Paranormal Maven
I am the most non confrontational person on the planet, until confronted. If you've never been in the situation of being completely helpless when your life is threatened, it may be hard to understand. I would love to live on a planet inhabited by pacifists such as yourself, but the fact is, there are a lot of mean, greedy, people with no sense of the interconnectivity of Life, who will kill, rape, and pillage to their heart's content if there is no deterring threat.Like that Byrds song, I do think there's a time for everything, and likewise a time for force. But I can't help feeling that the western world generally errs on the side of too much force rather than too little. So I kinda feel that the pacifist stance in general is the one that will bring people back into balance.
But like I said, I could be wrong here.
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