David Biedny
Paranormal Adept
I apologize, you folks are right. I'm just having a cranky week, it's too hot in NY. Points well taken all around. It's nice to have an audience who cares...
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For chrissakes...
We asked reasonable questions, we weren't rude to the guy, we didn't call him bad names or anything of the sort - we attacked the situation, NOT the guy.
I used to listen to Art Bell. I'm an old-timer and used to listen to it on the net waaaay back when. (There were actually some great moments now and then on the old Art Bell shows) During one of the more interesting shows Art Bell told the inerviewee after a message break that he was going to end the interview. Prior to the break, the idiot was making rude comments about Ted Kennedy lusting over a 14 year old girl (or some such vulgar assertion). His name escapes me right now. Suffice to say he was definitely full of shit; his claims had been getting more and more obnoxious and outlandish by the minute.
I think you're talking about George Green. You'll be disappointed to know Noory had him on at a later date and let him do his complete schpeel. He's been all over the place, still telling the same stories about Kennedy trying to pick up his daughter and Pierre Trudeau freebasing in the back room and of course his ongoing telepathic contact with the Plieadians...
Whoa. Sounds like my kind of guy. For meh to poop on!!
My question is why even waste our time?
So you guys welcomed on a straw man for two hours, nice.
This could have been handled with a 10-minute segment after some other show.
There's better guests out there, now get them.
Maybe you guys should have a chatline open during the show and members of the forums can ask questions and make commentary? Just a thought.