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How Silly is Climate Change Denial?

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As Science publishes the updated research, four of nine planetary boundaries have been crossed
Four of nine planetary boundaries have now been crossed as a result of human activity, says an international team of 18 researchers in the journal Science (16 January 2015). The four are: climate change, loss of biosphere integrity, land-system change, altered biogeochemical cycles (phosphorus and nitrogen).
Two of these, climate change and biosphere integrity, are what the scientists call "core boundaries". Significantly altering either of these "core boundaries" would "drive the Earth System into a new state".
"Transgressing a boundary increases the risk that human activities could inadvertently drive the Earth System into a much less hospitable state,

Planetary Boundaries 2.0 – new and improved - Stockholm Resilience Centre

Planetary boundaries research
The Planetary Boundaries framework has now been updated, published in Science on 16 January 2015.

The framework was first introduced in 2009, when a group of 28 internationally renowned scientists identified and quantified the first set of nine planetary boundaries within which humanity can continue to develop and thrive for generations to come. Crossing these boundaries could generate abrupt or irreversible environmental changes.
Sheesh, 2 serial killers out get us now pixel m8, nitrogen and carbon dioxide, its just so awful.

I bet mike has thoroughly researched the science.

I mean what the hell are we doin messin with planet boundaries man, doesnt make sense.
From the facts ?

You might trip and hurt yourself.

Stick with the blinkers, we know they work. You've proved it over and over again in this thread

Our species (and many others) is facing the firing squad. You've requested a blindfold.

Thats your choice i guess

Here comes the trembling lip.

We will be bullies in a minute because we scoff at hyperbole, once its laid naked that is.

Do they realise if they cut out the history-onics and cut to a more honest approach we could actually have a good convo.

What they dont realise is, climate change hoohaa has actually produced some interesting branch's of science, that will carry on long after the co2 myth bubble has burst.
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See i told ya mike would only bring us established solid science pixel 8.

I mean these guys have been doin this stuff for decades since 2011 and their records begin, but theres light at the end of the tunnel, lucky enough, these guys are consultants to major industries and they can 'advise them about 'earth strategy' targets.

They must be good 'advisers' and i doubt they charge hardly anything.

The bolded bit really rocks man, isnt great how humans band together to save the earth, and its all free.

"In the last four years we have worked closely with policymakers, industry and organisations to explore how the planetary boundaries approach can be used as a framework for sectors of societies to reduce risk while developing sustainably," Rockström says.

They specialise, they stay focused, so 4 years should enough time, heres 'their little list specialist subjects.

Nine planetary boundaries1. Climate change
2. Change in biosphere integrity (biodiversity loss and species extinction)
3. Stratospheric ozone depletion
4. Ocean acidification
5. Biogeochemical flows (phosphorus and nitrogen cycles)
6. Land-system change (for example deforestation)
7. Freshwater use
8. Atmospheric aerosol loading (microscopic particles in the atmosphere that affect climate and living organisms)
9. Introduction of novel entities (e.g. organic pollutants, radioactive materials, nanomaterials, and micro-plastics).

and and and and.

4Yrs work, 4 mins to debunk.

Red is wrong, and all shown clearly so in the last few postings temperatures havent rose for 19yrs, they shudda just asked NASA, instead of 4yrs research.
Blue is a nice old appeal to emotion ahhhh!
Green shows the difference in their opinion, depending on which study you read.


One study
As temperatures rise, extreme weather events are becoming more frequent and severe, crop and livelioods are being devastated, and the efforts of people on low incomes to feed their families are being undone. Those who are least to blame, are suffering the most.

Another study from them, no wonder mike gets all mixed up.

The real food crisis is of overproduction

There is no global or regional shortage of food. There never has been and nor is there ever likely to be.

India has a superabundance of food. South America is swamped in food. The US, Australia, New Zealand and Europe are swamped in food. In Britain, like in many wealthy countries, nearly half of all row crop food production now goes to biofuels, which at bottom are an attempt to dispose of surplus agricultural products. China isn’t quite swamped but it still exports food (see Fig 1.); and it grows 30% of the world’s cotton. No foodpocalypse there either.

