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I was disappointed.

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What a crappy episode this was :mad: I'd like to have heard more of the other guests questioning Lawrence Spencer instead of David...

They have more knowledge about the Roswell case anyway, so they could've discussed more about the contents instead of just ranting about the circumstances...

I felt sorry for the guy just listening to it!
I too was kind of suprised that the only one on the round table that had read the book was david. I think It would have been a little more interesting of an interview and possibly more input from more than just david. What's the point of having 4 people to interview 1 person if only one is prepared?
In defense of David Biedny and the guest panel, it is my impression that they were constrained by both time and circumstance. It made the panel seem ill-prepared, and it was, but I don't believe that it was because they didn't care about the show. Misters Steinberg and Biedny could never have attracted the fan base with their weekly broadcast, and this forum, had they not (nearly) consistently provided a certain level of quality.

It is also my belief that panel guests Misters Ramsey and Warren probably would have chosen to have read the book for the episode if the PDF book arrangement had been worked out before the interview.

My one criticism of this episode might be that, perhaps, they rushed to interview Lawrence R. Spencer. I can imagine that they may have done this out of a burning desire to expose Mr. Spencer's book as being the work of fiction that it is, thereby reducing the amount of new "noise" being fed into the "signal" of ufology. A noble endeavor, to be sure.

Kind of like paranormal "first-responders." :D
Wow, I guess I can congratulate the hosts with one of the longest thread on this forum which was built in such short period of time:-)

I guess the reason for Gene and David to invite this 'editor' following his press release was simple and well understandable for me - to let listeners and for sure this forum regular posters to test their BS detector. So what can I say - according to the testing my detector works fine:-)
1. This guy not even close to a person which you can feel sorry about, he knew about what kind of questions he will be asked and prepared his strategy to address all of them. I think admitting that he doesn't believe in what the book is about and keep telling 'me either', 'I'm a bigger sceptic than you are' and 'So fourth' (I guess I should put here (c) L. Spencer as he used this words so many times:-) ) are damn correct to take for the lack of a better term 'defense'

2. I do not think that putting the link to his book on the PT and the interview itself will help him to achieve his goal, which is being heard - I agree with David on 1000% at this assumption. Judging by people posts on this forum I see that there is almost no one who bought Spencer stuff in any way. I really don't think that this show will help him to be heard as the newbie on the field who has something valuable to say.

3. Now I don't think that Spencer thought that this show will help him to be heard in the UFO arena either, not at all. The only motive I can see here is to test his material on real UFO researchers on well known paranormal show and see what questions he might missed while preparing for the interview.

4. I think I can hear his deep breath after the show 'whoa, I think I didn't make any mistake'

5. I liked the show as I don't think that there is such a thing as a single criteria to tell that the a show was bad or good. Gene and David ask hard questions, do their best to keep the show in a rational, logical manner and I think people who can really read between the lines understood that this show is not an exception.

PS. I'm gonna take a look 'The man from the Earth' now too, thanks for the hint, David.
"The Gods of Eden," by William Bramley, shares a lot of content with Spencer's book. Alien Interview could be read, in part, as a fictionalized version of Bramley's book.

Anyone in here read it? Is Bramley still alive? He'd make an interesting guest.
"The Gods of Eden," by William Bramley, shares a lot of content with Spencer's book. Alien Interview could be read, in part, as a fictionalized version of Bramley's book.

Anyone in here read it? Is Bramley still alive? He'd make an interesting guest.

I'm pretty sure that's a pseudonym. Don Ecker's list of UFO books lists it as such.
It's just astounding to me that so many of you are bitching and moaning that we had Spencer on the show, got him to agree to give away his book, and engaged in 2 hours of conversation about it.

Everyone who thinks we should have flushed him in the first twenty minutes, I ask you, what would we have done the rest of the time? Play cards?

