on this subject, who am I to gainsay the choice. As I say, fire away. It's not me you're hitting. Or Mike. Or any of the countless others you have hectored into silence.

It's the reputation of the Paracast forum that is being hit with every post like the ones above that are allowed to stand. Let them stand - as clear warnings to others who would like to have sane conversation: Stay Clear - Muck Ahead. Not a place that values civil conversation or values posters. Fire away.
Fire away, as I know you both will. Sad. It's not me you are hurting - it's the reputation of the Paracast forum. But if Gene is willing to have the nonsense you are peddling set the tone for threads on this subject, who am I to gainsay the choice. As I say, fire away. It's not me you're hitting. Or Mike. Or any of the countless others you have hectored into silence.

It's the reputation of the Paracast forum that is being hit with every post like the ones above that are allowed to stand. Let them stand - as clear warnings to others who would like to have sane conversation: Stay Clear - Muck Ahead. Not a place that values civil conversation or values posters. Fire away.
Sorry to say it is people like you that are hurting this forum with your fake science and obvious agenda. We have offered you detailed information on why we think there is room for discussion and dialogue on this topic but you refuse to look at current science and information that any REAL scientist would eagerly digest and try to learn from. It is obvious you are not a scientist.
Fire away, as I know you both will. Sad. It's not me you are hurting - it's the reputation of the Paracast forum. But if Gene is willing to have the nonsense you are peddling set the tone for threads on this subject, who am I to gainsay the choice. As I say, fire away. It's not me you're hitting. Or Mike. Or any of the countless others you have hectored into silence.

It's the reputation of the Paracast forum that is being hit with every post like the ones above that are allowed to stand. Let them stand - as clear warnings to others who would like to have sane conversation: Stay Clear - Muck Ahead. Not a place that values civil conversation or values posters. Fire away.

Gene has sat thru countless debates where the people making extraordinary claims are faced with alittle sense, he knows the game.

The Boy Who Cried Wolf - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Overkill - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
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‘Warmest Year On Record’ Claims Falling Apart Under Scrutiny

The Nasa climate scientists who claimed 2014 set a new record for global warmth last night admitted they were only 38 per cent sure this was true. Yesterday it emerged that GISS’s analysis – based on readings from more than 3,000 measuring stations worldwide – is subject to a margin of error. Nasa admits this means it is far from certain that 2014 set a record at all. –David Rose, Mail on Sunday, 18 January 2015

Last week, according to our crackerjack mainstream media, NASA announced that 2014 was the hottest year, like, ever. No, really. The New York Times began its report with: “Last year was the hottest in earth’s recorded history.” Well, not really. As we’re about to see, this is a claim that dissolves on contact with actual science. But that didn’t stop the press from running with it. –Robert Tracinsk, The Federalist, 19 January 2015

Despite fears that global warming is harming the Arctic region faster than the rest of the world, Greenland is defying climate scientists and currently growing at its fastest rate in four years. The Danish Meteorological Institute reports that Greenland’s ice sheet has seen more growth so far this year than in the last four years. Greenland’s growth in 2015 is also higher than the mean growth for 1990 to 2011. –Michael Bastasch, The Daily Caller, 14 January 2015

What remains of the original description of this ‘warmest year on record’ news? Nothing but bluff, spin, and the uncritical press-release journalism that dominates mainstream reporting on the climate. It may or may not be the hottest year ever, but this is definitely in the running for the most dishonest year on record. –Robert Tracinsk, The Federalist, 19 January 2015
Regardless of which side of the man-made climate change debate you are on, one thing is clear: The claim that 2014 was the warmest year on record is shaky at best. –Inquisitr, 19 January 2015

If anybody is still in any doubt that it is UNSCIENTIFIC to make claims about hottest years, without taking into account error bars, I would advise what the World Meteorological Organisation had to say on the issue in their report on global temperatures for 2006: “All temperature values have uncertainties, which arise mainly from gaps in data coverage. The size of the uncertainties is such that the global average temperature for 2006 is statistically indistinguishable from, and could be anywhere between, the first and the eighth warmest year on record.” –Paul Homewood, Not A Lot of People Know That, 17 January 2015

Global temperatures will resume their long term growth trend within five to 10 years ending the so called pause in global warming, a leading climate scientist has predicted. The pause – which on some measures has gone on since the mid-1990s – continued into 2014 on the basis of global temperature data released last week by US space agency NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the US. However, the warming effect of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide will grow sufficiently to overcome the combined impact of various natural climate cooling factors, journalists on a telephone news conference were told last week by Gavin Schmidt, director of NASA’s Goddard Institute of Space Studies. –Reporting Climate Science, 19 January 2015

2014: The Most Dishonest Year on Record | Watts Up With That?
@Tyger because I am not allowed freedom of speech on your thread i will address your comment here.

