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January 11, 2015 — David Stinnett

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Hello, I've been more of a lurker before joining the forums and I've really enjoyed the Paracast a lot. This episode has definitely been interesting. I'm by no means as well read in ufology and the paranormal or an expert of any kind as most of the other members or the hosts, but was wondering if anyone looked at the 'Seeingufospa' lady that he mentioned in the episode.

I live about 15-20 miles away from Murrysville, Pa, where this lady apparently is from. I'm not a 100% skeptic, I've always kept looking up, hoping to see a UFO, anything, but never have myself but do believe something is going on and is out there. I have friends who live near Murrysville in areas that are kind of remote, with less light pollution, such as near Bushy Run Battlefield. My friends and I have spent many nights around a campfire, star gazing and I've always tried to see UFOs but have never seen anything. Not to say that this lady isn't seeing something, but I've never heard of any major sightings myself.

Watching some of this lady's videos, it seems like a lot of them could be planes or helicopters. There are even a few where it almost looks like she's shining a laser pointer at the "UFO" in the video. One of the videos I saw, that really looks like a plane is here:

Here's another one that clearly looks more like a jet with a contrail (conspiracy wise or not). I've noticed in a lot of these videos, the viewing window is so small, maybe it's because of the night vision equipment she's using?

But I don't see anything super unusual about what she claims is a "UFO" in this video.

and more of her videos can be found here.

If you jump to the 4:00 part in the video above she has some zoomed in frames of the "UFO" and some of them really look like the shape of an airplane.

I just wanted to get others' opinions on this because I was excited at first to hear about someone near me that's seeing so many "UFOs."
I want to hear more about his visits with "Alison Kruse." He kept mentioning her over and over. Seemed a tad odd and obsessive. Based on her posted videos I can't imagine a legitimate reason why a "seasoned" UFO researcher would need to continually meet with her and "investigate" her poor videos of planes complete with conventional strobe/landing lights.

Perhaps his connection with her is a tad more (David) Jacobs-esque....

Or maybe he really likes blurry videos of airplanes ;)

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The bible as a verified historical document? Stinnett is nuttier than an O Henry bar. Hard to believe he runs a UFO con. Maybe it's just a conscription device, like Scientology's "free personality tests" (which I once fell for... but, thankfully, escaped). Looking fwd. to a better guest next week. Cheers!
Here is the thing folks the bible like all religious books are not diarys there is I am sure in all these books some truth in parts.the bible is not the word of God but the word of men who thought they knew what God wanted that is why certain books were kept others thrown out.in days past David stinnet and the like would of had DI vinchi burnt at the stake I would suggest if anyone truly wants to know God they pray to the big man himself then listen to their heart and conscious but please don't use it as an excuse to demonise ufology
After reading the comments on the Forum, I considered just skipping the main show and going straight to After The Paracast. But I actually found the main show entertaining. It provided an interesting window into that worldview of UFOs. Though I have to wonder how representative Stinnett’s confused presentation actually was of that view. It’s difficult to follow a person’s rationale when one minute he is arguing against extraterrestrials by saying “you have the Fermi problem” (I assume he was referring to the logic of the Fermi Paradox which states that if extraterrestrials exist they should have expanded throughout the galaxy and be here – as in UFOs). Then less than a minute later he’s saying we are in such an obscure location in the galaxy, how could extraterrestrials ever have found us.

Regarding the Jesus defense. Barney Hill said that during his experience his thoughts repeatedly turned to God and Jesus. It had no affect on the continuation of the abduction event.

Considering the circumstances, I thought Gene and Chris did as good job as possible of trying to get Stinnett to present a rational case for his views. When asked what his views were on the “demons” agenda, just basically throwing out the term “Planck length” provided nothing.
One possibility is that the "aliens" appear to be repelled by holy words. But it is just a deception. Perhaps this is their way to calm you down. Perhaps this allows them to continue their abductions but at a much deeper level of consciousness. So you think you've solved the problem through the power of Jesus or Justin Bieber. But in reality, the abductions are still occurring. You just do not remember them because you have been placated with a little religious skit the aliens played out for you. Alien Leader "Remember, when he says the words Jesus Christ, run amok squealing telepathically like pigs and then vanish from the room."
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Here is the thing folks the bible like all religious books are not diarys there is I am sure in all these books some truth in parts.the bible is not the word of God but the word of men who thought they knew what God wanted that is why certain books were kept others thrown out.in days past David stinnet and the like would of had DI vinchi burnt at the stake I would suggest if anyone truly wants to know God they pray to the big man himself then listen to their heart and conscious but please don't use it as an excuse to demonise ufology
I agree. But Richard, please consider putting some punctuation in your comments. That's an awfully long sentence.


