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June 17, 2012: A.D. After Disclosure

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How do you think you would react to Disclosure? I think I would lose some sleep. I think I would be equally excited and terrified for some period of time before the 24/7 Aliens are Here! media blitz desensitizes me to their presence. The dangers presented to the future of human civilization by the appearance of a non-human technological civilization here on Earth would be at the forefront of my mind I think, not that I would be able to do anything about those dangers other than to just wait and see. I believe that I, like many others, would become students of the ongoing event to the point of absolute distraction.

Meh....I'd get up and go to work the next day and let the freaking-out happen by other folks. Presumably these things have been here for thousands of years so unless they land on the White House lawn or such there's really not going to be any change to my life, personally. The disclosure would have to be accompanied by subsequent events, such as mass-sightings or some such, for it to have broad reaching effects, I think.

What would really annoy me, however, is if disclosure occurred the politicians, military elite, and scientific community would utterly disregard any and all research into the UFO phenomenon performed by UFO researchers, such as Stanton Friedman, Kevin Randel, and all others prior to the disclosure event itself. The scientific community will take up the torch in a self-involved and ignorant parade, making the claim of "We'll figure this all out!" regarding the UFO and ET occurrences. Any and all work previously done, and previously discarded by the scientific community, will be ignored even now, whether it was on sighting and trace evidence or the abduction phenomenon. The modern science community would start fresh, building off of whatever information the secret-keepers provided them moving forward. In essence they would re-invent the wheel in researching UFO's, scoffing off previous work as "pseudoscience" even then.

That fact that it would happen that way really pisses me off. It's like someone saying, "The house is on fire," and no one believing them, even when they smell smoke and feel heat, but as soon as flames are seen they jump up and start running around like it's a surprise. No credit given to the person who first pointed the fact out.
@Mike - I had a look at those links about religious violence. It's really quite sad for me to have to say that I just don't care. Now, I abhor violence - certainly unwarranted violence - and I would see the guilty punished to the full extent of the law. But do I care about one religious group killing the other? Not much. 'They' have all been at it one way or another and really, for those of us who have no wish to harm others, well, they can all go kill eachother til there are non left as far as I'm concerned.

I am a big bloke and nothing much scares me in the world. However, the blind faith that allows people to completely ignore facts and use that faith to commit murder in it's name - well that scares the hell out of me. How do you argue with such ignorance?
However, the blind faith that allows people to completely ignore facts and use that faith to commit murder in it's name - well that scares the hell out of me. How do you argue with such ignorance?

It has been my reoccurring experience that you cannot turn your back on the ones who make the most noise about their faith or ideology, especially when those noises have alluded to a moral superiority to unbelievers in their fantasies. Often perceived insults to their faiths (vague and undefinable as they might be) are used as an excuse for deceit, violence, and disregard for common morality. To beat all, it is an actual precept of some religious faiths. See taqiyya and kitman for example.

Now, what might some non-human civilization bring to the table in the way of religious belief and all the complications that entails in establishing and maintaining trust and reliable communication? Should we believe some non-human civilization that comes knocking is going to play it straight with us? I don't know about that. If they started spouting off about absolute truth and divine revelation that would be the sign that we should get ready for a throw down. Unlimber the nukes and fire up the generators for the tactical lasers at the first sign of alien missionaries. Know what I'm saying?
I would be excited and unworried if the Disclosure was that the aliens had been visiting here for decades or longer. That is, assuming that it is not a declaration of catastrophe. If the aliens have been here for some time, there would be no need to fear and one could just drink in the wonder of it all.
I would be excited and unworried if the Disclosure was that the aliens had been visiting here for decades or longer. That is, assuming that it is not a declaration of catastrophe. If the aliens have been here for some time, there would be no need to fear and one could just drink in the wonder of it all.

I would be prone to wonder if they have been here for hundreds or thousands of years as some postulate, what a Disclosure of the presence might signal about a new phase in their activities here. In Childhood's End for example, it wasn't such a wonderful development as it first seemed.

All you could do is sit back and let it happen. Whatever Disclosure might eventually be, if anything, it will certainly be a game changer.
Really good show. Sure gave me much more incite on the many angles of this topic. As far as religious people being freaked out about disclosure of aliens, I don't see it being that way at all if they have a firm foundation for there beliefs. As far as being nuts religious or not, we're all a little nuts aren't we? As far as Santa goes, the only correct answer is to not teach the lie to children. It's a ridicules tradition.
@Trained - I have long thought along similar lines. If we even just take the last 100years or so of strange objects in the sky, if there have been ETs visiting earth we could take the lack of any overt hostility as a good indicator of their intent, it being benign.

But that may just be looking on the bright side. Perhaps the ETs could be so powerful they are just taking it easy, getting whatever it is they are doing, done. Safe in the knowledge that any problems that might arise from humans could quickly be 'corrected' if they so wished.
Only after they've got what they want might they show their true colours. Perhaps a few decades hardly even registers on a species who are used to implementing plans over centuries! Perhaps these latest decades are no real indicator of intent and all it is giving us is a very false sense of security.

As humans we are usually so eager to find things out we plunge on ahead without checking the road is clear. Maybe another intelligent species would be more careful, deliberate and patient. We have no way to know how they may act if they exist at all. We have no intelligence on them, at least, we don't have it.