Tyger said: "Pixel - and now you - effectively shut down all discussion on this topic. It's not anything you should be proud of imo. Plain and simple - you're both bullies, and for some reason - under the guise of 'freedom of expression' - you are being allowed to engage in what amounts to pre-adolescent badgering. Not healthy. And an extremely bad 'show' for the Paracast Forum. Not good 'press' by any standard."

We have tried to engage you in discussion with actual science that questions your bought and paid for science. What we present utilizes the scientific method which you seem to know nothing about. You refuse to address our points on the subject then say it is us that is shutting down the discussion on the topic.

We WANT to discuss it with you @Tyger but you have a closed mind and are unwilling to debate the topic. That is not how science works.
‘Warmest Year On Record’ Claims Falling Apart Under Scrutiny

The Nasa climate scientists who claimed 2014 set a new record for global warmth last night admitted they were only 38 per cent sure this was true. Yesterday it emerged that GISS’s analysis – based on readings from more than 3,000 measuring stations worldwide – is subject to a margin of error. Nasa admits this means it is far from certain that 2014 set a record at all. –David Rose, Mail on Sunday, 18 January 2015

Last week, according to our crackerjack mainstream media, NASA announced that 2014 was the hottest year, like, ever. No, really. The New York Times began its report with: “Last year was the hottest in earth’s recorded history.” Well, not really. As we’re about to see, this is a claim that dissolves on contact with actual science. But that didn’t stop the press from running with it. –Robert Tracinsk, The Federalist, 19 January 2015

Despite fears that global warming is harming the Arctic region faster than the rest of the world, Greenland is defying climate scientists and currently growing at its fastest rate in four years. The Danish Meteorological Institute reports that Greenland’s ice sheet has seen more growth so far this year than in the last four years. Greenland’s growth in 2015 is also higher than the mean growth for 1990 to 2011. –Michael Bastasch, The Daily Caller, 14 January 2015

What remains of the original description of this ‘warmest year on record’ news? Nothing but bluff, spin, and the uncritical press-release journalism that dominates mainstream reporting on the climate. It may or may not be the hottest year ever, but this is definitely in the running for the most dishonest year on record. –Robert Tracinsk, The Federalist, 19 January 2015
Regardless of which side of the man-made climate change debate you are on, one thing is clear: The claim that 2014 was the warmest year on record is shaky at best. –Inquisitr, 19 January 2015

If anybody is still in any doubt that it is UNSCIENTIFIC to make claims about hottest years, without taking into account error bars, I would advise what the World Meteorological Organisation had to say on the issue in their report on global temperatures for 2006: “All temperature values have uncertainties, which arise mainly from gaps in data coverage. The size of the uncertainties is such that the global average temperature for 2006 is statistically indistinguishable from, and could be anywhere between, the first and the eighth warmest year on record.” –Paul Homewood, Not A Lot of People Know That, 17 January 2015

Global temperatures will resume their long term growth trend within five to 10 years ending the so called pause in global warming, a leading climate scientist has predicted. The pause – which on some measures has gone on since the mid-1990s – continued into 2014 on the basis of global temperature data released last week by US space agency NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the US. However, the warming effect of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide will grow sufficiently to overcome the combined impact of various natural climate cooling factors, journalists on a telephone news conference were told last week by Gavin Schmidt, director of NASA’s Goddard Institute of Space Studies. –Reporting Climate Science, 19 January 2015

2014: The Most Dishonest Year on Record | Watts Up With That?

It was actually only the 11th warmest year out of the last 16yrs [1998 records begun], who would of guessed, i was positive the tomato's were ripe 2 days earlier this year.

nasa can say with certainty, that's a NASA certainty.

Global temperatures will resume their long term growth trend within five to 10 years ending the so called pause in global warming, a leading climate scientist has predicted.

NASA c1995 c2000 c2005 c2010 c2014
Soon real soon, its gonna blow.

So heres one for all those dispondent activists out there, patiently waiting for global temperatures to rise, any activists we love you, maybe next year the pent up euphoria can be released, chins up.

