Hello All! I like how you think Michael Allen....sounds like you're using your "God-given" brain (sorry...couldn't help that one!), you sound like a natural philosopher to me! A few years back I came across the Secret Doctrine by H.P. Blavatsky and in it (you can go online to
Theosophy Co. and under links then Theosophical texts online link to Blavatsky.net and you can view for free many of the published texts)Whew!!! ANYWAY....on p.14 she outlines what she refers to as the three fundamental propositions...btw, I like the use of the word propositions, which infers that one merely consider or contemplate on their own and decide whether or not what is being proposed sounds sensible or not! She starts off by stating
"The Secret Doctrine establishes three fundamental propositions: —
a) An Omnipresent, Eternal, Boundless, and Immutable Principle on which all speculation is impossible, since it transcends the power of human conception and could only be dwarfed by any human expression or similitude. It is beyond the range and reach of thought — in the words of Mandukya, 'unthinkable and unspeakable.' " Which in my opinion sets the tone for something a little different than say a more literal interpretation which we here in the West are accustomed. This first proposal, at least for me, is VERY important because putting an idea in the realm of the "abstract" already strips away any and all human qualities and attributes we tend to impose on this idea of GOD....the creator and knower of ALL things, the archetype of perfection and all that exists. She then goes on to show how the Law of Cycles comes to play which then connects to the ancient idea of Karma and Reincarnation and finally how the purpose of the previously mentioned is to help and guide us through the process of evolution. Not Darwin's evolution, but Spiritual evolution....and so on. Sorry for being LONG winded here, but my experience has been that when considering an idea like "What is God?", you start to see the importance of making and maintaining links and a cohesiveness as opposed to trying to compartmentalize and separate. I would say in short, WE are all an expression of GOD individually and together (humanity and Nature combined). You also start to see paradoxes...hence the abstractions testing the limits and barriers of the human linear mind. One of the abstract concepts I love to consider is "space"....what is it? How far does it extend? Is there an ending to space or a beginning? Or is it truely an example of ETERNITY? GOD I think is a VERY big concept to chew on...don't you think?! Cheers all, D