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Here is the thing folks the bible like all religious books are not diarys there is I am sure in all these books some truth in parts.the bible is not the word of God but the word of men who thought they knew what God wanted that is why certain books were kept others thrown out.in days past David stinnet and the like would of had DI vinchi burnt at the stake I would suggest if anyone truly wants to know God they pray to the big man himself then listen to their heart and conscious but please don't use it as an excuse to demonise ufology
But are we really sure God is a man? Maybe man made God in his own image, which I find rather disturbing, because what man would decide to create a God that is an old gray haired guy with a beard in a chair in the sky? Not being judgemental here, but maybe God is really an old gay guy?
I would suggest that a God that intentionally created this and all other universes would be far beyond the conception of humanity. All we can do is project aspects of ourselves outward and call them God. As Joseph Campbell said many years ago, all religions are just masks for God, and people are fighting wars and killing each other over their particular favorite mask. But none of the human beliefs are literally true. There was an old tale about a toad who lived in a small pond. He was taken out of his pond and taken to the ocean. Within seconds of seeing the ocean, the toad's mind blew into a million pieces. The toad had no way of processing the reality of the ocean. I don't think we have the capability to process reality either. So it seems to me as a conscious species, we should find for ourselves the most benign loving "fiction" of God and follow it with a wink in our eye, knowing it isn't really the truth, but just a type of truth we can accept.
This episode was insanely boring, wasnt even paying attention until the voices started to raise the volume, I LIKED IT.

Ah, loved Chris rant at the begginning too! :)
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But are we really sure God is a man? Maybe man made God in his own image, which I find rather disturbing, because what man would decide to create a God that is an old gray haired guy with a beard in a chair in the sky? Not being judgemental here, but maybe God is really an old gay guy?
I think God did make us in his image the thing about it is I don't see anywhere it says in the bible were it says in his physical image?
I think God did make us in his image the thing about it is I don't see anywhere it says in the bible were it says in his physical image?
Ancient people in the west envisioned their gods as physical beings with supernatural powers, much like MARVEL superheroes without the skin tight clothes. To try to save the Bible from its actual really antiquated out-of-date view of god as a giant human being, modern theologians see god as spirit, thereby non-material, perhaps pure conscious energy or the power that created energy. In that light, we were created in the image of god as conscious energy, temporarily inhabiting material bodies. So the real YOU may be a spark of energy in the modern theological view. But most Christians still cling to a 3rd century AD understanding of God and themselves. That is why every time science makes a new discovery of how the universe works (and this takes the power away from a capricious god figure), Christians start bellowing about a war on Christianity. Yes, truth and facts can be considered a war against falsehood.
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I had SUFFERED from abduction experiences since childhood. I never saw any blonde hunks or space brothers spouting pop psychology. Instead, I got the grey manifestation. In one such event, a very tall grey screwed something deep into my ear. Afterwards, I became feverish. My parents rushed me to the doctor, who said my eardrum had been punctured. I was immediately put into the hospital and a specialist flew in to perform ear surgery to save my hearing (although I lost about 50% in that ear). I share this to illustrate that such phenomena can leave physical life time damage.

That was a really unfortunate experience with your eardrum. What were some of the circumstances surrounding the event? Were you out somewhere away from home? Do you consciously recall the entire event? Were you sleeping when the abduction experience occurred?
That was a really unfortunate experience with your eardrum. What were some of the circumstances surrounding the event? Were you out somewhere away from home? Do you consciously recall the entire event? Were you sleeping when the abduction experience occurred?
This has always been a conscious memory. It was the middle of the night. I was awakened and taken outside. I was totally docile. The figure with me was very tall, skinny and white. The head was like an egg with the classic almond wrap around eyes. At the time there was vacant land behind our house. There was a large rock outcrop. The alien sat down on this rock and had me lay down in his lap. I was as limp as a rag doll. Then the creature put a long needle into my ear. I felt perfectly calm although a part of my mind thought that this was a very peculiar reaction on my part. Why was I so calm? I can still hear the twisting of the needle inside my ear and extreme pain. The creature kept going even after the pain started, going deeper and deeper. Then I was returned to my bed. Jump forward 20 years to when I had a professional eye exam (not the standard visit to check your eyesight). My regular ear doctor had found burns around my optic nerve in the left eye. He said that any closer and I would have been blind in that eye. He was so upset that he immediately contacted an eye specialist and had me go over there right away. The specialist had no explanation for what could have possibly caused the burn. He asked if I or a friend had been playing with a laser. Of course not. But most upsetting was that he took a picture of an object at the back of my left eyeball. It is a round pearl object. He had no explanation what it was or how it could have gotten there. He said there was no way our current medical science could remove it. I bring this up because I do wonder if I was given an implant as a child. Could it have actually been inserted via the ear to the back of the eye? I don't know.
So our discussion with David Stinnett, a long-time UFO researcher, took somewhat of a surprising turn this week.