All these future little eco warriors ahhhh.

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This is an advertorial.

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The one stop shop for everything climate change.
Everything in one click.
You want climate change, hell yeah we''ll sell ya climate change.
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Have you joined our ''beat up a denier'' bail bond insurance scheme ? [see website for details] exceptional value, beat 2 up for the price of 1.

Remember now Skeptical Science your one stop online climate change store, where a little fact goes along long way.

Merry Christmas all.

And may 2015 be a scorcher for you all.

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@mike Regarding your view on over-population, I was struck by this quote from one of the forgoing linked articles, with special note to the bolded: "The marine defaunation experience is much less advanced, even though humans have been harvesting ocean wildlife for thousands of years. The recent industrialization of this harvest, however, initiated an era of intense marine wildlife declines. If left unmanaged, we predict that marine habitat alteration, along with climate change (colored bar: IPCC warming), will exacerbate marine defaunation."

I've come across the following article - that speaks to an idea that I have long harbored: that we can feed ourselves as a densely populated world, if we go local (small) and natural (organic). I have countless personal experiences that support this hunch of mine - but this is the first article I have read that states it boldly - agribusiness is our problem, the industrialization of farming and animal husbandry is the problem.

LINK: How the People Can Outwit the Global Domination Plans of Agribusiness | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community

How the People Can Outwit the Global Domination Plans of Agribusiness
by Jonathon Latham January 18, 2015 in Common Dream

TEXT: "The strategic centerpiece of Monsanto PR is to focus on the promotion of one single compelling idea. The idea that they want you to believe in is that only they can produce enough for the future population. They wish you to therefore believe that non-industrial systems of farming, such as all those which use agroecological methods, or SRI, or are localised and family-oriented, or which use organic methods, or non-GMO seeds, cannot feed the world. This same PR strategy is followed by every major commercial participant in the industrial food system.

"To be sure, agribusiness has a few other PR strategies. Agribusiness is "pro-science", its opponents are "anti-science", and so on. But the main plank has for decades been to create a cast-iron moral framing around the need to produce more.

"Therefore, if you go to the websites of Monsanto and Cargill and Syngenta and Bayer, and their bedfellows: the US Farm Bureau, the UK National Farmers Union, and the American Soybean Association, and CropLife International, or The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation, USAID, or now even NASA, they will raise the “urgent problem” of who will feed the expected global population of 9 or 10 billion in 2050.

"Likewise, whenever these same organisations compose speeches or press releases, or videos, they devote precious space to the same urgent problem. It is even in their job advertisements. It is their Golden Fact. And as far as neutrals are concerned it wins the food system debate hands down, because it says, if any other farming system cannot feed the world, it is irrelevant. Only agribusiness can do that.

"The real food crisis is of overproduction

"Yet this strategy has a disastrous weakness. There is no global or regional shortage of food. There never has been and nor is there ever likely to be. India has a superabundance of food. South America is swamped in food. The US, Australia, New Zealand and Europe are swamped in food. In Britain, like in many wealthy countries, nearly half of all row crop food production now goes to biofuels, which at bottom are an attempt to dispose of surplus agricultural products. China isn’t quite swamped but it still exports food (see Fig 1.); and itgrows 30% of the world’s cotton. No foodpocalypse there either.

"Even in Bangladesh the farmers do not produce the rice they could because prices are low, because of persistent gluts.

"Even some establishment institutions will occasionally admit that the food shortage concept – now and in any reasonably conceivable future – is bankrupt. According to experts consulted by the World Bank Institute there is already sufficient food production for 14 billion people – more food than will ever be needed. The Golden Fact of agribusiness is therefore a lie.

"Truth restoration

"So, if the agribusiness PR experts are correct that food crisis fears are pivotal to their industry, then it follows that those who oppose the industrialization of food and agriculture should make dismantling that lie their number one priority.

"Anyone who wants a sustainable, pesticide-free, or non-GMO food future, or wants to avoid climate chaos, needs to know this weakness. They should take every possible opportunity to point out the evidence that refutes it. Granaries are bulging, crops are being burned as biofuels or dumped, prices are low, farmers are abandoning farming for slums and cities, all because of massive oversupply.