Does anyone realize that Gene & I, besides trying to have lives, have delivered a show every week, EVERY WEEK, for 2.5 years? We have no staff, no producer, no budget, nothing, we pull this show out of thin air, and try to make it work for 2 hours. We bust ass to make this happen, and we get some nice comments, and a whole boatload of criticism. It's barely worth the effort, seriously.

Thanks to those who appreciate our efforts. To the rest of you, go listen to something else, OK?


As a fellow podcast producer, I understand your "venting at the audience". Let me say that I appreciate what you guys do every week and fully understand what it takes to make independent media. Some shows just don't stick with everyone. I just keep looking forward to the next show as you guys keep surprising me! Don't give up!

Regarding this last week's episode, I thought, "This guy is gonna get steamrolled by Gene, David and the other guests. Man, this is going to be great!" You guys delivered. Thanks!
It's just astounding to me that so many of you are bitching and moaning that we had Spencer on the show, got him to agree to give away his book, and engaged in 2 hours of conversation about it.

Doesn't that tell you something though, David? It should. It should tell you how much we all respect the paracast and how much we look forward to it and how dissapointing it is to all of us when you have a guest on who doesn't know his topic and basically ums and ahs and "I don't knows" his way through two hours of nothing. It's because we know you can do better.

As for the book, I haven't read it so I can't judge it's content but from what I've noticed in the other comments here, it's not worth the virtual paper it isn't printed on, so getting it for us to read for free isn't exactly a coup. Think of it like this: If I handed you a piece of wet garbage and declared "It's a present" does that suddenly not make it wet garbage?

Everyone who thinks we should have flushed him in the first twenty minutes, I ask you, what would we have done the rest of the time? Play cards?

How about not have him on at all and bump up the next guest in the roster? Or do another roundtable, I mean you did have OTHER GUESTS. Just a thought.

Does anyone realize that Gene & I, besides trying to have lives, have delivered a show every week, EVERY WEEK, for 2.5 years? We have no staff, no producer, no budget, nothing, we pull this show out of thin air, and try to make it work for 2 hours. We bust ass to make this happen, and we get some nice comments, and a whole boatload of criticism. It's barely worth the effort, seriously.

Then go bi-weekly like Ritzman is thinking of doing. Or quit. Seriously, if you don't love it and you're not getting paid, why bother? Sure I and all other hardcore paracast fans here will be distressed that we have one less voice of sanity to listen to but nobody's got a gun to your head.

Is it just that you're feeling unappreciated? Rest assured, you're wrong, You and Gene are VERY MUCH appreciated, it's just that this show, this guest... not your best work. You see, the problem is you've spoiled us. To put it in terms you can identify with, the paracast is usually a gobbet of delicious, premium swiss chocolate but this week's offering was more like one of those bitter, waxy, easter rabbits from Allan. I'm sure no further examples are necessary.
It's just astounding to me that so many of you are bitching and moaning that we had Spencer on the show, got him to agree to give away his book, and engaged in 2 hours of conversation about it.

Everyone who thinks we should have flushed him in the first twenty minutes, I ask you, what would we have done the rest of the time? Play cards?

Does anyone realize that Gene & I, besides trying to have lives, have delivered a show every week, EVERY WEEK, for 2.5 years? We have no staff, no producer, no budget, nothing, we pull this show out of thin air, and try to make it work for 2 hours. We bust ass to make this happen, and we get some nice comments, and a whole boatload of criticism. It's barely worth the effort, seriously.

Thanks to those who appreciate our efforts. To the rest of you, go listen to something else, OK?


You are not supposed to have lives David. You and Gene are our slaves. You must do what we are too lazy to do, but, you have to guess at it, then refer to forums for our dictates. Thank you. Now go meditate on how to please us all. You are free to go. For now. But your ass better be back here on time, by my watch. Seriously, David and Gene have a lot of nerve, doing their thing on their show, and forcing me to listen. I should hate myself, and not them, for being so weak to allow them to be so powerful over me. Some day I will be evolved enuff to resist the PArAcAst logo. Until then, I will be a troll.
David and Gene, it's your own fault. You've set such a high standard, right from your very first show. We expect nothing but the best from both of you. If C2C had this guy on, well, it would have been par for the course. It wouldn't have fazed me. But you're not C2C.

