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Info on very weird story?

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About Whitley, I think I lean more toward believing that something truely anomalous happened to him, because of the implant that Dr. Roger Lier was probing. Whitley's implant seemed to have a mind of it's own and appear to deliberately evade Lier's scalpel.
However, Whitley has a USAF family background involving Ufo-related stuff. this is keenly odd to me. below, I have provided a link about such, and I copied a paragraph from it, below it. the author is defensive of Whitley though, as you can see.

Not the least of these witnesses is former US Air Force Colonel Edward Strieber, Whitley Strieber’s uncle. Whitley Strieber is possibly America’s most famous ‘abductee’, and in a taped interview with me he admitted having high-level contacts within the military and intelligence community, a fact that has attracted the usual snipes and jibes from the UFO fraternity, including claims that Whitley himself is a CIA agent. In any event Whitley told me that his uncle had spent much of his career at Wright-Patterson, and that, as a result, he had been aware of the Majetic-12 operation. He told his nephew that in the summer of 1947 Wright Field was indeed the recipient of the Roswell crash wreckage, and that it included ‘alien materials, artefacts and biological remains’. He also confirmed that concern over what should be done with the wreckage ‘had been debated at the highest levels of government’.
One of my abiding impressions of Strieber's 'truthiness' is claiming to have seen the 'drone' UFO before it was accepted as a hoax. Big red flag! To his supporters, this 'caught red-handed claim' is further evidence that the UFO phenomena is a tricky bastard.

Like I said you could complile a pretty big list of crap from WS, The Drone incident being near the top of this list. For the most part you can look at every UFO/Paranormal fad and pinpoint a Dreamcast where he takes some sort of ownership or connection to it. Feline Cat Aliens, Drones, Hale Bopp, Paledians, Roswell, etc etc etc.

He's a brilliant writer, my guess is that contrary to his claims of not knowing about abductions etc, he became familiar with the subject and let his imagination run wild in Communion. I can't remember the name of the club or organization but he was into some metaphysical stuff before Communion while living in NYC.
"[Bill Uhouse] ... said that four aliens survived a UFO crash in Arizona in May 1953 and were taken to the super-secret deep-underground facility at Wright Field before being transferred to Area 51. He described the aliens as being around four feet tall with two eyes, two ears, a nose and a small round mouth. Though vaguely humanoid in appearance, he said, their arms were longer than normal. Uhouse also claimed that communications had been established between the aliens and their captors."

I seem to remember that Walter Bosely said his father was involved in a crash retrieval w/ live aliens in eastern AZ during the '50's. Coincidence, or could this Uhouse claim be the same event?
The thing with Streiber is that he had been shopping an alien themed manuscript for a year or two before the Communion stuff. Apparently the hooded aliens had read it and decided to pay him a visit. Listen, I have no doubt that there are experiencers. I do not believe that all of these things can be explained by sleep paralysis, lying, or some mental disease. BUT, a good majority of them can. I just do not believe that Streiber is one of them. I think he is a fiction writer that took to extreme measures to sell a story. He was skilled enough to make it sound good, talented enough to act like it happened, and driven enough to market it. Then he began to expound and sequelize the story. It's a proven formula.

I've never been overly confident, in the believe 'Streiber' experienced what he claimed he has, but the hooded beings well it might be a small or big joke to some people, but the fact some of my relatives experienced something like that, well it has given me pause, and made me think more about it over last couple of years.

You make some goods point though Ron, but is it really a crime to be a fiction writer and claim experiences, well he might actually be telling the truth? He has a natural- skill and has ability to write good horror, but I don't think he was picked or singled out by another intelligence just for that, obviously he can write expressively, so maybe I am wrong, Maybe he was chosen, in the knowledge he would reveal this experiences through his writing. That is a pretty weird thought I guess, the implications of that, be that true are astounding.

I personally am not willing yet to dismiss all of his experiences Ron. I believe just my opinion, he has either stole ideas from people he met before he wrote communion. Those people he met had real weird experiences and Whitley took it all in and set about writing Communion based on what he heard, or he truly had experienced what said he had, at the cabin in upstate New York.

