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Is anyone else Roswell-ed out?

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I personally would like serious investigation into the Roswell incident to continue for as long as it takes.

The issue I believe comes down to this: Roswell has got the be the most notorious case involving the 'unknown' (ie: I'd prefere if I could put this a better way but, E.T's & Craft) to date. There's just that many books, DVD's & Documentaries on it that's it's absolutely notorious in the field of UFOlogy.

Okay now my point & issue: It's getting to the point now where UFOlogy seems to appear from an 'outside & uninformed' opinion to be entirely centrered in culture. I for one would not put much stock into finding some element of 'truth' or 'concrete evidence' in a culture that is probably the laughing stock of many on a global scale, ie; ROSWELL. The notion of culture & dare I say it, 'trend' that's stagnating pungently from within the Roswell scene is beyond a doubt, very obvious....Now we're getting an Amusement park. Festivities include live music & friggin' costume competitions. I thought the little 'Al'e-inn' was quite cool, but that's about it. It has a 'coolness' factor, a novelty about it that seem's to cast an incredible shadow upon the actual scenario of the epoch & the forboding mystery that 'is' the Roswell incident.

Do not get me wrong, I love to have a laugh & I love to have fun, I enjoy culture completely, but that's music & art culture, films etc.
It must be taken incredibly seriously in absolutely every facet of the matter, lest UFOlogy be permanently known as the interests of only 'mad-men'.

There has got to be better solutions to globally informing the public on the truth of the matter, rather than having 'free for all-who really care's about some crash' festivals.

Future event's such as the Roswell festivities will only help to keep UFOlogy from being taken seriously.


I did not mean in my above post that 'all' of UFOlogy is not taken seriously, nor was I implying that the entire field is all about, or lead by the ROSWELL incident, it's just that this case is incredibly well documented amoungst the mainstream media.

If such a widely spoken about topic appears to those not in the know as being all fun & games, than expect those not in the know to jump on the bandwagon & wallow in all that is simply 'novelty'.

I remember back in the mid 1980s when I first became aware of the Roswell Incident. Virtually nobody was talking about it. I discovered it in an old used bookstore among a dusty collection of paranormal books. The original Roswell Incident was written by non other than Charles Berlitz & William Moore ( Copyright 1980 ). I started talking about it with friends and not long afterward I was visited by MIBs pretending to be JWs. That was pretty intense. Since then, ufology has become so overstaurated by the Roswell Incident that even ufologists don't want to hear about it anymore. But don't underestimate it. For those new to ufology, the Roswell Incident remains a very powerful story.
Donald Keyhoe referred in his second book, published around 1953, to USAF mess-hall rumors of the recovery of a flying disk, complete with small-stature dead aliens, from the desert in NM some years earlier. It then went quiet for 25 years, until revived in the late 1970s when Jesse Marcel senior and other witnesses "came out."

The story has been researched and talked to death. There's almost certiainly something in it, but all the primary witnesses are now dead and we're unlikely to discover anything new in the 21st century. Time to consign it to history, and move on.

BTW the only known living witness to handle the debris, Jesse Marcel Jr (now a retired Air Force ENT surgeon living in Montana) still maintains the debris he handled was not from Earth. I know this because he told me so, face-to-face.
Donald Keyhoe referred in his second book, published around 1953, to USAF mess-hall rumors of the recovery of a flying disk, complete with small-stature dead aliens, from the desert in NM some years earlier.

Not necessarily connected to Roswell. There was also Aztec and a few other alleged cases.

It then went quiet for 25 years, until revived in the late 1970s when Jesse Marcel senior and other witnesses "came out."

Edwards mentioned it in his 1967 book Flying Saucers Serious Business. KDR wrote about someone who mentioned it at the time of the moon landing, and something about Sleppy.

The story has been researched and talked to death. There's almost certiainly something in it, but all the primary witnesses are now dead and we're unlikely to discover anything new in the 21st century. Time to consign it to history, and move on.

So you think the coverup will last another century? :) Pretty pessimistic.

BTW the only known living witness to handle the debris, Jesse Marcel Jr (now a retired Air Force ENT surgeon living in Montana) still maintains the debris he handled was not from Earth. I know this because he told me so, face-to-face.

I think Dwyer's daughter handled some and is still alive.
Hey everyone knows the story. Berlitz's book was the first in-depth documentation. But if you wanna go all the way back to who wrote the first piece, you don't need to rely on "mess hall rumors". The Roswell Army Airfield Public Information Officer, First Lieutennant Walter G. Haut, wrote the text for the famous July 8, 1947 press release.
I am very dismayed that a potentialy very important component to Roswell anomalous-aspect evidence, witness June Crain, seems seldom referred to. She was a highly clearanced clerk typist who handled a piece of metal that exactly resembled what Marcell Jr describes.