"The project to fully industrialise global food production is far from complete, yet already it is responsible for most deforestation, most marine pollution, most coral reef destruction, much of greenhouse gas emissions, most habitat loss, most of the degradation of streams and rivers, most food insecurity, most immigration, most water depletion, massive human health problems, and so on. Our planet is becoming literally uninhabitable solely as a result of the social and ecological consequences of industrialising agriculture. All these problems are without even mentioning the trillions of dollars in annual externalised costs and subsidies.

"So, if one were to devise a strategy for the food movement, it would be this. The public already knows (mostly) that pesticides are dangerous. They also know that organic food is higher quality, and is far more environmentally friendly. It knows that GMOs should be labeled, are largely untested, and may be harmful. That is why the leaders of most major countries, including China, dine on organic food. The immense scale of the problems created by industrial agriculture should, of course, be understood better, but the main facts are hardly in dispute.

"But what industry understands, and the food movement does not, is that what prevents total rejection of bland, industrialised, pesticide-laden, GMO food is the standard acceptance, especially in Western countries, of the overarching agribusiness argument that such food is necessary. It is necessary to feed the world.

"So, if the food movement could show that famine is an empty threat then it would also have shown, by clear implication, that the chemical health risks and the ecological devastation that these technologies represent are what is unnecessary. The movement would have shown that pesticides and GMOs exist solely to extract profit from the food chain. They have no other purpose. Therefore, every project of the food movement should aim to spread the truth of oversupply, until mention of the Golden Fact invites ridicule and embarrassment in the population, rather than fear.

"Divide and Confuse

"Food campaigners might also consider that a strategy to combat the food scarcity myth can unite a potent mix of causes. Just as an understanding of food abundance destroys the argument for pesticide use and GMOs simultaneously, it also creates the potential for common ground within and between constituencies that do not currently associate much: health advocates, food system workers, climate campaigners, wildlife conservationists and international development campaigners. None of these constituencies inherently like chemical poisons, and they are hardly natural allies of agribusiness, but the pressure of the food crisis lie has driven many of them to ignore what could be the best solution to their mutual problems: small scale farming and pesticide-free agriculture. This is exactly what the companies intended.

"So divisive has the Golden Fact been that some non-profits have entered into perverse partnerships with agribusiness and others support inadequate or positively fraudulent sustainability labels. Another consequence has been mass confusion over the observation that almost all the threats to the food supply (salinisation, water depletion, soil erosion, climate change and chemical pollution) come from the supposed solution--the industrialisation of food production. These contradictions are not real. When the smoke is blown away and the mirrors are taken down the choices within the food system become crystal clear. They fall broadly into two camps.

"On the one side lie family farms and ecological methods. These support farmer and consumer health, resilience, financial and democratic independence, community, cultural and biological diversity, and long term sustainability. Opposing them is control of the food system by corporate agribusiness. Agribusiness domination leads invariantly todependence, uniformity, poisoning and ecological degradation, inequality, land grabbing, and, not so far off, to climate chaos.

"One is a vision, the other is a nightmare: in every single case where industrial agriculture is implemented it leaves landscapes progressively emptier of life. Eventually, because it vaporizes the carbon, the soil turns either into mud that washes into the rivers or into dust that blows away on the wind. Industrial agriculture has no long term future; it is ecological suicide. But for obvious reasons those who profit from it cannot allow all this to become broadly understood. That is why the food scarcity lie is so fundamental to them. They absolutely depend on it, since it alone can camouflage the underlying issues."

How did i miss this gem.

Headline link.

How the People Can Outwit the Global Domination Plans of Agribusiness

This is just awful, theres just so so many dangers out there, your alerting me to threats i never knew existed, how do they keep all this stuff secret ?.

And then the conniving media whore barstewards are in on 'it' aswell by the looks of it, i just googled 2014 record yields, and you should see what all the lying basket main stream media are saying, i mean aggribusiness's plan must be to let co2 make yields touch record levels year after year, get the yanks to save the world by scrubbing out all the nasty poisonous co2, then take over the world and enslave, and kill us n shit like that, when yields drop, its genius.

I might stop reading his 'stuff' you know pixel, he has me considering buying a gun, i just didnt realise i was in so much danger!

Read it pixel it contains gems like this.

''Did you wake up in the morning on any day last year worried about the global nitrogen cycle''

I mean what do you say ?.

Urm january i was waking up thinking about ocean levels, urrm, febuary it was urrm, big pharma and greenhouse gas's.
Mmmm march, ah march was waking thinking about those polluting Chinese B******'s.
April thats it april was Monsanto, i remember now i just couldnt sleep, if it wasnt for the poor ice caps Monsanto may have been on my mind first thing of a morning, in May aswell.
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LOL the brakes have failed, the car we are in is barrelling downhill at ever increasing speed heading for that brick wall at the bottom of the hill.