I do see why people doubt his credibility, I am not naive to why that is the case, he doesn't really filter lot of the bogus stuff that comes in from dubious sources and dubious people, also I think he is attention seeker and I think he wants to keep everyone happy, personally I think he likes the money he makes from the UFO field too. Don't mind this crap nobody is making an earning from the UFO field, some are earning some are not, most people who write UFO books, would not bother writing such books if there was no money in it to be made.

---------- Post added at 02:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:00 AM ----------

Didn't Uhouse endorse Dan Burisch's stories?

Red Flag! How many of these secret- underground bases exist? or is just peoples wish to believe they exist? I really have hard time believing Aliens are working hand and hand with certain governments to achieve certain aims, without there been least some prove, something more than just a story I don't think we have got evidence to prove any of these allegations, we hear about. Dulce to me is fairly well-debunked at this stage, so I don't no to be honest with you.
Guys: In the 50's, it was atomic bombs the "aliens" were warning about, after "The Day the Earth Stood Still"....Then there was a long period without messages, then the Environment was the message...Is there any connection to popular culture??

Whitley was in the Gurdjieff Foundation for a while, and now he is reflecting that in his writings....So what else is new?

As for the "implants", I had one removed in the Army, it was hard to get a hold of, according to the surgeon, but it was quite ordinary, just a slippery cyst...Should I claim to be a contactee because of that??

Gurdjieff Foundation—that's the group he was in prior to Communion. I wonder what, if any, the experiences he had with this group exposed him to this UFO/abduction subject matter.
icculus: That is what is truly weird about this whole thing, I have been in this "work" for over 40 years, and all I can say is that anyone who manifests such balderdash is almost immediately identified and usually leaves after a while, not because they are excommunicated, but because the work has nothing to do with such things...most ordinary people would find this work dull and boring....anyhow there are, according to Gurdjieff, three common types of people on this planet, Tramps, Lunatics, and Obyvatels...The latter is a Russian word Gurdjieff used for "Ordinary Inhabitants"...Only Obyvatels are considered suitable for work, as they do not have the problems inherant in the other two groups....

It is telling that Whitley left the Foundation after a while....

I was not a member of that group for very long, just in 1968 for a while, I discovered the "real" group later....

I've never been overly confident, in the believe 'Streiber' experienced what he claimed he has, but the hooded beings well it might be a small or big joke to some people, but the fact some of my relatives experienced something like that, well it has given me pause, and made me think more about it over last couple of years.

You make some goods point though Ron, but is it really a crime to be a fiction writer and claim experiences, well he might actually be telling the truth? He has a natural- skill and has ability to write good horror, but I don't think he was picked or singled out by another intelligence just for that, obviously he can write expressively, so maybe I am wrong, Maybe he was chosen, in the knowledge he would reveal this experiences through his writing. That is a pretty weird thought I guess, the implications of that, be that true are astounding.

I personally am not willing yet to dismiss all of his experiences Ron. I believe just my opinion, he has either stole ideas from people he met before he wrote communion. Those people he met had real weird experiences and Whitley took it all in and set about writing Communion based on what he heard, or he truly had experienced what said he had, at the cabin in upstate New York.

I do see why people doubt his credibility, I am not naive to why that is the case, he doesn't really filter lot of the bogus stuff that comes in from dubious sources and dubious people, also I think he is attention seeker and I think he wants to keep everyone happy, personally I think he likes the money he makes from the UFO field too. Don't mind this crap nobody is making an earning from the UFO field, some are earning some are not, most people who write UFO books, would not bother writing such books if there was no money in it to be made.

---------- Post added at 02:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:00 AM ----------

Red Flag! How many of these secret- underground bases exist? or is just peoples wish to believe they exist? I really have hard time believing Aliens are working hand and hand with certain governments to achieve certain aims, without there been least some prove, something more than just a story I don't think we have got evidence to prove any of these allegations, we hear about. Dulce to me is fairly well-debunked at this stage, so I don't no to be honest with youK.

