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Wasn’t talking to you and my opinion is as valid as yours!
Hi Walter, in terms of the breakaway civilisation: do you think that they could be using Antarctica as either a home base or a staging post?
Because it seems to me to be a really good place to hide, I mean you can just drive to Area 51 for example but that is not true of Antarctica, especially inland.
If we can play golf on the moon, then a bit of cold should be a minor hurdle, rather than a highjump
Absolutely your opinion is as valid as mine. However the problem is, I am a mod here and I will determine what is valid in this thread, not you. With that being said (and it is damned rare that I jump in here like I have done this date) we will keep this thread on track. This thread has become vocal and inflammatory enough without the injection of political name calling. You don't have to like it, but you do have to follow those rules.
I am dealing with multiple fire grounds as a NSW Fire and Rescue person
And negotiating with Gene for the purchase of the Paracast brand.
If we can reach a fair price, then i will be taking over the brand, and Mr Eckers services will be surplus to my needs. (unless he can bring something more than dead links and his past employment to the party)
Stay tuned.
Check out the discussion I was in with Joseph Farrell and Alexandra Bruce on Dark Journalist the other day. We talk a little about that very thing....
Can I ask why anybody believes Farrell about anything?Check out the discussion I was in with Joseph Farrell and Alexandra Bruce on Dark Journalist the other day. We talk a little about that very thing....
No it wasn't. There's lots of evidence that they might have tried, but they lacked the fissile material to do so.JF: All right. Very simple. It’s my belief... Just to give you kind of a very short Cliff Notes answer, it’s my belief, number one, that the Nazi atom bomb project was successful.
Now, what I’m going to do is simply ask your viewers to accept that as kind of a “given” for the sake of argument so that I can kind of set the context. Okay?
If you look at the project classification of the Bell, the Nazis classified it as kriegsentscheidend - [ed. note: war decisive].
In other words, within the classification system of the Third Reich, the Bell was classified absolutely uniquely and at the very pinnacle of the system, and it is the ONLY project in Nazi Germany to be given that specific classification. In other words, higher than the atom bomb. Okay?
So the thing they never had was old stuff? That's insane.So in other words, to the Nazis the atom bomb is, you know, already kind of “old stuff.” [laughs] Okay?
So that gives an indicator of what the significance is. But if you look at the physics that they’re trying to investigate, I believe they’re investigating it for three things - for the purposes of achieving three things.
Number one, they want to free Germany from energy dependence on foreign powers and foreign oil. So, in other words, they’re investigating the so-called “zero point” energy. Okay?
Number two, the same sort of physics they have seen is kind of a gateway or window into advanced field propulsion, or antigravity if you want to call it that.
And the third thing of course, Nazis being Nazis, is that they want to engineer this physics for a weapon. And of course we’re dealing now with the physics that, again, can engineer the fabric of space-time, locally.
Look at it this way: If Mike buys the show, all the talk that you disapprove of here will vanish. So, no worries about hearing any talk about The Bell or Disneyland or any of that.
Actually, if Mike does buy it, I think the best move would be to move the broadcast/command location of the show and the forum to someone in UK, Canada or Australia.
One theme that returns when I am in this state of fear that I may never pull myself out of a hole I've been in for a dozen years now is wondering if I actually died and am in a hell of sorts. In 2005 I decided to leave the best paying employment I ever had . But like many people would learn soon, things got worse in the US by 2006, even before the nosedive of a couple years later. Nothing I tried worked. Nothing.