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January 14, 2018 — Walter Bosley with Alejandro Rojas

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The only thing he's mentioned to me is maybe buying what's left after I retire, but I'm not planning on that until I am physically and/or mentally unable to continue. I hope that'll be a long long time from now.

As Gene has said we are the expression of interest phase. I would hope he can continue for a while yet, and when he is ready i will be happy to take the ball and run with it.
I wish the Nazis had invented the bloody bell.
This sky crane has been using the large pond on my property as a nav point all day


I'm trying to sleep after a night shift on backburning/containment. And Elvis here (i think its Elvis) has been flying over my roof all day.

Elvis (helicopter) - Wikipedia

Thank you, Thank you very much......:D

A Bell would at least just hum, not shake the damn house and set the Rotti's to yapping.
Similar noise problem here with Police Helicopters, obviously I accept that they are needed and have to do there job, but I understand that it is possible to make a much quieter Helicopter, or at least one that disperses the noise more, however these only seem to be used by the Military.

Stay safe, hope the fires go out/are under control soon.
Best wishes.
Something that really intrigued me that was mentioned was boots on Mars.

Not sure why, but I like the idea, it seems like a natural progression after the moon maybe.

I think someone must have at least tried a manned mission there.

Especially after they managed to get 'rovers' there.

But then again some people maintain that the moon landings were staged....

So the truth must be somewhere in the middle?

The above is why I leave room for a breakaway civilization, it is a bit of a grey area, which suggests that there must be elements of truth to it.

The only thing that is lacking is space, or at least that is what I thought, but there is something about Antarctica that makes me very suspicious.

If we are truly going to go out into the cosmos, we will need to learn with environments harsher than Antarctica, this could be made less difficult by not sending people, but there is no substitute for a trained human as far as I see it, we are much better than robots or ROVs at gathering information and are much more flexible and agile in terms of the range of tasks we can perform.
Well i wasnt a mail clerk. Are you seriously asking us to believe that the USA's Chief of the Counterespionage Operations Branch. also thinks Disneyland is an interdimensional portal thats lets "beings" enter from across time and space? What i did/do isn't really an issue is it? Sorry but stolen valor is looking more and more like the answer here Walt.
Uh oh. Serious accusation. Maybe we need @Decker in here to referee this one.
Something that really intrigued me that was mentioned was boots on Mars ... So the truth must be somewhere in the middle?
Yes. I think the middle stuff between the Moon landing and Mars are the landers like curiosity. I don't think we'd be sending up stuff like that if there was already a presence there.
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Referee this? Why?
Because you are respected for vetting people and a suggestion has been made that Bossley's career is at least partially fabricated. I thought you might know something the rest of us have missed, or could find it out easier because you have past experience. I wouldn't know where to begin. Obviously simply asking him isn't going to resolve the issue. The first thing I thought was, "I respect Don's conclusions on this sort of thing. Why not ask him?"
Because you are respected for vetting people and a suggestion has been made that Bossley's career is at least partially fabricated. I thought you might know something the rest of us have missed, or could find it out easier because you have past experience. I wouldn't know where to begin. Obviously simply asking him isn't going to resolve the issue. The first thing I thought was, "I respect Don's conclusions on this sort of thing. Why not ask him?"

I'm not sure where you're coming from on this, clarify please.
I'm not sure where you're coming from on this, clarify please.
Not to worry Boz. Han just pointed me to a previous post of Don's where he addresses the issue. I missed it. I can understand why someone would be skeptical, but at the same time I need more than that before I'd accuse someone of stolen valor, and Don just popped into my mind as the perfect person to help with that. Hope that clarifies.
Not to worry Boz. Han just pointed me to a previous post of Don's where he addresses the issue. I missed it. I can understand why someone would be skeptical, but at the same time I need more than that before I'd accuse someone of stolen valor, and Don just popped into my mind as the perfect person to help with that. Hope that clarifies.

lol, Thanks, it does.:)

What you're saying is exactly why I advocate that all veterans etc who are asked to be guests on shows provide a copy of their DD214 or other legal verification docs to the hosts before their appearance. It's what I'm prepared to do ever since the Imbrogno situation. Listeners legitimately want to know that the shows they enjoy or go to for information are not parading frauds. I know there will always be those guys who will never accept a document in these days of it being easy to falsify one -- but that is a very serious federal crime with penalties not even a fraud wants to risk. Real vets and former such-and-suches know that a curious citizen can pay the fee and obtain a copy of the same document we provide from the USG, and they'll find in my case that the documents I provide and those from the USG will be the same. Now another issue that vets etc can level at accusers is that it's also easy for a troll with a hardon for some guy to also falsify a real doc after obtaining a copy -- but once again that can be proven and said troll would be in very serious trouble, so only a moron would do that. The bottom line is this: If I were lying or fabricating anything about my past professional life with USG, they would have come down on me a long time ago. :)
Walter, I'm curious about Paracast interviews you gave in 2010 where you said you'd had "experiencer" type episodes, including with Isis. I'm wondering if you'd be able to explain how you detected that particular identity. Was some sort of evidence given? Since you've mentioned that intel personnel may have a cover "legend", then in your opinion, do you think that other entities might likewise develop a "legend" for contact with humans? I also wondered if you have some article that concisely lays out your view of reality. Is it akin to an occult worldview?

