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I was disappointed.

Free episodes:

I apologize, you folks are right. I'm just having a cranky week, it's too hot in NY. Points well taken all around. It's nice to have an audience who cares...

I had to stop the iPod at 28 minutes on this one. Horrid interview guest. Even if the book is true (which I have not read), the guest was dodgey and combative right from the outset, which made it very difficult to listen to. He was also rude and had no problem talking over Gene, David and the other guests. I have no understanding of why this man agreed to be interviewed.

What is the point of putting something out there with nothing to back it up, and then acting like an idiot on an international podcast saying you want nothing to do with it, all the while publishing it and putting your name all over it!!

Just ridiculous.

If he really wanted nothing to do with it, he could have:
a) just burned the original materials and left it at that
b) published it completely anonymously

Listeners - don't waste your time on this espisode, and Gene and David, sorry you wasted yours... you guys are above this!

ps: Gene when you talked to the guest about vetting the information before publishing it, why didn't you guys vet the guest before going to the trouble of putting him on air? If he wants nothing to do with ufology and has not interest in it, then why would you guys be interested in him, or think the audience would be?

The Paracast is about serious discussion of ufology and paranormal topics, so why FEATURE a guest who has no interest in that? I hope this doesn't sound like I'm angry, I'm not... I'm just getting better about asking direct questions. I have David to thank for that.

My favorite line of David's is "Here's the thing..." b/c you know something intelligent and rational is going to follow!

Thanks guys for all your had work - sorry this guest was such a bomb!
not to mention that at the begining of the show he says he looked her number up in the information directory and by the end of the show he couldn't even tell you what her real name was. is it just me or did anyone else catch this also. or did I misunderstand?
For chrissakes...

We asked reasonable questions, we weren't rude to the guy, we didn't call him bad names or anything of the sort - we attacked the situation, NOT the guy.


I actually agree with David.

P.S. - I felt sorry for the guest on one occasion, but only because he have put himself in the hot water. The whole book and the story surrounding the book is extremely dodgy .
This is the worst episode of the Paracast I've heard so far. Once it was determined that this guy was a crock, I would have ended the interview and filled the rest of the time with a backup subject. I'm surprised he was called onto the show in the first place.

I used to listen to Art Bell. I'm an old-timer and used to listen to it on the net waaaay back when. (There were actually some great moments now and then on the old Art Bell shows) During one of the more interesting shows Art Bell told the inerviewee after a message break that he was going to end the interview. Prior to the break, the idiot was making rude comments about Ted Kennedy lusting over a 14 year old girl (or some such vulgar assertion). His name escapes me right now. Suffice to say he was definitely full of shit; his claims had been getting more and more obnoxious and outlandish by the minute. So Bell nuked him, and it came across as a moment of strength for the show and Bell himself. Then again, Bell had the option of just going to the phone lines earlier then usual, which the Paracast doesn't have (Not that I think it's a good idea for the Paracast to start taking phone calls. The call in segment on C2C was usually when I would log out/shut off the radio when I used to listen to Art Bell. I had little patience for the idiots that would call in.) The Paracast needs an ejection seat and an alternate plan when they run into goofballs like this guy.

Maybe you guys should have a chatline open during the show and members of the forums can ask questions and make commentary? Just a thought.

That being said, I'm aware that even the best are going to have bad days - and the Paracast is still the BEST show available on the subject. I would suggest in future you fellows have a backup plan, some other subject you can switch to if in fact a show is failing. Feel free to get rid of a bad guest, as rare as that might happen. Also, if you think a particular guest might be crap, don't even invite him to the show. I'd rather hear you have an intelligent discussion amongst yourselves. Would be more interesting.

David, in re to your comments about how much work and effort goes into making this show, the bulk of the more intelligent listeners are more than aware of the sacrifice you're making. I'm very appreciative of it. And I agree with bentupper, you guys are above this.

As the French say, a la prochaine chicane!
I used to listen to Art Bell. I'm an old-timer and used to listen to it on the net waaaay back when. (There were actually some great moments now and then on the old Art Bell shows) During one of the more interesting shows Art Bell told the inerviewee after a message break that he was going to end the interview. Prior to the break, the idiot was making rude comments about Ted Kennedy lusting over a 14 year old girl (or some such vulgar assertion). His name escapes me right now. Suffice to say he was definitely full of shit; his claims had been getting more and more obnoxious and outlandish by the minute.

I think you're talking about George Green. You'll be disappointed to know Noory had him on at a later date and let him do his complete schpeel. He's been all over the place, still telling the same stories about Kennedy trying to pick up his daughter and Pierre Trudeau freebasing in the back room and of course his ongoing telepathic contact with the Plieadians...
I think you're talking about George Green. You'll be disappointed to know Noory had him on at a later date and let him do his complete schpeel. He's been all over the place, still telling the same stories about Kennedy trying to pick up his daughter and Pierre Trudeau freebasing in the back room and of course his ongoing telepathic contact with the Plieadians...

Whoa. Sounds like my kind of guy. For meh to poop on!!
Whoa. Sounds like my kind of guy. For meh to poop on!!

Project Camelot has a two part interview with him on google video if you've got the stomach for it. Watch in amazement as he links unfounded personal accusations of 70s politicians with the Meier case and the NWO/2012 stuff all in one go!

My favourite part of his deal is that bit with Kennedy though. Suppsedly, Green was once part of the inner sanctum of the NWO and was all on board with killing off 80% of mankind but when Ted Kennedy said "I want to bang your 14 year old daughter" then, THEN he developed a moral objection. It's the only part of his story I could actually accept at face value because these big money types only ever change their tune when they are personally inconvenienced. Monopolize the planet? Sure! Exterminate most of humanity? Great! Sully my daughter's honour? NEVER! The line has been crossed!
My question is why even waste our time?

So you guys welcomed on a straw man for two hours, nice.
This could have been handled with a 10-minute segment after some other show.

There's better guests out there, now get them.
My question is why even waste our time?

So you guys welcomed on a straw man for two hours, nice.
This could have been handled with a 10-minute segment after some other show.

There's better guests out there, now get them.

Yeah, that sense of entitlement will get you REALLY FAR with us.

"There's better guests out there, now get them."


Maybe you guys should have a chatline open during the show and members of the forums can ask questions and make commentary? Just a thought.

A lot of their shows aren't live. To get around that issue, you can use the question forum. Not as good as bouncing off something someone says live, but next best thing perhaps.
Well db, that sense of entitlement has been afforded by the canon of your past guests which usually are pretty good and oftentimes, great. Feel free to take that as a compliment.

But, this was an absolute joke of a show. I know you guys want to expose frauds, but this was like fly meets windshield.
It didn't need to take up an entire show, no matter what free piece of fantasy fiction shit was being offered through your site by these charlatans.
How long into a 2 hour program do you listen before you feel like your time is wasting? Why not turn it off instead of blaming the hosts for wasting your time, which isn't possible unless they strapped you to a chair and put earphones on you.