Also, I listen to a bunch of podcasts weekly. This is one of the only show forums that I post to. I really care what happens to The Paracast and I think honest feedback is what a quality show needs and deserves. I could care less about 99% of those other podcasts. After all, you don't want a bunch of "M. Horn type" sycophants, worshipping your every word and actions. You want honest opinions.

Btw, it really impressed me that you actually took the time to read Spencer's entire book. I'm sure it wasn't an enjoyable experience.

So, please continue on with the show. If you ever get frustrated or burned out, maybe Vaeni or Ritzmann can do a fill-in spot for you.:eek:
David must remember that he has shaken his fist at me and sworn at me more than once in the past. I cannot be labeled a Biedny apologist, and I take pleasure in tweaking his freaking nose once in awhile, if you catch my drift. However, I agree with him 100% on this issue and I support him 100% on how they handled the show. And I support his comments above.

Spencer was a weasel, squirming out of every question by 'agreeing' with our hosts. That's gotta be frustrating. You gotta grab him before you can whack him and our host spent all the time trying to grab him.

I think one of the things that happened here was that for the first time, really, we got a pre-taste of the show because the book was available. Several of us took the time to go through the book. Only one of our hosts read it (out of the 4 participants, I mean), but remember that it wasn't available as a free download until AFTER the interview was held and it just came out, so nobody had a chance to read it first. That put us in an unusual position of knowing more about the meat of the matter. So when our hosts beat this guy up, there was a bit of a letdown because they beat him up somewhat differently than our expectations would have led us to believe they would. It was kind of like anticipating a championship boxing match and having a knockout in the first round.

I say good for you, David and Gene. I appreciate your efforts. I hope you keep going with the Paracast. I think you are doing a valuable service. Thanks.
For chrissakes...


We asked reasonable questions, we weren't rude to the guy, we didn't call him bad names or anything of the sort - we attacked the situation, NOT the guy.

I'm stumped here, and I'm really sick of all this shit. Damned if we do, damned if we don't.

For chrissakes...


We asked reasonable questions, we weren't rude to the guy, we didn't call him bad names or anything of the sort - we attacked the situation, NOT the guy.

I'm stumped here, and I'm really sick of all this shit. Damned if we do, damned if we don't.


I find it pretty odd that I view that interview so differently than most people. I did not see anyone beating up on Lawrence. Sure, I saw a guy who was ACTING stupid and playing along and I saw you guys trying to get him to answer just one question lucidly. But, I also thought that Lawrence had NO INTENTION of answering anything directly or causing any ruckus at all. I think he knew he'd get some PR and maybe sell a few books - he seemed like a really good con man playing the rube. ;) That's all. It was pretty enjoyable for me.

Honestly, the only thing that surprised me was that you guys approached it as if he needed to "prove" anything since he clearly states in the book that every word can be considered COMPLETE FICTION. I mean, it is a novel. That's all. Did you guys miss that? That's an honest and valid question for you and the whole panel. I am honestly surprised that it seems like you all missed that simple fact before booking him.
It's just a figure of speech, David. It means that you won, OK? Shit, I can't even compliment you without you freaking out. I thought this forum was about 'discussing the show.' Can't we do that? Please? It was a GOOD SHOW. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
I haven't listened to every single episode of the paracast but, in general, I find that Paracast guests are always treated neatly, no matter what kind of material they are presenting. There can be tough questioning and plenty of confrontations but that's not to say the guest gets (verbally) zapped out of existence. Even Steven Greer (most belligerent show I've heard so far) was politely offered the chance to plug his stuff at the end of the interview. So, where's the problem?