If it were just that he was a fiction writer and all other things being equal I could let him off the hook. But, it seems he finds a way to link himself with nearly every facet of the phenomenon. An uncle that was in on MJ-12, abduction, then a message, the drones, the list goes on and on. I come from the school of once they show a capacity to lie and deceive then none of their stories have merit. I won't cherry pick a liar. My opinion of Strieber is that he is a liar and an active deceiver. Thus, all of his stuff is bunk.
Guys: In the 50's, it was atomic bombs the "aliens" were warning about, after "The Day the Earth Stood Still"....

There were still messages about nukes and war down to the '70s at least. That in addition to incidents at nuke storage facilities.

Then there was a long period without messages, then the Environment was the message...Is there any connection to popular culture??

Environmental messages started by the '70s at the latest. It could stem from popular culture, but advanced ETs could easily be aware of it and using it for their own purposes.

As for the "implants", I had one removed in the Army, it was hard to get a hold of, according to the surgeon, but it was quite ordinary, just a slippery cyst...Should I claim to be a contactee because of that??

No, but maybe an abductee. :) There's a difference.
If it were just that he was a fiction writer and all other things being equal I could let him off the hook. But, it seems he finds a way to link himself with nearly every facet of the phenomenon. An uncle that was in on MJ-12, abduction, then a message, the drones, the list goes on and on. I come from the school of once they show a capacity to lie and deceive then none of their stories have merit. I won't cherry pick a liar. My opinion of Strieber is that he is a liar and an active deceiver. Thus, all of his stuff is bunk.

Ya, I see what you mean Ron. If someone lies more than once about what has happened to them, or involves themselves in stories, that don't check out after scrutiny, how you trust what they have said in the past and the present and will in the future! That is a school I like to attend at, but Ron I have never met Streiber ever and not sure you have?, and I not sure he has ever been caught in the act of lying about his experiences? If he has please inform me!

As well Ron, Stanton Friedman that famous well known Ufologist, that lot of people here would look up to, believes part of the MJ-12 Papers or documents are legitimate. So if they partly real, and personally I have no real opinion on them, but would not be surprised if there all fake, but still a respected person in the field thinks there real, so from that standpoint would Strieber claim his uncle once worked for a agency or whatever called MJ12, be that unrealistic!

The Drones just shows a lack of judgement on his behave or maybe he playing to the audience and knew all along? I honestly don't want this post to come across as me apologising for his actions since Communion predominately, but if someone can prove to me without a doubt he made it all up, I will certainly listen, but until then all of us here are just posting opinions on what we believe to be true, your opinion might be the correct one, but personally speaking for myself I have some personal reasons to believe he experienced something odd and weird, is it as crazy as he told is another matter!, but maybe his ability for writing led him to blow the experience to proportions that perhaps never happened, but there was a underlining experience that happened all right?
Ya, I see what you mean Ron. If someone lies more than once about what has happened to them, or involves themselves in stories, that don't check out after scrutiny, how you trust what they have said in the past and the present and will in the future! That is a school I like to attend at, but Ron I have never met Streiber ever and not sure you have?, and I not sure he has ever been caught in the act of lying about his experiences? If he has please inform me!

As well Ron, Stanton Friedman that famous well known Ufologist, that lot of people here would look up to, believes part of the MJ-12 Papers or documents are legitimate. So if they partly real, and personally I have no real opinion on them, but would not be surprised if there all fake, but still a respected person in the field thinks there real, so from that standpoint would Strieber claim his uncle once worked for a agency or whatever called MJ12, be that unrealistic!

The Drones just shows a lack of judgement on his behave or maybe he playing to the audience and knew all along? I honestly don't want this post to come across as me apologising for his actions since Communion predominately, but if someone can prove to me without a doubt he made it all up, I will certainly listen, but until then all of us here are just posting opinions on what we believe to be true, your opinion might be the correct one, but personally speaking for myself I have some personal reasons to believe he experienced something odd and weird, is it as crazy as he told is another matter!, but maybe his ability for writing led him to blow the experience to proportions that perhaps never happened, but there was a underlining experience that happened all right?

Is it possible that he had some event that spawned it? Sure. It's possible. I honestly think that "He who shall not be named" had a real experience before he started faking shit. Though, I still discount every last word he or his American consort utters. Much like I do Strieber.