Even in Bangladesh the farmers do not produce the rice they could because prices are low, because of persistent gluts.

Even some establishment institutions will occasionally admit that the food shortage concept – now and in any reasonably conceivable future – is bankrupt. According to experts consulted by the World Bank Institute there is already sufficient food production for 14 billion people – more food than will ever be needed. The Golden Fact of agribusiness is therefore a lie.

Obviously mikes guys like to be in a win win situation when it comes to selling their advice's.

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I am not fussed about pollution, theres nowt i can do about it, and in most cases its true and depressing, so i ignore it on a global basis.

Especially in pristine locations.

I not bothered one iota either about 0.2c global temperature rise since 1855 either, or co2 that doesnt realise its not doing as nasa wants.
The loss of genetic diversity and the pollution of water resources are rated as the most serious threats. This is a function of both technological change and population increase. The expanding human populations have encroached on natural habitats and the drive to feed the expanding populations is depleting land and water resources.

It is a basic premise of ecological science that life forms must remain in some range of balance with each other. When a given species begins to exceed its food supply the natural consequence is for its population to decline. Homo sapiens have been clever enough to develop technology that extends the boundaries of these limits. They have moved from being hunter-gatherers to being agriculturalists to being industrialists. That has made possible a steady increase in population. However, this expansion has come at the expense of other life forms and the limits of that process may be in sight.

Nothing like this process has ever happened before in terms of the combination of impacts. There has been climate change in the distant past resulting from natural changes. Study of those effects provides some indication of what is happening with human induced climate change. Something like a general reduction is biodiversity is probably a new event. It is possible to anticipate various risks resulting from that, but there is no road map to follow.

The linked article provides a very good description of the processes that are underway. This is not just a matter of a loss of aesthetic quality of human life. It really may be about the capacity of the planet to continue to sustain life.

Humans Are Destroying The Planet#

Habitat destruction is the leading cause of the global biodiversity loss in the world. According to the FAO, deforestation produced an annual average loss of 12 million hectares between 1980 and 1995,1 and has physically changed forest landscapes in all continents

Habitat loss, dispersal, and the probability of extinction of tree species

Habitat Loss and Species Extinction (Water Science)

How ironic, we know that destruction of habitat causes species extinction. And now we are destroying our own habitat..........

5 Ways Coal Mining is Destroying the Planet | One Green Planet

  • 52% of fish stocks are fully exploited
  • 20% are moderately exploited
  • 17% are overexploited
  • 7% are depleted
  • 1% is recovering from depletion
The above shows that over 25% of all the world's fish stocks are either overexploited or depleted. Another 52% is fully exploited, these are in imminent danger of overexploitation (maximum sustainable production level) and collapse. Thus a total of almost 80% of the world's fisheries are fully- to over-exploited, depleted, or in a state of collapse. Worldwide about 90% of the stocks of large predatory fish stocks are already gone. In the real world all this comes down to two serious problems.
  • We are losing species as well as entire ecosystems. As a result the overall ecological unity of our oceans are under stress and at risk of collapse.

Overfishing - A global environmental problem, threat to our oceans and disaster.

The origins of these mass extinction threats in the ocean likely date back to the Industrial Revolution. Scientists say that the incredible influx of mechanization put great strains on the environment and animal life, with some species being hunted to the brink of being obliterated. The increasing needs for more natural resources are similarly intertwined, as growing farmlands and factories resulted in the leveling of many trees. Pollution and related influences have slowly led to these creatures’ collapse as well.

Ocean life mass extinction: Humans destroying life in water? 500 extinct species - Chicago Top News | Examiner.com

Well, no. Not really. But extinction theory doesn’t depend entirely on climate change, at least in the first instance; rather, it depends on human behaviour and our response to peril.

However in a classic case of improvident human behaviour, a global energy stampede is taking place as oil, gas, coal, tar sands and other miners (who, being technical folk, understand quite clearly what they are doing to the planet) rush to release as much carbon as possible as profitably as possible before society takes the inevitable decision to ban it altogether. Thanks to them, humanity isn’t sleep-walking to disaster so much as racing headlong to embrace it. Do the rest of us have the foresight, and the guts, to stop them? Our ultimate survival will be predicated entirely on our behaviour – not only on how well we adapt to unavoidable change, but also how quickly we apply the brakes.