I had never heard of her. So, I'm gonna google her. :p Oh man can you say that on the internet? :p

---------- Post added at 07:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:58 PM ----------

I found this link while googling. I haven't finished it yet and don't even know who conducted it. But, I'm in the middle of reading it right now. Well, it says Clarkson interview so some folks with more knowledge of Rosewell than I have can enlighten me I hope. But, anyway, gonna go read the rest of it now.


---------- Post added at 07:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:04 PM ----------

Quick note since I've now read down just a little. James Clarkson conducted the interview.
Back in the mid-'90s, a ufologist (I was in snailmail correspondence with a few of them,) shared a photocopy to me, of an alleged Top Secret CIA document about a wiretap which learned that Marilyn Monroe was planning to "hold a press conference" and "tell all" which included apparent ET bodies. I wondered for a long time, if this document was some kind of piece of disinfo, or real. Over at Rich Dolan's www.afterdisclosure.com I found this link, which says that, the CIAs reaction to a FOIA request re. the Monroe cable, was to accept the request. If the document was crap, the CIA would not accept the request. Take a look at this, see what ya think. Black Mesa Press Page Four
Hey What does 64 years and a bad case of unfounded repetition get you?

The answer surely isn't real evidence that extraterrestrial life ever crash landed in Roswell, that's for sure!

Roswell-ed out? About the same as watching the newest version of V....Both bad Sci-Fi and nothing more.

A. No material evidence.
B. Eyewitnesses....Yeah, and there are eyewitnesses that will swear up and down that they just recently watched as the real Elvis gassed up at the Marathon station in Plano.
C. Years and years of combing the supposed"crash site" where it all supposedly happened, and NOTHING....not a shred of any metal, E.T. remains or anything other than a bad case of sunburn and sand in their booties.
D. From the years 1947 to 2011 not one piece of the supposed rubber metal with the special symbols has been found.....no videos of E.T. dancing the two step with Donald Keyhoe, no dead bodies, not one person with anything but gum flapping and people like Dr. Dan.

Ohhh wait a second....I know....Something to cling to when the need arises for all those wannabe
space fans:

<iframe title="YouTube video player" src="Bugs Bunny vs Marvin Martian - YouTube" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="390" width="480"></iframe>​
Back in the mid-'90s, a ufologist (I was in snailmail correspondence with a few of them,) shared a photocopy to me, of an alleged Top Secret CIA document about a wiretap which learned that Marilyn Monroe was planning to "hold a press conference" and "tell all" which included apparent ET bodies. I wondered for a long time, if this document was some kind of piece of disinfo, or real.

The former, possibly just to make UFOlogists look paranoid--linking everything to UFOs like greer does..

Over at Rich Dolan's www.afterdisclosure.com I found this link, which says that, the CIAs reaction to a FOIA request re. the Monroe cable, was to accept the request. If the document was crap, the CIA would not accept the request. Take a look at this, see what ya think.

I don't think Jack and Bobby would've been privy to this; in any case they would've known better than to tell marilyn.
Q. Did UFO secrecy have anything to do with the Kennedy, Monroe deaths?
A. Quite possibly.

UFO secrecy has been classified "higher than the H-Bomb". Therefore, contrary to what has been claimed, disclosure must be linked to national security at the highest levels. Therefore anyone with actual knowledge would be bound by national security not to disclose anything. If it were found out that they were going to disclose information against the interest of national security, it would not surprise me a bit that they would become targets for silencing by any means necessary, especially if they were high profile enough for the masses to take them seriously. But why JFK?

John Kennedy was the President behind the space race, and according to his biography, a work that is entirely separate from UFOs, he assembled the best scientists available to get a man on the moon by the end of his decade. Yet he was told by those very scientists that no matter how much money was thrown at the problem, they just didn't have the knowhow or the technology. Later, engineers in the space program would come forward and tell of plans that would materialize on their desk, usually from Wright Patterson AFB, the same place the Roswell crash wrechage was taken; and the same place that reverse engineering was done on foreign technology, but with no explanation as to who created them ... plans that the engineers who received them were supposed to have been the ones developing!

We now also know that there was an ultra top secret UFO task force that even the Project Blue Book staff were unaware of. This deep secrecy is contrary to Kennedy's image as a man of the people who wanted to win the space race. He would have been briefed about UFOs, and given the scientific challenges his top scientists were up against, it would have been natural to use any knowledge about UFOs that would help to win the space race, not to mention the popularity and the place in history that would be secured for him by being the one to disclose the truth about alien visitation.

But what does this have to do with Marilyn? Given his intent to disclose the truth of alien visitation, it would have been natural for JFK to have shared it in his secret romance with Marilyn. After all in JFK's mind, everyone was going to find out anyway, so why not tell her. More secrets have been revealed during pillow talk than anyplace else.

Then there is the Dorothy Kilgallen connection. She was associated with Marilyn and was preparing a story that many believe was linked to UFOs, politics, and the military at the highest levels. Her death has all the earmarks of a pro hit and mop-up job. Undoubtedly Bobby also had knowledge of what was going on. Any one of these tragedies alone might be considered random, but the fact is that they are all connected by proximity of time and had an association with UFO secrecy, the biggest secret of all.