Instead of wondering if he did or didn't have an experience. Why not ask yourself if you can learn anything of real value from Strieber and his stories/spiritualism. When I look at him all I see is a marketing machine playing the tune those with loose pockets want to hear. Snake oil that will cure what ails you. That is simply how I see him. Playing to those eager to part with their money and further elevate his ego.

About MJ-12. Friedman has gone to great lengths to qualify his beliefs. You can't argue that he has not done a good job refuting the negative. For me, the jury is still out on the original docs. I just don't know enough about them or how to authenticate them to register an opinion. I have read all the material and opinions, and whatnot but at the end of the day it, like everything else, is shades of grey not black and white.

So if you personally find something worth while in his stuff, cool. But i would submit that there is nothing there worth while that you cant get from other more credible sources. You know, the same sources he pulled it from. :)
About MJ-12. Friedman has gone to great lengths to qualify his beliefs. You can't argue that he has not done a good job refuting the negative. For me, the jury is still out on the original docs. I just don't know enough about them or how to authenticate them to register an opinion. I have read all the material and opinions, and whatnot but at the end of the day it, like everything else, is shades of grey not black and white.

The alleged MJ-12 documents come to us through known tainted sources, namely Doty, AFOSI, and Moore. We know this. The only reason so much time, effort, and expectation has been spent on these things is because it they are brilliant examples of wish fullfillment propaganda. I think they are complete fabrications generated by AFOSI whose worth can only be assessed in that light. We wouldn't drink from a poison well or eat from a bloated carcass, why would we think some "truth" might be salvageable from known sources of disinformation like Doty, AFOSI, and by extension Bill Moore? Bill Moore at least came clean so to speak. I think we ignore what he told about how this business operates at our peril. Therefore the only value the MJ-12 documents might have is in revealing the methods and intent of the folks using them as instruments of information control. You take anything else away from them at your own risk I think. For Ufology to be anything other than You-Fool-O-gee it cannot continue to ignore the fact that it has been and continues to be played by sophisticated groups seeking to guide the public perception of the origin and purpose of UFOs.
The alleged MJ-12 documents come to us through known tainted sources, namely Doty, AFOSI, and Moore. We know this. The only reason so much time, effort, and expectation has been spent on these things is because it they are brilliant examples of wish fullfillment propaganda. I think they are complete fabrications generated by AFOSI whose worth can only be assessed in that light. We wouldn't drink from a poison well or eat from a bloated carcass, why would we think some "truth" might be salvageable from known sources of disinformation like Doty, AFOSI, and by extension Bill Moore? Bill Moore at least came clean so to speak. I think we ignore what he told about how this business operates at our peril. Therefore the only value the MJ-12 documents might have is in revealing the methods and intent of the folks using them as instruments of information control. You take anything else away from them at your own risk I think. For Ufology to be anything other than You-Fool-O-gee it cannot continue to ignore the fact that it has been and continues to be played by sophisticated groups seeking to guide the public perception of the origin and purpose of UFOs.

I know Bill Moore came clean about some stuff to do with Doty. Did he ever talk about Doty and the docs? I think the only tie to Doty and MJ12 comes from the memory and of LMH and a teaser paragraph by Timothy Good (which I think is sourced from LMH). Though to be honest I don't remember how the dates stack up.

If the docs came from AFOSI then, as Friedman has convincingly pointed out, they had some damn good access to information and constructed it all extremely expertly. Dates, travel itineraries, appointment schedules, etc. The Menzel NSA/CIA stuff was too amazing to be a coincidence and constructing a story with enough holes in the various schedules to make it convincing enough is astonishingly thorough if it is faked. Perhaps it is a mix of disinfo with info. Who knows. If you believe something unusual happened in Roswell in '47 then there has to be a plethora of documents surrounding it. I have never bought the balloon thing. An MJ12 type committee passes the eyeball test to me. So I guess that is why I am willing to accept that something like it probably happened.