As Trained said above, after seemingly a long time has passed without overt contact with any ET race, any sudden change in the status quo could be a reason to really, really panic. Like, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Perhaps we should be hoping that things stay exactly as they are?
Richard Dolan discusses the possibility of class action lawsuits by abductees in complete seriousness and not something to be speculated on within the framework of a thought experiment. Over the years, he gradually appears to be losing his grip on reality. He casually slips in how he believes Marilyn Monroe was murdered without even any expectation of being called on it. I've never taken him seriously, but it's disturbing how many people see him as one of the few credible researchers in the field.
That's based on the assumption that UFO abductions are real. Clearly those who claim to have experienced such abductions have, by and large, suffered serious emotional damage as a result of those encounters. If ET is real, and had a coming out part of sorts, you don't believe that teams of lawyers would be contacting abductees with the hope of filing such lawsuits? Sure, I suppose it's possible that our governments would indemnify ET against possible legal actions. But then we'd sue the government instead.

Understand that the entire concept of what might happen after a possible disclosure that UFOs are real and represent visitors from elsewhere (whatever you want that elsewhere to be) must be a thought experiment. How could it be otherwise?
Hi Gene. I agree that the practice of hypothesizing and analyzing potential post-disclosure scenarios is consistent with a thought experiment, but Dolan discusses the reality of aliens/alien contact/alien abduction/recovered alien technology/etc. as if it's an absolute fact and not a theoretical concept without any tangible reference point in reality. I think I see what you're saying though.
From my point of view. there is nothing in WICCAN teachings that say man is all there is. Indeed we are a part of a greater whole. If it was shown that we are not alone we would welcome them into that tapastry that nature weaves. there is room for every living thing that comes from nature they just have to be discovered.
Victoria Watson
Hi Gene. I agree that the practice of hypothesizing and analyzing potential post-disclosure scenarios is consistent with a thought experiment, but Dolan discusses the reality of aliens/alien contact/alien abduction/recovered alien technology/etc. as if it's an absolute fact and not a theoretical concept without any tangible reference point in reality. I think I see what you're saying though.

I get the impression that although he has no tangible evidence or personal experience, however he believes it to be true based on documents and circumstantial and anecdotal evidence uncovered in his research. If that isn't true he can correct me and I apologize if I have it wrong. I have begun to look at these things as metaphors for something else, if that makes sense but I quite often find myself talking and thinking in that tone as well even though I have no real evidence or experience that I find convincing.

From my point of view. there is nothing in WICCAN teachings that say man is all there is. Indeed we are a part of a greater whole. If it was shown that we are not alone we would welcome them into that tapastry that nature weaves. there is room for every living thing that comes from nature they just have to be discovered.
Victoria Watson

As long as they are not out to eat or use as slave labor that is. If they come after our shiny stuff and our wimmings there will be trouble. Oh yes.
I'm not a Bill Birnes fan and don't take any of Corso's claims seriously, but it's really rich (pun intended) of Zabel and Dolan to get almost indignant and try to take Birnes to task for misrepresenting facts in his Corso book. The premises in Dolan's books are driven by unsubstantiated claims/misinterpreted events/baseless facts/etc. and his conclusions are always dependent on irrational suppositions supporting other irrational suppositions ad nauseum.
This point abductees, well for me John Mac had the right attitude - even if there is zero ET/UFO influence behind 'abductions' it is without a doubt a real psychological fact. Hundreds and thousands claim abduction and I do not believe they are all liars or fantasists.

Thinking about John Mac, I cannot remember if the school in Zimbabwe incident has ever been covered on the Parcast. What on earth did a whole class of children see that was not a spacecraft with aliens? Cos that is pretty much what they reported - lots of them!
I found the Zimbabwe incident fascinating, part of me thinks that the vast majority of abductions that are of the bedroom visitation variety are hallucinations but then part of me thinks they could be real episodes that happen in an altered state of consciousness imposed by some kind of non human intelligence. I'm definitely on the fence when it comes to those. Mass sightings and mass abductions are a whole other thing entirely as they can't be readily explained away as hallucinations because of the many different people involved. Here's a few youtube videos that talk about the Zimbabwe incident :

Couple of things regarding Rendlesham: The fact that the stories from different witnesses do not exactly tally is of no consequence. In fact, it may be an indicator that they are telling the truth. No matter what an incident in life is, huge or tiny, different people will give different accounts and they can all still be telling the truth as they know it.
Ask any detective and he will probably tell you that when different witnesses have matching accounts of an event, that's the time to be worried or suspect something is amiss.
So I for one am perfectly fine with slightly different accounts of Rendlesham. Not only was it a long time ago but if it happened, or something happened that could make someone think there had been a UFO, then I think that would qualify for being such an extraordinary event that anyone might have trouble objectively recalling who, what, why, where and when.

Most people are only very average witnesses unless they have been specifically briefed to soak all info up for recounting later. When you have no idea during something that for years after people are going to pick it all apart, well I doubt anyone was consciously trying to remember the fine points!! None of this has any bearing on what did or did not happen at Rendlesham. I am only pointing out the different witness accounts is absolutely normal and to be expected.

The whole deal with the binary - well I've never like that, probably because even during a UFO event it seems pretty whacky and that is saying something! Perhaps he did see something, triggered by god knows what - personally I've often wondered if the propulsion systems of a UFO couldn't mess with a brain? We know for sure that electrical or magnetic stimuli, even very weak, can make a brain pretty much see or sense anything. So who knows what might happen in the immediate vicinity of a craft with unknown technology?
Also - perhaps he saw something but it was he who interpreted it as binary.

Of course, there is also the possibility that something extraordinary did happen to these men over a couple of nights but one of them has decided to milk that cow a little extra for whatever reason?

For a number of reasons I still think Bentwaters is a serious contender for an actual UFO encounter but even so I still think ET-given binary is utter, utter horseshit.
What is ET binary?

It was just a term to explain the claim that he had been 'given' some kind of telepathic glimpse of some binary (1's and 0's) from touching the craft reported seen in Rendlesham forest.

Of course, whether there is a grain of truth to that or not is another matter entirely!