I'd agree that a DD 214 is a good way to get some sort of confirmation about someone making big claims, but it might not give everything. USMC admin types were not bothered too much by excessive details about other personnel, so I took classes that are not listed on my DD 214. Toward the end of recruit training, a handful of us "maggots" were ordered to report to a briefing for possible voluntary discharge from the USMC and entry into some group, what was it, nay saying alarmists? or something. I've never regretted declining the offer, but that doesn't appear on my DD 214 either.
Yes. I think the middle stuff between the Moon landing and Mars are the landers like curiosity. I don't think we'd be sending up stuff like that if there was already a presence there.

Agreed. 'Boots on Mars' and the like is a load of absolute crap that does disservice to the real work that's been done. Show me one single solitary shred of proof
Great episode! It’s certainly a curious thing. But is it an of act of disclosure or actually an intelligence “limited hangout”? I came across this article by
Jon Rappoport where he explains this and suggests it’s a move to actually discredit disclosure. Which may ring true because not all news agencies picked it up and some suggested it was a pure publicity stunt for the rather odd
To The Stars Academy...

“UFO Disclosure”: a covert op to discredit real disclosure

Full text by Jon below:-

“The current Tom DeLonge disclosure happened in a most curious way. Suddenly, several high-level ex-CIA spooks and Pentagon insiders joined Blink-182 rocker DeLonge’s team, a start-up company called “To the Stars Academy.” One of the team members, Luis Elizondo, rolled out information on a UFO Pentagon program he headed up.

But Elizondo, for years, ran clandestine covert ops in Latin America for the US intelligence community.

Another DeLonge team member, Steve Justice, was once the program director of the Lockheed Skunk Works in Palmdale, California, where super-secret aerospace (and UFO?) research is carried out.

Jim Semivan, another DeLonge team member, “retired from the Central Intelligence Agency’s Directorate of Operations after 25 years as an operations officer, both overseas and domestically,” states the Academy website.

Chris Mellon “served 20 years in the federal government, including as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence in the Clinton and Bush Administrations.”

Paul Rapp’s “past honors include a Certificate of Commendation from the Central Intelligence Agency for ‘significant contributions to the mission of the Office of Research and Development’.” (Note: This office, ORD, was where the CIA’s MKULTRA mind control program secretly landed, in 1962, after it purportedly ended.)

Norm Kahn—“Dr. Kahn had over a 30-year career with the Central Intelligence Agency…”

This is an impressive team of insider heavy hitters, with extensive backgrounds in deception.


That’s how UFO disclosure could have happened.

But no. Instead, they chose to align themselves with a rock musician who has stated: “Hello, my name is Tom DeLonge from the Blink-182. I have brought together an elite team from CIA, DOD and the FMR Director of Advanced Programs at Lockheed Martin’s SkunkWorks. We are aiming to build this ElectroMagnetic Vehicle to Travel INSTANTANEOUSLY through Space, Air and Water BY ENGINEERING THE FABRIC OF SPACE-TIME. Our company is called To The Stars… and you can invest in our plan to revolutionize the world with technology that can change life as we know it.” [emphasis added]

Compare how these government insiders COULD HAVE done disclosure as opposed to how they actually DID disclosure.

Getting the picture?

They aligned themselves with the perfect person who would bring down the scorn and mockery of the press.


Because clean and credible and convincing disclosure wasn’t their number-one objective.

What was their objective?

Obviously, to attract a certain amount of negative reaction.

In the world of intelligence ops, this would be called a limited hangout with a twist.

You put out a few tidbits of information, thus concealing the largest part of the truth—and at the same time you associate yourself with a bizarre source who will surely stain the quality of your limited hangout.

It works.

Again, Elizondo, the point man for recent UFO revelations, could have stepped up to the podium at a global press conference and said, “I want to introduce you to my elite team of former government insiders. After discussions, we’ve decided to form OUR OWN group and tell the truth about UFOs. We represent no one in government or outside government. We need no mouthpiece or promoter. We’re simply here to reveal hidden reality…”

But instead, he and the other insiders signed on with Tom DeLonge, a man they didn’t need and whose reputation would do them no good.

If you believe that choice was a simple error in judgment, committed by long-time CIA and military spooks with large ops experience, I have condos for sale on Venus.

The plan was to disclose and smear the disclosure. Confess and stain the confession. Admit and cast doubt on the admission.

If that isn’t so, if there is some other reason for these insiders to join forces with DeLonge, let’s hear it.”
FWIW, some years ago a case had all the markings, (orbs/entities/crafts), of something exceptional. There were well-known investigators, witnesses to corroborate sightings and experiences with two independent film crews who claimed to have footage. Subsequently, NIDS flew their own investigators to the location.

Turns out the film crews along with corroborating witnesses were shady, the primary witness was mentally imbalanced, and the well-meaning researchers were understandably embarrassed. NIDS after traveling cross-country was likely peeved, and the case quietly faded away.

An individual in the know was kind enough to furnish the unvarnished truth; otherwise, I would be left to wonder.

Ever since, I have found it reasonable to be leery of lofty claims.
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