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No i have a topoplogical view of time and life. Its all good.Are you still having a hard time dealing with your dog...?
No i have a topoplogical view of time and life. Its all good.
Keep telling yourself that. I have more important things to do tomorrow so I'm gonna go now.
You're an admin. Kick me out.
What in hell is this juvenile flame war between Mike and Admn and Walter Bosley, a Paracast guest and long time user? I call bullshit on it. I know Bosley, Bosley was an AF Officer, worked as an Intel. Specialist for the Fee-Bee's, and has been willing to prove his bonifieds to anyone who asked. I have seen them and I "KNOW" Bosley is real. If Gene won't put his foot down, I will. Knock it off.
And, you all know how to reach me.
Those last two words say it all. I wonder how many people who accuse Sitchin of "mistranslation" actually have a looked a Sitchin's reasoning? I don't buy into everything Sitchin, but I do have a couple of his books, and his references and logic regarding translation are generally supported by what appear to me to be fairly good evidence and reasoning. Conversely I tend to think that there is also a self-serving factor in mainstream academia that serves to rather offhandedly discredit anyone with ideas that contradict the establishment.... Sitchin's writings have been universally rejected by mainstream historians, who have labelled his books as pseudohistory, pointing out that Sitchin seemingly deliberately misrepresents Sumerian texts by quoting them out of context, truncating quotations, and mistranslating Sumerian words to give them radically different meanings from their accepted definitions ...