Human extinction: it is possible?

Which Surprise surprise is what i posted yesterday........

We are racing headlong down the hill with gathering momentum, We can see the damage from space

Bottom Trawling Impacts On Ocean, Clearly Visible From Space -- ScienceDaily

7 striking examples of deforestation from NASA | "Global Possibilities"

Air Pollution Haze Over India and Nepal As Seen From Space | SpaceRef - Your Space Reference

So bad you can see it from SPACE: China smog that has grounded planes and left millions at risk as pollution remains at crisis point | Daily Mail Online

But.... Not to worry, the cigarette lighter works just fine, and have you seen my fluffy dice ?
BTW- 2014 was in the 3 percent coldest years in the past 10,000 years.

correction made in my statement
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BTW- 2014 was the 3rd coldest in 10,000 years.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

And the moon is made from green cheese........

Statements without links to back them are just opinion

2014 was the hottest year in 135 years of record-keeping, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and NASA announced on Friday.
The year's average combined global land and ocean surface temperature was 58.24 degrees Fahrenheit, according to NOAA. This is 1.24 F above the 20th-century average. Global average land temperatures were 1.80 F above average, while ocean surface temperatures were 1.03 F above average, the agency said. Land temperatures alone were only the fourth-warmest on record, but ocean temperatures were the warmest, which helped to make 2014 the warmest year overall.
NOAA and NASA record temperature observations independently, but both agencies confirmed 2014 to be a record-breaking year. NASA reported 2014’s average temperature to be 58.42 F, which the agency reported was 1.22 F above a 1951-1980 average.

2014 Was The Hottest Year Since At Least 1880, Government Finds

Statements of fact without proof or evidence or links to support them, make you look like the smelly crazy man standing on a soap box we used to heckle as kids

Australia's warmest 12-month period on record, again

The biggest standout was the warmth of the oceans," said Blair Trewin, senior climatologist at Australia's Bureau of Meteorology. "The year was pretty much warm everywhere."

Warm oceans drive hottest year on record with more to come, US agencies say

The western Pacific and a region of the Indian Ocean between Madagascar and the WA coast were among the areas posting record annual heat.

BBC News - Warmest UK Halloween on record

June warmest on record - environment | Stuff.co.nz
I used to live in tropical Queensland up north. every afternoon regular as clockwork the clear blue sky would go black, thunderclouds would roll in and it would piss down for an hour before clearing up

Thats happening down here in Sydney now.

But even so its a distraction, i can predict the counter argument already.

The fact remains climate change is a subset of the larger issue, and that cant be denied.

The destruction being wreaked on earth is irrefutable, can be seen from space, Ignoring it or distracting ourselves with abstracts wont make it go away.

Shutting your eyes as the car barrels downhill faster and faster, distracting yourself with the fact the cigarette lighter is working just fine, doesnt change the fact the brakes have failed. That brick wall gets closer and closer faster and faster.................
The car isnt barreling down a hill mike its just rollin along a 19yr and counting level track, and there isnt a hill in sight, you should drink more water, the heat is getting to you.

CO2 levels rising year on year. av global temperatures not moving at all, catastrophic climate change has been going to rip the world apart for over 20 yrs because of co2, 19yr hiatus and NASA now saying it may last another 10yrs or more, or more ?.
15/20yrs more.

If its 20yr more hiatus what then ?.
No global warming for 40yrs what then ?..

The red is NASA horseshit, the bolded black is what happens when their major clients pressure them to correction.

God damn those awful awful natural climate cooling factors they are wreaking havoc.

Global temperatures will resume their long term growth trend within five to 10 years ending the so called pause in global warming, a leading climate scientist has predicted. The pause – which on some measures has gone on since the mid-1990s – continued into 2014 on the basis of global temperature data released last week by US space agency NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the US. However, the warming effect of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide will grow sufficiently to overcome the combined impact of various natural climate cooling factors, journalists on a telephone news conference were told last week by Gavin Schmidt, director of NASA’s Goddard Institute of Space Studies. –Reporting Climate Science, 19 January 2015

Dont be dispondent mike theres good news, theres this promise.

carbon dioxide will grow sufficiently to overcome the combined impact of various natural climate cooling factors,

Unfortunately its a NASA promise.


