Thanks Infolad for the vote of confidence but the truth is, after this little dust-up I am conflicted if I even want to stay in the diminished roll I have been playing in UFOs/paranormal. Imbrogno proved a point that nothing, not a damned thing in this shit-hole can be taken for granted.
I entered this field full time in late-87 and damned near everything I thought then has been demolished. My feelings on the phenomena, people in the field and even some of the best known cases have all been thrown into confusion and crapola. I used to look forward to the battle and now I am just disgusted by it all. Don't mean to whine and complain but I really do have to re-think all this crap. Just telling you like it is.
Don, I totally understand. You are truly a veteran of a thousand psychic wars in the house of mirrors that is the paranormal field. And this is definitely one field where there are gigantic piles of BS in the high grass that you can end up stepping in, even when you're looking for them.
You always tell it like it is. It's like a friend of mines' always says, "which one do you want, the truth, or the
brutal truth?" You always give the latter, and I appreciate & respect that more than you can possibly know. It's so rare these days, that people don't even know how to react when they see it.
The very fact that there is even a discussion about this grifter Imbrogno staying in the field speaks volumes. Trust me, I totally understand. It's why I spend less and less time on the forums, & reading the books. Hours of my life I can't get back. I'm actually finding out more about the phenomena through what I'm involved in (Qigong, Internal Taoist Alchemy, & meditation), than the intellectual masturbation that passes for research online these days.
Bill Bohdri of meditation has a very interesting article about aliens & UFOs:
He's a straight shooter just like yourself. He provides people with the tools to literally find out about everything (true reality) themselves. It's actually the only way to know. You're certainly not going to find the ultimate truth of this phenomena online.
Here's the page about him & his teacher:
Buddhists, Taoists, Zen masters, & others have recorded this phenomena, & many other things so bizarre, the average westerner wouldn't believe it, thousands of years ago. And you're not supposed to mindlessly believe it.
The great thing is Bohdri's site actually provides the tools to find out about this stuff yourself.There's no need to reinvent the wheel. most people won't do it though. Even though actual gross physical phenomena do manifest when you put the time in. But again, most people won't. They'll just smirk, think " those crazy primitive , superstitious cultures", and keep moving. But I digress.
Don, If you decide to say "To hell with this crap, I'm out" tomorrow, I for one won't be mad at you. Peace of mind is the most important thing you can have in this world. If this field is taking yours, then it's time to go.