But, if they did come from AFOSI the question will always remain, why? What did they accomplish. What was it setup to camouflage.
Is it possible that he had some event that spawned it? Sure. It's possible. I honestly think that "He who shall not be named" had a real experience before he started faking shit. Though, I still discount every last word he or his American consort utters. Much like I do Strieber.

Instead of wondering if he did or didn't have an experience. Why not ask yourself if you can learn anything of real value from Strieber and his stories/spiritualism. When I look at him all I see is a marketing machine playing the tune those with loose pockets want to hear. Snake oil that will cure what ails you. That is simply how I see him. Playing to those eager to part with their money and further elevate his ego.

About MJ-12. Friedman has gone to great lengths to qualify his beliefs. You can't argue that he has not done a good job refuting the negative. For me, the jury is still out on the original docs. I just don't know enough about them or how to authenticate them to register an opinion. I have read all the material and opinions, and whatnot but at the end of the day it, like everything else, is shades of grey not black and white.

So if you personally find something worth while in his stuff, cool. But i would submit that there is nothing there worth while that you cant get from other more credible sources. You know, the same sources he pulled it from. :)

We agree more than we disagree about Strieber. I am also willing to least accept that it is possible, he has lied since the very beginning, when he made himself known to the UFO community. But still, I am confused to how, he could have known about an experience of this nature by himself, unless someone he met, or knew gave him the information, and maybe both of us are wrong Ron, and he indeed experienced something weird like this!

It's not something I went through Ron, it was an experience told to me many years ago, when I was a young teenager. This experience was something that was told to me second-hand. But Its the people that told me that I trust! The experience could be something, not real just imagined, it could be anything space-visitors or something more weirder than that honestly Ron, I don't no what happened to them, truly I don't, but the details of the experience and what the creatures or beings looked like to them match what Strieber claimed in Communion, and I know for a fact they had no knowledge of Strieber until recently of this year or the end of the year before!

So I can't dispute everything he had claimed, but I am willing to dispute some of the stuff, since it lack's basic common sense, and if it turns out he was told this information. I will not be surprised one bit by that! But there is no way in hell Ron he created the part I personally think has truth to it, I could be naive and I was lied to by my relatives, but the story is such fantasy and crazy talk, and it does not fit there personalities Ron to come up with such an unbelievable story!
We agree more than we disagree about Strieber. I am also willing to least accept that it is possible, he has lied since the very beginning, when he made himself known to the UFO community. But still, I am confused to how, he could have known about an experience of this nature by himself, unless someone he met, or knew gave him the information, and maybe both of us are wrong Ron, and he indeed experienced something weird like this!

It's not something I went through Ron, it was an experience told to me many years ago, when I was a young teenager. This experience was something that was told to me second-hand. But Its the people that told me that I trust! The experience could be something, not real just imagined, it could be anything space-visitors or something more weirder than that honestly Ron, I don't no what happened to them, truly I don't, but the details of the experience and what the creatures or beings looked like to them match what Strieber claimed in Communion, and I know for a fact they had no knowledge of Strieber until recently of this year or the end of the year before!

So I can't dispute everything he had claimed, but I am willing to dispute some of the stuff, since it lack's basic common sense, and if it turns out he was told this information. I will not be surprised one bit by that! But there is no way in hell Ron he created the part I personally think has truth to it, I could be naive and I was lied to by my relatives, but the story is such fantasy and crazy talk, and it does not fit there personalities Ron to come up with such an unbelievable story!

Doesn't seem difficult to me. All the info is there on the internet and in books. I am absolutely convinced that if I wanted to hoax contact stories I could convince some people and researchers I was the real deal.
Doesn't seem difficult to me. All the info is there on the internet and in books. I am absolutely convinced that if I wanted to hoax contact stories I could convince some people and researchers I was the real deal.

