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Invasion plans

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But isn't this idea just projecting what we think a higher brain picture is on them? Intelligence does take lives. It takes them deliberately, coldly, and with a specific goal in mind. Humanity has made a science out of killing what we view as pests and varmints. To imagine that some higher intelligence would not also be so inclined is just wishful thinking I fear. When I look at the animal kingdom and our place in it I cannot help but think that a higher intelligence would view us pets, pests, food, or a natural resource to be harvested. The whole companion other than as a pet, seems unprecedented and unlikely. Certainly we would not be viewed as peers.
Yes - humanity has - but what is the picture here ... the brain and how it functions, or doesn't function. Sociopathy / brain damage / mental illness are part of the problem. Everything is the brain and how it works. WE would see lower life forms as pets, and so we project OUR picture into the heavens, as if everyone must think like us. Sorry, it doesn't work like that. Intelligence has a level that is the same across the board - there may be subtle variations, but caring is caring, even if it has a logical approach.
Yeah its likely a canned piece, in the opening shot we see the interviewer with easter eggs behind her, but the background of the actual interview has no eggs.

Interesting he mentions not just technology but doctrinal than weve never forseen.......

(transbiological in nature?)

It reminds me of something i heard Stanton Friedman say on larry king.
If we had proof of alien contact the world would want global representation, someone to speak "for the planet"
Who does this, the US..... China has more people

It would upset the current power structure on the planet to have to step up from regional govts to a global one

The UN appointed a spokesman in 2010 to be our ET ambassador. news report
Since then the UN has tried to retract the existence of such a position but whistle blowers say it does exist. Funny how the governments state that it is not probable that ET has visited planet earth or even could. Yet, they spend money on defenses against them and appoint spokesman to greet them. Honestly who are they trying to kid?
If we had proof of alien contact the world would want global representation, someone to speak "for the planet"
Who does this, the US..... China has more people

The former. Especially since the end of the cold war, the US has been the #1 military and space power, with unmatched global influence.

It would upset the current power structure on the planet to have to step up from regional govts to a global one

Yep, although the US could head it as lesser powers naturally turned to us for a possible solution. While I agree with Stan that's one reason, it's far from the only one.
self elevated top dog status

Actually that owed much to the USSR throwing in the towel as a superpower over 20 years ago.

and take its place as an equal part of the planet as a whole in representing humanity to the stars

Needn't happen.

Btw regarding Springer's remarks: I doubt they're here for a resource, as raw materials can easily be had on countless uninhabited worlds. But giving priority to knocking out n-weapons--interesting. Malmstrom and bentwaters could be a test of that capability.
There is a sub-picture here that has just about enough information to create the why behind TPTB / esoteric type approach. The short story deals with human nature, and the fact that if history was rewritten, there would be those who disagreed and left the area. This creates a picture where, like Stonehenge, people believe there was a focus on the new "sun god" with references to the sun at the summer solstice sunrise. I say no. Orion rose at sunrise on the summer solstice back in 3000 BC, and context being what it is regarding Orion, I say THAT was the focus. At the winter solstice sunrise, another piece of this picture was in the sky, and that's the galactic center, followed again by Orion rising as the sun set on the winter solstice.

The idea is, these people have always been here hiding in plain sight all along, just keeping to themselves, and it wasn't until Paul popped up 2000 years ago, that a variation of this data popped up and created the Christian religion. It was the same story with different characters, a coming destruction and arrival from the sky, but, it never happened - Paul was wrong. The text was altered to cover the screw-up, later Constantine got involved, blah, blah, blah - here we are today.

These "people who knew" had European counterparts later in time, and it seems they were here until the expansion of the esoteric movement a few centuries ago, at which time they seemingly vanished, and one would think what they knew was shelved as study material to be used when needed, end of story.

"Needed" pops up after Roswell (whatever that was really about) and in the 1950s, in the midst of all the surfacing "contactee" stories, Fulcanelli (or whoever) adds a chapter to the 1920s work The Mystery of the Cathedrals" and basically shouts DOOM IS COMING .... and that's that. It isn't for another 10 years that phase two of our picture pops up in something called the Red Serpent Document, where a quest is outlined, and a key piece found ... a feminine piece. There are also hints to a destruction, using the constellations surrounding the galactic center. After this the Georgia Guidestones pop up, and you can take it from there.

They know - they know that we should know, and don't. They have no intention of telling us anything, and said that on the day of the 911 disaster ... the "note" was right in front of our faces on the horizon of NY at the time of the first hit. Virgo (the feminine reference, last used for the 13,000 BC event as the AGE of Virgo) was on the horizon and Mercury was right next to it. What's the connection with Mercury? In June, just before the 911 event, there was some BS operation started called Operation Amalgam Virgo. Virgo speaks for itself, and the Mercury connection has to do with the esoteric connection to the word amalgam - a joining - and the substance mercury ... also known as the messenger of the "gods". The destruction aspect was represented as the twin towers destruction, and the message was there for all to see, but, we didn't see it. Everyone focuses on WHAT was done, instead of what was SAID.