We welcome your comments.

Hi Chris and Gene and forum posters.

This is my first post about the show. I have been listening to the show for four years. You have some great subjects to interview. The interview with David Stinnett descended into a little bit of chaos. David was inarticulate at times. I think, however, his point was that in researching the subject you need to be aware of the competing theories. I am a Christian too. One of the first things you learn about the Bible in Theology school is that, as Chris said, it was composed by multiple people over a huge period of time. It can't be understood outside of its historical and cultural context. I don't think the grilling David received was unfair. But I do think we need to understand David's message wasn't able to be articulated to the best of his ability.

Chris seems to be very tentative about calling out the UFO phenomenon as being caused by one thing or another. I think he is right to be cautious. Is there really anyone who knows the answers to this strange and pervasive phenomena?

I really enjoy the show. Look forward to hearing more of you both in 2015.
Gene I actually walked away from this but you keep messaging me. The reason I keep repeating myself is the fact you cannot comprehend you ruined your interview after two hours.
You refuse to accept you have an attitude problem.
Your persona leaves a lot to be desired.
Your ignorance of my criticism leaves me perplexed.
Now I'm happy to be booted. I appear to have gotten under your skin.
Criticism is hard pill to swallow. I am sorry I bruised your ego. Farewell my egotistical one. It was fun whilst it lasted x

For Christ's sake, can someone just unplug ufoangel1407 and be done with it? And enough with the childish name calling ("dick").
While I research all options that may explain the UFO and abduction phenomena, I do not subscribe to any existing theory. While I tend towards thinking this phenomena acts in a demonic manner (as do many human beings), that is not the same as defining it as being literal demons. Once you use that word, you bring along all the Christian baggage that I no longer support.

But I will lay my cards on the table.

I had SUFFERED from abduction experiences since childhood. I never saw any blonde hunks or space brothers spouting pop psychology. Instead, I got the grey manifestation. In one such event, a very tall grey screwed something deep into my ear. Afterwards, I became feverish. My parents rushed me to the doctor, who said my eardrum had been punctured. I was immediately put into the hospital and a specialist flew in to perform ear surgery to save my hearing (although I lost about 50% in that ear). I share this to illustrate that such phenomena can leave physical life time damage.

So in 1998, I had a dream. In the dream, I was up on a ladder cleaning the ornamental carvings on the ceiling of my house. Suddenly, I KNEW that "they" were going to manifest in the next room. It was like an ancient evil (which I had denied existed) was suddenly back in my life.

I got down off the ladder and went into the adjoining room. In front of me was a blue orb, which was slowly growing, like the bubble that Glinda the Good Witch came out of in The Wizard of Oz. I knew the entities would emerge from this growing orb. [An asside: whenever there was an abduction, suddenly I had access to a "Drive" that I normally do not know exists. I remember all the previous abduction experiences and "rules" of manifestation. This computer analogy to a exterior Drive that is not normally visible seems very appropriate.]

Suddenly, I spoke. But it was not me consciously speaking. Instead, the voice seemed to come through me as if I was channeling it.

The voice said "I am in the Family of Jesus Christ!" in a very authoritative tone.

Immediately the orb vanished.

At that point I woke up, feeling great peace and joy.

I have not had an abduction experience (at least that I am aware of) since that night.

OK, it was just a dream, but it felt like a strong REAL experience.

But this is important to relate. Although raised as a Christian in a brutal manner in a fundamentalist family, I was then no longer a Christian. I am not a Christian. As a gay man, it is a little hard to be a member of a religion that loathes your guts, and isn't afraid to say so and work politically to cause you harm.

So how do I explain this?

Was this my subconscious coming up with my version of a super hero from childhood to vanquish the greys? That would make sense.

However, the strangest part is that it seemed to work, even though it was a dream. Was the voice my subconscious or superconsciousness, reminding me that I belong to something magnificent beyond this physical form? Did I just use the language of my youthful programming?

Unless the entire thing was just a deception foisted upon my dream state, I actually had a dramatic change in my physical life after this dream. As I said, the abductions stopped.

Make of this as you will.

[UPDATE: and the response so far is the sound of crickets]

I'm wondering if the phenomena isn't spiritual/psychological with some physical aspects. What I mean to say is, your experiences stopped in the dream and in your sense of physical reality. The two seemed to be linked in so many different cases - it's not clear what's real, you know?

But the defense worked, or seemed to. I think that's something worth exploring, and not throwing out because of your own feelings about faith. That is, if calling upon the name Mohammed had an effect, I'd want to know why, and follow that as far as I could, even if I wouldn't find it fitting into my worldview right off. If you had conjured a "superhero" - could calling on Batman work, if you believed in him enough?

This isn't the place for religious apologetics, so I will simply say that I'm sorry to hear how poorly you've been treated by people who wear the label "Christian".