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Invasion plans

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Mike, dunno if this is new info but there has been a documentary on National Geographic going back at least a couple of years on what the world would do if faced with an alien invasion. Strange that this piece seems so out of date. Were you aware of the doc in the past?
Mmmm. Well, my dad was a journalist (and uncle who was a £10 pom!) and anywhere can have a slow news day and bring something out of the '2nd choice' drawer. Or there could indeed be some new real reason. I am a firm believer in a slow acclimation of the public to the truth of alien life in this solar system.
No government actually need be directing any such disclosure. If UFO's are a fact, it will become self-evident either very slowly or a little quicker. We know from previous religious opposition to new ideas that the new 'religion' of science is every bit as reluctant as organised religion in some matters.

While I'm at it, I find the argument by science that any other life is too far away to get here from there. Yeah? and how long ago since it would have been ridiculous to fly at mach 5 when horses and carts were all that was available. How arrogant to think we know even a small amount of physics. There may be orders of magnitude more levels of reality we haven't even a clue exist yet, let alone how to manipulate! (I have a degree in Physics and whilst no great scientist, am willing to believe we haven't even really started down that road!)
Yeah its likely a canned piece, in the opening shot we see the interviewer with easter eggs behind her, but the background of the actual interview has no eggs.

Interesting he mentions not just technology but doctrinal than weve never forseen.......

(transbiological in nature?)

It reminds me of something i heard Stanton Friedman say on larry king.
If we had proof of alien contact the world would want global representation, someone to speak "for the planet"
Who does this, the US..... China has more people

It would upset the current power structure on the planet to have to step up from regional govts to a global one
Whats interesting is weve gone from

"The US Airforce assures me that UFO's pose no threat to National Security."
-President John F. Kennedy


“Yes, it is best to be prepared for anything and Professor Paul Spring from the U.S. Air Command and Staff College would advise the military in the event of an invasion. He had to get special government clearance to talk to us and I spoke to him earlier

Anchor: “What do you think would be the alien plan? What would they do first?”

Springer: “That really depends on why they are here in the first place. If they are here for the extraction of a specific resource, for example, they might just want to eliminate any resistance that might block them from their objective. If, on the other hand, their goal was actual occupation and conquest, then they would probably have to prioritize anything they perceive as a threat to their own dominance. So, they would probably start by wiping out as many communications networks as possible and eliminating as many weapons that might represent some form of threat either to them, or to the resources they are trying to extract. So they might very well want to counter every nuclear weapon, not because it represented a threat to them, but because it might destroy whatever they’re here to collect.”
Well the blue beamers will say its prep for the false flag alien invasion.
But it is a pole shift, not sure what it heralds
Well the blue beamers will say its prep for the false flag alien invasion.
But it is a pole shift, not sure what it heralds

well my prediction is more of the same.. sweet bugger all :D
I think the topic of disclosure and the whole Government cover up thing has made me rather pessimistic toward the subject.
I agree, Friedman lists 6 reasons for the secrecy in one of his books.
One being the US govt doesnt want to have to give up its self elevated top dog status, and take its place as an equal part of the planet as a whole in representing humanity to the stars
I'm a big fan of Friedman and the top dog reason hits the mark. Should we one day find a compatible goldilocks zone planet that is occupied by an alien race, we'll kick them out if we need it to survive.

Logically, we should expect the same treatment.

Wassup Only ?

Don't you think 'losing a superpower status and control over its population' is a valid reason for secrecy ?

Once you admit the existence of a higher than thou entity, you also have to admit your vulnerability and relative impotence. Worst of all you have to concede that all that defense spending sucking up all these tax dollars... was for nothing. Effectively crashing the military-industrial complex pyramid power scheme. When a government cannot fulfill its security mission the only road left is chaos.

Losing 'top-dog' status is a game breaker.
Using "myself" as a picture example for "myself" I can't swallow the "invasion" scenario. Intelligence does not take lives - it REALIZES the bigger picture and tries not to step on it deliberately. I see this from my own life picture, where I walk around ants building their home. They have a life and I won't disturb that. My 9 YO grandson will, and the first thing I say is HEY ... how would you like it if some giant stepped on you and your house? They have a life. Let them live it.

I say ET is WAY beyond us as far as intelligence, and the same picture is in play. We are doing nothing here but projecting our own "lower brain" picture on them. They look at us and just do a face palm.

There is a bigger picture here as far as TPTB. They know what we SHOULD know - and all this crap is nothing but confusion food for the masses to keep them confused until TSHTF. Will we wake up? I don't see it. I think we are going down.
Using "myself" as a picture example for "myself" I can't swallow the "invasion" scenario. Intelligence does not take lives - it REALIZES the bigger picture and tries not to step on it deliberately. I see this from my own life picture, where I walk around ants building their home. They have a life and I won't disturb that. My 9 YO grandson will, and the first thing I say is HEY ... how would you like it if some giant stepped on you and your house? They have a life. Let them live it.

I say ET is WAY beyond us as far as intelligence, and the same picture is in play. We are doing nothing here but projecting our own "lower brain" picture on them. They look at us and just do a face palm.

There is a bigger picture here as far as TPTB. They know what we SHOULD know - and all this crap is nothing but confusion food for the masses to keep them confused until TSHTF. Will we wake up? I don't see it. I think we are going down.

Clash of cultures, vulnerability to imported disease, greed... etc, etc... decimated entire aboriginal populations in the americas. These are the real the dynamics of the bigger picture when a population needs or is forced to expand (or leave its home world). On a cosmological timeline, an invasion could potentially happen given the right conditions. It might not be tomorrow, it may be in a thousand years but it still remains a statistical probability.

We ourselves will soon be forced to expand or perish as planetary resources dwindle while our populations explode. Probing and cataloging all the nearby star systems in search of compatible environments will eventually be priority one. In the short run, making it to type 1 civilization status should force us to colonize Mars... If there are any alien bugs on that planet, we'll more likely develop a Raid formula than a petting farm.
Intelligence does not take lives - it REALIZES the bigger picture and tries not to step on it deliberately. ...
I say ET is WAY beyond us as far as intelligence, and the same picture is in play. We are doing nothing here but projecting our own "lower brain" picture on them.

But isn't this idea just projecting what we think a higher brain picture is on them? Intelligence does take lives. It takes them deliberately, coldly, and with a specific goal in mind. Humanity has made a science out of killing what we view as pests and varmints. To imagine that some higher intelligence would not also be so inclined is just wishful thinking I fear. When I look at the animal kingdom and our place in it I cannot help but think that a higher intelligence would view us pets, pests, food, or a natural resource to be harvested. The whole companion other than as a pet, seems unprecedented and unlikely. Certainly we would not be viewed as peers.