The real food crisis is of overproduction

Yet this strategy has a disastrous weakness. There is no global or regional shortage of food. There never has been and nor is there ever likely to be. India has a superabundance of food. South America is swamped in food. The US, Australia, New Zealand and Europe are swamped in food. In Britain, like in many wealthy countries, nearly half of all row crop food production now goes to biofuels, which at bottom are an attempt to dispose of surplus agricultural products. China isn’t quite swamped but it still exports food (see Fig 1.); and it grows 30% of the world’s cotton. No foodpocalypse there either.

Even in Bangladesh the farmers do not produce the rice they could because prices are low, because of persistent gluts.

Even some establishment institutions will occasionally admit that the food shortage concept – now and in any reasonably conceivable future – is bankrupt. According to experts consulted by the World Bank Institute there is already sufficient food production for 14 billion people – more food than will ever be needed. The Golden Fact of agribusiness is therefore a lie.

Considering your the guy who wakes up in the morning worrying about the earths nitrogen cycle, i think the above must be a great relief to you.
To know 7 billion people are currently growing enough food to feed 14 billion.

Just imagine how much food 10 billion people could grow.
The fact remains climate change is a subset of the larger issue, and that cant be denied.
No one i know denies climate change. I actually welcome it. It is how life diversifies, adapts and evolves. The polar bear is testament to that and ironically is the poster child for trying to halt the process that created it.
And the moon is made from green cheese........

Statements without links to back them are just opinion

2014 was the hottest year in 135 years of record-keeping, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and NASA announced on Friday.
The year's average combined global land and ocean surface temperature was 58.24 degrees Fahrenheit, according to NOAA. This is 1.24 F above the 20th-century average. Global average land temperatures were 1.80 F above average, while ocean surface temperatures were 1.03 F above average, the agency said. Land temperatures alone were only the fourth-warmest on record, but ocean temperatures were the warmest, which helped to make 2014 the warmest year overall.
NOAA and NASA record temperature observations independently, but both agencies confirmed 2014 to be a record-breaking year. NASA reported 2014’s average temperature to be 58.42 F, which the agency reported was 1.22 F above a 1951-1980 average.

2014 Was The Hottest Year Since At Least 1880, Government Finds

Statements of fact without proof or evidence or links to support them, make you look like the smelly crazy man standing on a soap box we used to heckle as kids

Australia's warmest 12-month period on record, again

The biggest standout was the warmth of the oceans," said Blair Trewin, senior climatologist at Australia's Bureau of Meteorology. "The year was pretty much warm everywhere."

Warm oceans drive hottest year on record with more to come, US agencies say

The western Pacific and a region of the Indian Ocean between Madagascar and the WA coast were among the areas posting record annual heat.

BBC News - Warmest UK Halloween on record

June warmest on record - environment | Stuff.co.nz

Mikey Wrong date lad friday the 16th.

They changed their mind mikey a few days later, whudda thought, but ofcourse you've known this for several pages now.
The red font are the bits you got wrong, regardless of who you found quoting NASA's error. They apologised on the 19th mikey lad, and set their cherry picking of the one data set to get a headline straight.

Turns out it was only the 11th hottest year since 'their' records began, 16yrs ago, i mean mikey whudda thought.

Global temperatures will resume their long term growth trend within five to 10 years ending the so called pause in global warming, a leading climate scientist has predicted. The pause – which on some measures has gone on since the mid-1990s – continued into 2014 on the basis of global temperature data released last week by US space agency NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the US.
Gavin Schmidt, director of NASA’s Goddard Institute of Space Studies. –Reporting Climate Science, 19 January 2015

Just more promise's of 'soon' mikey thats all, soon, 5yrs 10yrs you know 'soon' mikey, fingers crossed.

19yrs and counting, no warming, soon tho, soon, keep the faith buddie, amen.

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mike and tyger have no interest in actual science. mike will ignore manxmans corrections and tyger will continue to hide and refuse to discuss the topic.