And some of the occupants only want to look at the cigarette lighter (CO2) and insist everythings fine......

They dont notice the brakes have failed because they are too busy admiring the fluffy dice hanging from the rear view mirror
the car isnt barreling down a hill mike its just rollin along a 19yr and counting level track, and there isnt a hill in sight, you should drink more water, the heat is getting to you.

CO2 levels rising year on year. av global temperatures not moving at all, catastrophic climate change has been going to rip the world apart for over 20 yrs because of co2, 19yr hiatus and NASA now saying it may last another 10yrs or more, or more ?.
15/20yrs more.

If its 20yr more hiatus what then ?.
No global warming for 40yrs what then ?..

The red is NASA horseshit, the bolded black is what happens when their major clients pressure them to correction.

God damn those awful awful natural climate cooling factors they are wreaking havoc.

Global temperatures will resume their long term growth trend within five to 10 years ending the so called pause in global warming, a leading climate scientist has predicted. The pause – which on some measures has gone on since the mid-1990s – continued into 2014 on the basis of global temperature data released last week by US space agency NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the US. However, the warming effect of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide will grow sufficiently to overcome the combined impact of various natural climate cooling factors, journalists on a telephone news conference were told last week by Gavin Schmidt, director of NASA’s Goddard Institute of Space Studies. –Reporting Climate Science, 19 January 2015

Dont be dispondent mike theres good news, theres this promise.

carbon dioxide will grow sufficiently to overcome the combined impact of various natural climate cooling factors,

Unfortunately its a NASA promise.


By the way, i noticed you put a link up the other day, quoted doom and gloom from it about over-population.

Noticed you left this bit out of the quotes

The real food crisis is of overproduction

Yet this strategy has a disastrous weakness. There is no global or regional shortage of food. There never has been and nor is there ever likely to be. India has a superabundance of food. South America is swamped in food. The US, Australia, New Zealand and Europe are swamped in food. In Britain, like in many wealthy countries, nearly half of all row crop food production now goes to biofuels, which at bottom are an attempt to dispose of surplus agricultural products. China isn’t quite swamped but it still exports food (see Fig 1.); and it grows 30% of the world’s cotton. No foodpocalypse there either.

Even in Bangladesh the farmers do not produce the rice they could because prices are low, because of persistent gluts.

Even some establishment institutions will occasionally admit that the food shortage concept – now and in any reasonably conceivable future – is bankrupt. According to experts consulted by the World Bank Institute there is already sufficient food production for 14 billion people – more food than will ever be needed. The Golden Fact of agribusiness is therefore a lie.

Considering your the guy who wakes up in the morning worrying about the earths nitrogen cycle, i think the above must be a great relief to you.
To know 7 billion people are currently growing enough food to feed 14 billion.

Just imagine how much food 10 billion people could grow.
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You are going to make mike mad if you keep posting facts.

Better to be angry and aware, than blissfully distracted by the fluffy dice.

Those research reports highlight the larger problem, we are changing the biosphere and not in a good way.

Its should be alarming, the facts as published should spook you.

Fear is a vital response to physical and emotional danger—if we didn't feel it, we couldn't protect ourselves from legitimate threats

Unless of course you are wearing these


They are a well known mechanism for making sure you dont get spooked by whats happening in reality
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Humans are “eating away at our own life support systems” at a rate unseen in the past 10,000 years by degrading land and freshwater systems, emitting greenhouse gases and releasing vast amounts of agricultural chemicals into the environment, new research has found.
Two major new studies by an international team of researchers have pinpointed the key factors that ensure a livable planet for humans, with stark results.
Of nine worldwide processes that underpin life on Earth, four have exceeded “safe” levels – human-driven climate change, loss of biosphere integrity, land system change and the high level of phosphorus and nitrogen flowing into the oceans due to fertiliser use.
Researchers spent five years identifying these core components of a planet suitable for human life, using the long-term average state of each measure to provide a baseline for the analysis.
They found that the changes of the last 60 years are unprecedented in the previous 10,000 years, a period in which the world has had a relatively stable climate and human civilisation has advanced significantly.

Rate of environmental degradation puts life on Earth at risk, say scientists | Environment | The Guardian