They aren't going to tell us anything ... they will keep us guessing until the last minute, and then it'll be to late. Why? They don't like us. Cursing the profaners in their ashes and those who live in their tracks .... There is an aspect of this that is missing, and could be that ET and the PTB / Gov't met at some point, and ET told them to f*ck off because of the mess they made of everything. I can't prove it, but it would explain why they are seemingly so pissed off.
There is a sub-picture here that has just about enough information to create the why behind TPTB / esoteric type approach.
They know - they know that we should know, and don't. They have no intention of telling us anything, and said that on the day of the 911 disaster ... the "note" was right in front of our faces on the horizon of NY at the time of the first hit. Virgo (the feminine reference, last used for the 13,000 BC event as the AGE of Virgo) was on the horizon and Mercury was right next to it. What's the connection with Mercury? In June, just before the 911 event, there was some BS operation started called Operation Amalgam Virgo. Virgo speaks for itself, and the Mercury connection has to do with the esoteric connection to the word amalgam - a joining - and the substance mercury ... also known as the messenger of the "gods". The destruction aspect was represented as the twin towers destruction, and the message was there for all to see, but, we didn't see it. Everyone focuses on WHAT was done, instead of what was SAID.

Whoever is responsible for the subtle symbols prevalent on currency, military operation names/designations should provide explanations.
This is ... ridiculous.
Whoever is responsible for the subtle symbols prevalent on currency, military operation names/designations should provide explanations.
This is ... ridiculous.

We miss it because we don't know ... like this one.


Then too, there are the historical markers we don't see either ...



You can't find something when you have no idea what it is you are looking for.
The former. Especially since the end of the cold war, the US has been the #1 military and space power, with unmatched global influence.

Yep, although the US could head it as lesser powers naturally turned to us for a possible solution. While I agree with Stan that's one reason, it's far from the only one.

I dont disagree that might can equal right,
The universe operates on the basic principle that the ability to do a thing is the only box that needs to be ticked before you do so.

But what if the visting species are able to negate that might ?, if we remove military might from the equation, by what right does the US speak for a global humanity ?
If it came down to a democtaric vote, the Han Chinese would win the election

"There are more than 6.5 billion people in the world today. Nearly 2/3 of them are Asians living on less than 1/3 of the land. Only about 5% of the world's people live in North America"

[ Source : Ethnicity and Race: World Diversity Patterns ]

Han Chinese

"The single largest ethnic group on the planet by far is Han Chinese, which represents 19.73% of the global population. For comparison 6.06% of the planet's population is of full or partial Spanish ancestry, and on a wider scale 14.2% of earth's population is of Sub-Saharan descent (those identifying as 'Black')

[ Source : World population - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ]

Why should 5 % of the global population speak for the entire planet

Only about 5% of the world's people live in North America

Its rather ironic because in the US we have the 99 % movement, asking why should the 1% make the rules.

Take this up to the next level, why should the 5% speak on behalf of humanity ?
I saw that Nat Geo broadcast on "1st Contact" from a hostile ET race, actually twice.

To be perfectly upfront about the concept .. I have thought about variations on this for about 25 or more years, especially when I broke the STS-48 story on NBC and CNN. Of course I didn't have a clue then or now what in hell that thing was .. but what if it were hostile and was the vanguard of a hostile force? Today my bottom line on this concept is fairly simple. If an ET source came here with hostile intent, considering they crossed Stars to get here, we would have one of two things we could do. Either surrender when they first showed up ... or incinerate the planet using nuclear weapons so they wouldn't want the place.

Neither option sounds very good does it?

Very true, though its worth considering that while such a scenario would be a first for us, it may not be so for them.
Thus a stealth invasion may be a tried and tested tactic, in dealing with situations like ours.
Australia is a good example where the genes of one culture can over time replace the genes of the native culture, time and patience can often do a better job than guns and bombs.

I myself have wondered if the nuclear cinder scenario is in play here.

Nick Redferns final events raises another scenario where the cinder solution might apply

Basically speaking, Final Events is a study of a think-tank group comprised of personnel from within the U.S. Government, military and intelligence community that has existed in stealth for a surprisingly long time. The group believes that while the UFO issue is a very real one, they do not believe it has anything to do with literal extraterrestrials.​
Rather, the group - which calls itself the Collins Elite - concludes that the "aliens" are, in reality, literal demonic entities that are trying to seduce us with a false lure of supposed alien technology, and to - quite literally - steal and farm our souls. The group claim to have discovered evidence that these demonic entities - that seem to utilize a weird combination of advanced technology and archaic rite and ritual - derive a form of "energy sustenance" from the human soul or life force.​
And while i personally dont subscribe to the demons farming souls idea, i do entertain the possibility that post biological entities might be uploading our conciousness as per Kurzweils singularity theory.​
If that were happening not even suicide (on the contrary) would save you from your fate, the only effective solution would be to incinerate the planet, and thus deny them any more of the resources to collect.​
Ie: The only way to stop them from "farming" our conciousness would be to destroy the farm.​