I'm not sure there was lot of reports before the 80's of people having been visited by creatures that looked like the Strieber aliens? People were seeing different looking aliens were they not? Strieber, also when he came out with communion would have not had the internet to do research, books maybe but lot of the books back then were written by nuts and bolts ufologists, and I never saw yet a book published before communion were hooded beings were described as coming out of spaceships or were near to one! I personally know of three cases in ufology that speak of such beings, one is more suspect than the other two and one of the less suspect ones is the Strieber one.
I'm not sure there was lot of reports before the 80's of people having been visited by creatures that looked like the Strieber aliens? People were seeing different looking aliens were they not? Strieber, also when he came out with communion would have not had the internet to do research, books maybe but lot of the books back then were written by nuts and bolts ufologists, and I never saw yet a book published before communion were hooded beings were described as coming out of spaceships or were near to one! I personally know of three cases in ufology that speak of such beings, one is more suspect than the other two and one of the less suspect ones is the Strieber one.

Hmm, I can't name them off the top of my head or anything like that but I've read about lots of encounters where people said the beings were robed or had hoods. There's hundreds and hundreds of accounts out there, most of them not well known, and a lot of these are the sort of thing ya' forget almost immediately after reading it. But I know I've ran into that quite a few times.

Descriptions of beings have leveled out over time, especially in the US. Now it's mostly gray doctors, mantis types, reptoids, hybrids, and nordics. But back in the 50s through the early to mid 80s the descriptions of beings were all over the place, and still are in other parts of the world. There's so many different accounts it's impossible to keep track of them all. With all of that testimony covering hundreds of different descriptions there's probably something in there similar to what Strieber described.

Don't know if you've read about Dr. X (That's what people were calling him. Don't know if his real name ever got revealed or not) and Betty Andreasson. Those were cases that predated Strieber and although I can't remember if they described similar beings or not the sheer high strangeness of their accounts reminds me a little bit of Strieber.
Hmm, I can't name them off the top of my head or anything like that but I've read about lots of encounters where people said the beings were robed or had hoods. There's hundreds and hundreds of accounts out there, most of them not well known, and a lot of these are the sort of thing ya' forget almost immediately after reading it. But I know I've ran into that quite a few times.

Descriptions of beings have leveled out over time, especially in the US. Now it's mostly gray doctors, mantis types, reptoids, hybrids, and nordics. But back in the 50s through the early to mid 80s the descriptions of beings were all over the place, and still are in other parts of the world. There's so many different accounts it's impossible to keep track of them all. With all of that testimony covering hundreds of different descriptions there's probably something in there similar to what Strieber described.

Don't know if you've read about Dr. X (That's what people were calling him. Don't know if his real name ever got revealed or not) and Betty Andreasson. Those were cases that predated Strieber and although I can't remember if they described similar beings or not the sheer high strangeness of their accounts reminds me a little bit of Strieber.

True, a yes that is common archetype alright. The evil figure behind a robe or mask or hood, scary movies, and scary stories told years back and now often depict or have that character role within the story.That type of character, does play on human fears, well the feeling of doom is the most frightening fear we have is it not!, but I'm not sure how common that experience is in reality, is what I am suggesting.

There is lot of stories that have evil characters in it, but lot of the stories involving hooded characters are much taller looking height wise beings, and not sure, people who had experiences in the past before communion described the being in the way Streiber did? I think his account was unique and am few differences here and there, but his account seems very close to the mark to what my relatives saw back, when they'd had their experience with these beings whatever they are?

I'm not sure how common so called Alien- Abduction is in Ireland, I Personally have never seen anything in the papers or newspapers, but yet lot of have people I have met in my life have described weird experiences, but nothing ever that weird.

The closest thing is my relatives story, it wasn't even an abduction case at the end of the day, they'd both woke up, if only my aunt saw it then it could be just a fantasy a dream since both of them were in bed at the time, but both so them experienced it, and how can fantasy appear to two people same time same place?

The four little men my uncle said wore either brown or black hoods, but there was a white type light in the room too according to my uncle, he woke up and saw all this, one was on top of the bed doing something to my aunt, it bloody weird stuff, but uncle said he went to catch one that is what he told me anyway!, and all four just vanished he thinks they went through the floorboards, he saw the one he went to get go right pass the wooden floorboards and pass concrete. If I had not heard this from them and heard it elsewhere. I would think the person telling me this story was nuts.

