I was afraid I didn't make myself clear. :frown: I didn't mean to imply that evolution wasn't true. I was talking about the reductionist, it's all a chemical reaction folks. Not evolution as it takes place. But, evolution as a dogmatic philosopy disguised as science.
---------- Post added at 09:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:02 PM ----------
I have said many times that I believe that evoluction is both a physical and spritual fact of our experience and growth here. I may be a little odd to some but it's what I believe. Right now. 8)
---------- Post added at 09:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:05 PM ----------
To complete my ramble. I have been on the earth now for 54 years. In that time I have been a evangelical Christian, a seeker of Buddist meditation, an agnostic, a New Ager, Back to a liberal Christian and at this time a Christian Agnostic. :redface: I have had visions and dreams and moments of just knowing. I have looked into the heavens and felt God and looked into the heavens and felt how small and insignificant I and all the earth is. I've had a very good liberal arts education and in the 6th grade I was reading on the college entrance level. I can honestly say that there are holes in evolution and some of the time period doens't work. I can honestly say that I belive those holes will be accounted for scientifically if we keep looking but they will not be proven to be the result of blind chance. I don't believe in something from nothing. I don't beleive in a concsiuness arising from dead matter and chemicals or even chemicals and electricity. Sometime here it's as if I and anybody else who dares to stray from the orthadoxy of worshiping Dawain is branded as a kook. The anger is amazing. I don't mind if some folks here are atheist. I feel the same way my old Social Work Prof used to feel about Doctor Laura. She said "That's Doctor Lauras opinion, and she's welcome to it." Eye roll here. Doctor Laura by the way is a very well known conservative radio host for those of you who are really, really young or not American. That's how I feel about athiesm. It's a way of looking at the world and they are "welcome to it." But, I don't buy it. Of course I don't buy religious fundies either.