Yes, Joe Jordan has a mountain of testimonials (including folks in some well-known cases). I would be very interested in seeing if he could stand up to Gene and Chris's questioning. But if he's not available, from the sounds of things I bet you could play devil's (?) advocate for the Christian-ufology crowd.
While I research all options that may explain the UFO and abduction phenomena, I do not subscribe to any existing theory. While I tend towards thinking this phenomena acts in a demonic manner (as do many human beings), that is not the same as defining it as being literal demons. Once you use that word, you bring along all the Christian baggage that I no longer support.
But I will lay my cards on the table.
I had SUFFERED from abduction experiences since childhood. I never saw any blonde hunks or space brothers spouting pop psychology. Instead, I got the grey manifestation. In one such event, a very tall grey screwed something deep into my ear. Afterwards, I became feverish. My parents rushed me to the doctor, who said my eardrum had been punctured. I was immediately put into the hospital and a specialist flew in to perform ear surgery to save my hearing (although I lost about 50% in that ear). I share this to illustrate that such phenomena can leave physical life time damage.
So in 1998, I had a dream. In the dream, I was up on a ladder cleaning the ornamental carvings on the ceiling of my house. Suddenly, I KNEW that "they" were going to manifest in the next room. It was like an ancient evil (which I had denied existed) was suddenly back in my life.
I got down off the ladder and went into the adjoining room. In front of me was a blue orb, which was slowly growing, like the bubble that Glinda the Good Witch came out of in The Wizard of Oz. I knew the entities would emerge from this growing orb. [An asside: whenever there was an abduction, suddenly I had access to a "Drive" that I normally do not know exists. I remember all the previous abduction experiences and "rules" of manifestation. This computer analogy to a exterior Drive that is not normally visible seems very appropriate.]
Suddenly, I spoke. But it was not me consciously speaking. Instead, the voice seemed to come through me as if I was channeling it.
The voice said "I am in the Family of Jesus Christ!" in a very authoritative tone.
Immediately the orb vanished.
At that point I woke up, feeling great peace and joy.
I have not had an abduction experience (at least that I am aware of) since that night.
OK, it was just a dream, but it felt like a strong REAL experience.
But this is important to relate. Although raised as a Christian in a brutal manner in a fundamentalist family, I was then no longer a Christian. I am not a Christian. As a gay man, it is a little hard to be a member of a religion that loathes your guts, and isn't afraid to say so and work politically to cause you harm.
So how do I explain this?
Was this my subconscious coming up with my version of a super hero from childhood to vanquish the greys? That would make sense.
However, the strangest part is that it seemed to work, even though it was a dream. Was the voice my subconscious or superconsciousness, reminding me that I belong to something magnificent beyond this physical form? Did I just use the language of my youthful programming?
Unless the entire thing was just a deception foisted upon my dream state, I actually had a dramatic change in my physical life after this dream. As I said, the abductions stopped.
Make of this as you will.
[UPDATE: and the response so far is the sound of crickets]