Paranormal Adept
The other morning my wife asked me if I heard something "hit" the front door last night? She said she had heard it before. It sounded like someone "hit" the door one time. Like a knock or something. She then said she turned on the porch light and there was nobody there. Well, I didn't hear it and just assume it was a dog or the wind. Anyway, last night I am in the living room and I hear a "bump" on the door. I got up and opened the door and turned on the light and there is nothing there. I thought maybe it was the nieghbors lab since she often patrols the yards at night. Maybe it was a gust of wind but there was nothing else disturbed and no high winds. Maybe it was a raccoon coming out of the woods across the road. Maybe it was a sonic boom but that's not what it sounded like. Maybe it was Casper the Friendly Ghost but he wasn't there when I opened the door.
Honestly, I don't know what it was. I think it more than likely is either a dog or something. I just gotta be faster with the ole light switch next time. Anyway, nice little mystery for the Halloween season.