Does all this mean I personally believe the hits on JFK, Bobby, Marilyn and Dorothy were motivated by UFO secrecy? No it doesn't. But it doesn't mean there is no connection either. There are just too many coincidences, and UFO secrecy is always there, lurking in the shadows, from the MIB to "UFO Officers" stationed at USAF bases, all the way to orbital RADAR tracking at Space Command.
I don't believe UFO technology was need to win the race to the moon. Or that JFK would be so irresponsible as to tell marilyn something that secret. JFK was a former navy officer.
Coupled with our own advances in cybernetics etc.

Yes, our "human" developed and maintained, advanced "American" Cybernetics. There is no room for ANY fantastical extraterrestrial notion or supposed advances in any form in the context of this subject, and I think this needs to be made PERFECTLY clear, so as to counter anyone inferring anything else as to the reasons for our success. Our human scientists and engineers should be given ALL the credit for such an outstanding fete and nothing else but those special people....terrestrial people.

Here's and excellent article on the technical aspect of our Moon landing:

Ya Ya ... I know we used rocket technology and that UFOs are way beyond that. All I am doing is pointing out certain facts and factors in play at the time that together make for some interesting reading. I'm not asking anyone to "believe" anything. At the same time, I think it would be pretty naive to not to believe that as the President behind the space race, and the Commander In Chief, JFK would not use anything learned from UFOs that could help win the space race. It would also be equally naive not to believe that military people don't leak information, especially if they think it is going to become public anyway. Besides if he was so steadfastly moral, what was he doing sleeping around with Marilyn in the first place? Lastly, it's not just the common propulsion and semiconductor issues that people always focus on that bear scrutiny. super-hard exotic materials like diamond coated glass applied by an ion beam. It's easy to say, "oh ya somebody just invented that when we needed it", but that stuff came out of the same place they took the Roswell wreckage, wreckage that included feather light stuff that you couldn't dent with a hammer ... kind of like what you might expect from some nano-carbon diamond coated material that according to scientists can actually be stronger than natural diamonds. Again, not that I personally "believe" this to be how we came up with this stuff, just that the coincidence is there and that before Roswell, none of this stuff was even conceived of.
Ya Ya ... I know we used rocket technology and that UFOs are way beyond that. All I am doing is pointing out certain facts and factors in play at the time that together make for some interesting reading. I'm not asking anyone to "believe" anything. At the same time, I think it would be pretty naive to not to believe that as the President behind the space race, and the Commander In Chief, JFK would not use anything learned from UFOs that could help win the space race. It would also be equally naive not to believe that military people don't leak information, especially if they think it is going to become public anyway. Besides if he was so steadfastly moral, what was he doing sleeping around with Marilyn in the first place?

But that's different, not like breaking an oath of secrecy on a matter of grave national security.

Lastly, it's not just the common propulsion and semiconductor issues that people always focus on that bear scrutiny. super-hard exotic materials like diamond coated glass applied by an ion beam. It's easy to say, "oh ya somebody just invented that when we needed it", but that stuff came out of the same place they took the Roswell wreckage...

Unless it was really taken to say, Alamagordo instead of wright pat, that actually argues against ET origin for the inventions. :)
but that stuff came out of the same place they took the Roswell wreckage, wreckage that included feather light stuff that you couldn't dent with a hammer ... kind of like what you might expect from some nano-carbon diamond coated material that according to scientists can actually be stronger than natural diamonds. Again, not that I personally "believe" this to be how we came up with this stuff, just that the coincidence is there and that before Roswell, none of this stuff was even conceived of.

Can you please do me a favor and show the evidence that anything came out of Roswell? I don't mean to be completely contradictory, but in the 30 or so years I have studied both Roswell and everything that happened since Roswell, not one shred of actual material evidence has been proven to have come from any wreckage, nor has any advances in our science or technology. In fact just the opposite has transpired. There has been no enlightenment as to Element 115, there has been no "rubberized" metal, there hasn't been a darn thing other than a lot of hot air and wishful thinking.

ANY AND ALL scientific materials or technology we have utilized IN THE ENTIRE history of the United States can be easily shown to have been invented and tested by "TERRESTRIAL" human beings.

Once again.....ANYTHING!
Can you please do me a favor and show the evidence that anything came out of Roswell?

All I've said is that the Roswell saucer wreckage was picked up by the US military and examined. As for what came out of that effort, you would have to ask the guys who examined the materials. I personally suspect that if we humans are as smart as the skeptics say we are, that it would only be a matter of time before we figured out how to replicate some of it.

As for "evidence" you need to remember that in our daily existence there is very little "evidence" for most of what we take for granted. For example, show me the "evidence" that anything material actually exists. Sure it seems "real", but the closer you look the less "real" it gets, until it's nothing more than strange energy "fields" separated mostly by emptiness. In the end you can't really "prove" anything actually "exists". We can only surmise that it does by virtue of perception and consciousness, which are something else we don't fully understand.
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