After all it's "You never know what's going to happen next" not "He'll never know what hit him".

David beat me up and stole my cheese money.


I can only speak for myself as my comments about disliking the show had much more to do with the continuation of a guy who is at best a fraud and at worst disinfo (himself or the “source”) of this “book” that he put forth.

It’s either a “Blair Witch Project” or a psyop, either way, nothing to see, move along. That’s fine the guy wanted to allow us to read his book for free, but I just don’t consider that a good idea for any of us to read this garbage as it speaks for itself. It serves zero purpose to talk about this guy. David did his due diligence in reading it, I trust his judgment on this one.

I just don’t understand why you freak out on us when we have the slightest disagreement with you, David. The core of the people who frequent this forum are long time listeners and people who support the show by sending others this way. Is it necessary to tell us to “fuck off and leave” every time that happens? It’s just a debate. Relax man, we are fans and appreciate the show. We wouldn’t be here otherwise.

Oh, and I want my cheese money back. If I need to I can get the “Colonel” after you if need be. I have connections like that.
That was the first interview I think I've never made it through. I feel sorry for the hosts.

Here's whats gonna happen in ten years, mark my words. This will be UFO folklore like the Alien CIA underground shootout and all the stuff from the BBS people in the 80's (Anyone remember Desqview??). Lots of people will say its bogus, but many card carrying members of the Galactic Federation and their alien mummy children will say its all true.
David must remember that he has shaken his fist at me and sworn at me more than once in the past. I cannot be labeled a Biedny apologist, and I take pleasure in tweaking his freaking nose once in awhile, if you catch my drift. However, I agree with him 100% on this issue and I support him 100% on how they handled the show. And I support his comments above.

Spencer was a weasel, squirming out of every question by 'agreeing' with our hosts. That's gotta be frustrating. You gotta grab him before you can whack him and our host spent all the time trying to grab him.

I think one of the things that happened here was that for the first time, really, we got a pre-taste of the show because the book was available. Several of us took the time to go through the book. Only one of our hosts read it (out of the 4 participants, I mean), but remember that it wasn't available as a free download until AFTER the interview was held and it just came out, so nobody had a chance to read it first. That put us in an unusual position of knowing more about the meat of the matter. So when our hosts beat this guy up, there was a bit of a letdown because they beat him up somewhat differently than our expectations would have led us to believe they would. It was kind of like anticipating a championship boxing match and having a knockout in the first round.

I say good for you, David and Gene. I appreciate your efforts. I hope you keep going with the Paracast. I think you are doing a valuable service. Thanks.
David had it, he could have shared it. Did he have it in pdf or was he sent print?
Is that what you really want? do you want everyone that doesn't agree with one show to go somewhere else? You guys talk about taking your show to the radio, what will you do when professional critics bust on you? We all work and we all have lives and we all have hobbies. The difference being, I don't put up a forum inviting critism and nice comments about my hobby. Should we put up a thread called "Things David can bear to read?" Everyone that comes here generally loves this show. I didn't know that appreciation was mandatory. I thought it was assumed, kind of like I assumed that you liked having listeners. Just a thought , Maybe if the forums bother you, just don't go to the threads where they talk about the show. There are alot of different threads you can participate in to hang out with your appreciatory fans with out offending the ones that apparently don't appreciate (agree) with you. I play in a band on the weekends and I know it's not the same as this but you just can't please everyone all the time. You need to grow some thicker skin, Don't take everything so personal all the time. Even if they don't like what you do this week they still like you and will listen next week, unless of course you tell them to go somewhere else. Hang tough David , you have a good thing going.
Actually, even without the original documents, it is possible to tell if the book is Lawrence's creation or not. After all, we have two books that are Lawrences, and this one that may be his, maybe what it claims, or maybe someone elses. There are tools around that take passages of text and are able to make an assessment as to whether they are written by the same author. As I understand it, the more text, the more sure the result.