I'm in a bind a dilemma are my relatives crazy did this actually happen? I personally know them for so long and both are honest-people I believe them, plus both of them have had other experiences beside this, my aunt seems to be a magnet for all this type of stuff she has experienced stuff that will blow your mind, i think she has some psychic ability, and she once said I have it too,but I think what gift i have it not like what my aunt has, it probably explains why I see lot of objects in the sky for no reason at all, the question is what I am seeing real or is my brain creating all this?

I have not actually heard of that lady thanks before now. Dr X not sure what that is about can you give some info?
True, a yes that is common archetype alright. The evil figure behind a robe or mask or hood, scary movies, and scary stories told years back and now often depict or have that character role within the story.That type of character, does play on human fears, well the feeling of doom is the most frightening fear we have is it not!, but I'm not sure how common that experience is in reality, is what I am suggesting.

There is lot of stories that have evil characters in it, but lot of the stories involving hooded characters are much taller looking height wise beings, and not sure, people who had experiences in the past before communion described the being in the way Streiber did? I think his account was unique and am few differences here and there, but his account seems very close to the mark to what my relatives saw back, when they'd had their experience with these beings whatever they are?

I'm not sure how common so called Alien- Abduction is in Ireland, I Personally have never seen anything in the papers or newspapers, but yet lot of have people I have met in my life have described weird experiences, but nothing ever that weird.

The closest thing is my relatives story, it wasn't even an abduction case at the end of the day, they'd both woke up, if only my aunt saw it then it could be just a fantasy a dream since both of them were in bed at the time, but both so them experienced it, and how can fantasy appear to two people same time same place?

The four little men my uncle said wore either brown or black hoods, but there was a white type light in the room too according to my uncle, he woke up and saw all this, one was on top of the bed doing something to my aunt, it bloody weird stuff, but uncle said he went to catch one that is what he told me anyway!, and all four just vanished he thinks they went through the floorboards, he saw the one he went to get go right pass the wooden floorboards and pass concrete. If I had not heard this from them and heard it elsewhere. I would think the person telling me this story was nuts.

I'm in a bind a dilemma are my relatives crazy did this actually happen? I personally know them for so long and both are honest-people I believe them, plus both of them have had other experiences beside this, my aunt seems to be a magnet for all this type of stuff she has experienced stuff that will blow your mind, i think she has some psychic ability, and she once said I have it too,but I think what gift i have it not like what my aunt has, it probably explains why I see lot of objects in the sky for no reason at all, the question is what I am seeing real or is my brain creating all this?

I have not actually heard of that lady thanks before now. Dr X not sure what that is about can you give some info?

There's some stuff about Dr. X on the internet but not much. Just do a google search. Apparently he was healed by a UFO but I've read some more about him in books and although I can't remember what it was (I've read a ton of UFO related material over the past 15-20 years. At least 90% of it I've forgotten) I do recall it was some pretty weird shit. I'm a little surprised you haven't heard of Betty Andreasson. That's a pretty popular case largely because Ray Fowler has written 5 books about it (I have only the first 3) and because it's pretty far out, at least it was for the time. There's a lot of high strangeness in her story and some of it has a spiritual tone.

But it's hard to try to establish patterns or mix and match since at least 90% of this stuff is undoubtedly horseshit. The way entity descriptions have stabilized in recent years is pretty good evidence of that. Occupant descriptions were all over the place then Communion and Intruders hit the bestseller list and suddenly nearly everyone in America were seeing the same entities and it's stayed that way. That's gotta' be folklore in the making. I believe there is a real abduction phenomenon but that it is a much more rare event than all these reports would lead one to believe. Much of this is almost certainly the product of me-too personalities and an abuse of hypnosis (Yeah, I know that a certain duo would call me a slobbering fan of hypnosis but that is not true at all. It certainly has plenty of problems and has led to scores of false accounts. In fact, I put forward the guess that the entirety of MILAB literature might be the result of hypnotic confabulation. But I simply do not agree with the notion that ALL of this testimony should be tossed out, the baby with the bathwater kind of approach. There are some cases with multiple witnesses and you can check the testimony of one witness with another and see if they match. If all the details are the same there's probably something more substantial than confabulation occurring. Allagash is a good example of this).