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Info on very weird story?

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Actually, Dan Burisch had met Uhouse just briefly at a Library conference in Winchester Nevada in the mid to early 90's. Uhouse never spoke of Dan Burisch because he did not even remember him because they were from completely different eras. Uhouse was already around 70 years of age at that time while Dan was only around 31. So, actually, Dan endorses Uhouse's stories. Which, for all intents and purposes, are true. Bill Uhouse passed away on May 29, 2008 having just passed his 83'rd birthday. He suffered bladder cancer in his later years and it was not like him to want to be burdened by any type of treatment. His son, Will Uhouse, is still very much alive and kicking and is my husband.
Re: Info on very weird story?
Dan Burisch....I don't want to type more​

Do you KNOW Dan Burisch personally? Have you ever spoken to him in person? This seems to be a bit of an 'insult' to the gentleman's integrity? Are you one of those individuals who thinks he's fraudulent? :confused:

Seems as if it might be that way. That's really your own loss, to be sure! :)

What he speaks is what he believes. I know him. He's a friend of ours.

It's very telling to see the number of those leaning towards authenticity of some 'obvious' theatrics via 'videos' of this and that 'entity'. For those who want 'visual' proof of ANYTHING to come from any form of 'allowable' media, I am saddened to say that you will be DUPED time and again by your own inability to connect to what's really going on. If it's on YouTube or elsewhere and it's still there in a couple of days, chances are, it's not authentic and it just adds to the deepening of the delusions of the sheep. As to videos of certain individuals speaking, well that's much easier to deal with since MOST people won't believe them any way because they have NO THEATRICAL VIDEOS to call authentic and PROVE what they say. There are NO ALIENS or other entities on film.... but that's all to easy to fabricate nowadays with all the theatrical props and methods so it's a very thin line to have to investigate such things. If you see a video of this or that 'real alien' or 'entity' etc. on television or YouTube, and it remains there and is not removed within a week or so, it is questionable AT LEAST 90% of the time. Sad but true. :( :p

Do you KNOW Dan Burisch personally? Have you ever spoken to him in person? This seems to be a bit of an 'insult' to the gentleman's integrity? Are you one of those individuals who thinks he's fraudulent? :confused:

Seems as if it might be that way. That's really your own loss, to be sure! :)

What he speaks is what he believes. I know him. He's a friend of ours.

You're convinced, therefore that the story about the J-Rods etc is true?​
The thing with Streiber is that he had been shopping an alien themed manuscript for a year or two before the Communion stuff. Apparently the hooded aliens had read it and decided to pay him a visit. Listen, I have no doubt that there are experiencers. I do not believe that all of these things can be explained by sleep paralysis, lying, or some mental disease. BUT, a good majority of them can. I just do not believe that Streiber is one of them. I think he is a fiction writer that took to extreme measures to sell a story. He was skilled enough to make it sound good, talented enough to act like it happened, and driven enough to market it. Then he began to expound and sequelize the story. It's a proven formula.

i think there are quite a lot of people in this field who, having once or twice in the past had an experience (sighting, abduction) continue by then making stuff up, usually to make money. for instance, i think billy meier probably did photograph a few UFO's in india but decided to capitalise on it by then faking more sightings and this whole 'pleadian' information transcribing. he probably realised a long time ago that some people are very interested in this subject and are more than willing to believe whatever they see, read or hear regardless of the credibility of the information. i am not religious (don't get me started on that one!) but i know that many people who are religious actually want to swallow the whole story for some internal reason of their own, and just accept what they are told by their minister/priest/whatever. they do not want to think too critically about it, in case it starts to no longer 'add up', i.e they do not want their illusion burst so they do not try to rationally think for themselves. they want just to be told what's what so they do not have to worry about it. as in religion, the UFO field has many people who again, are just happy to accept any and ALL UFO-related information, regardless of whether it is good evidence, or utter B.S.

i think it is beyond disgusting that steven greer is seriously charging people several thousand dollars to go on these 'contact' trips. he virtually guarrantees a sighting!! if that was true, it would be easy to prove to the world that UFO's exit and the news media would be along if they were guarranteed a close encounter. i realise steven greer has a family to support but for goodness' sake, he should go back to practising medicine because what he is doing now is nothing more than taking advantage of people who need to believe.

for anyone that still believes the meier phots or videos in switzerland are real, there is an excellent video on youtube that shows a guy building a 'beamship' and then suspending it on a wire that does not show on the footage and looks pretty much identical to the meier beamship photos. but here is the killer point: the guy in the video does this all WITH ONE HAND - to prove that a one-armed man can easily fake such phots. and isn't it funny how the footage showing a ship going round a tree happens to take place around a tree that is no longer there!! and one more thing about meier, if these supposed pleadians actively allowed meier to take phots of their craft, presumably so he can show the world to back up the writings he releases, then why not let him take unambiguous photos, such as having a full grown man standing next to a ship, or even just a ship on the ground with a measurable shadow and something in the pic to give an unambigous scale for the ship?

if the contacts were real, and he did go on the ships, and they did allow him to photograph their ships, then it would have been simple to make it irrefutible!! as david biedny often said, billy meier is nothing more than a cult. if he reported to his followers that semjase had told them all to drink poison a-la jim jones and kool-aid, you can bet that they would do what he said. his followers are just the types who, if they had not gotten into UFO's, would have ended up in some other cult or crazy religion anyway. they are just that personality type and meier expertly exploits them.

it will be extremely satisfying if whatever truth about UFO's does come out in my lifetime and it shows for definite who has been reporting real events all these years and who has been making it up and milking it. i'd love to see steven greer explain himself it some real ET's make contact with the whole world and we find out which reported parts of the field were true all along and which ones were utter shite. here's hoping.....
Im not going to try and sell you on the issue of Whitley being the real deal or not, thats up to the individual to decide for themselves, but there are two points made that i think are unfair.
The first is that he has whackjobs on his show........ in my experience any paranormal podcast the Paracast included will get the odd guest who fits this category
The second is he charges for subscriber content, again this is not an uncommon format, Paracast plus being a salient example, sites like these take time and effort, i dont see why a small charge to cover that is a red flag per se.

There is no doubt that Whitley takes a fairly unfiltered approach to the genre, and this is in contrast with the Paracast, which does try and seperate signal from noise.
Personally i have no problem with either approach to the enigma.

Indeed to seperate wheat from chaff you have to first have both the wheat and the chaff in the one place, Thus the only difference is where the filter is resides.
In the Paracast the filter is an active one taking place at the podcast level, with the hosts making the judgment calls on behalf of the audience, and its a valid and valuable way of doing it.
Unknown country seems to take a more passive role, presenting the data unfiltered letting the audience make their minds up.
The best thing is you as audience can choose which approach best suits your preference to research this topic.

I also think any direct experience in this genre changes you, it changes the way you relate to what most call "reality" and also how you relate to the majority of people who inhabit that "reality"

Tell a citizen of consensus reality you saw a, or believe in UFO's and you know the response, its usually a non subtle case of disconnect, a very real acknowledgement that we are not in the "same place"

If Whitleys experiences are as intense as he relates them, its hardley surprising anyone who hasnt had the same experience would automatically feel that sense of disconnect, It is in fact just a greater manifestation of that same reaction you usually get when you tell a work mate you beleive in UFO's. Its that same mechanism at a whole new level