..But what if "ET" is not "from space"? What if the presence of ET means something far different, something so outlandish that it does not fit our concept of reality? What if ET's presence was so bizzare that it completely upset our notions of who we are and how reality is constructed? We think we know what reality is. We think we've got a pretty good notion of how the Universe is constructed. We've got Newtonian Mechanics down cold. We can do anything at all with electricity. We're exploring string theory and branes, quantum mechanics, and relativity and yeah! Some of that stuff is a little weird, but the thing is, it's explainable. People like Stephen Hawkings and Carl Sagan can explain it to us, even if we can't personally do the math.
But what if ET said something like this: "This is our planet, too. We live in a different dimension than you do because our vibration is different. We've learned to traverse dimensions so we can be in yours, too, but really, we're sitting right next to you on that couch. We're as close as your TV set. The fact is, humans do survive death and go to the next dimension where they meet up with other souls. You reincarnate constantly. We help that process. In fact, we control it. Your body is a container for your soul, and you know what? Your personality is irrelevant. It goes away. What you think is you is not you at all. We're in charge and we don't care much what you think about that. Our technology is so advanced that it seems like magic to you."
We could go on, but the point is that this view of reality does not match our current meme at all. It's far different, far more challenging, and far scarier than the normal idea of ETs from space. If this is correct, then ETs aren't ETs. We are that amount of wrong. If THAT'S the secret, no wonder they don;t want to tell us. As far as After Disclosure? It's a lot of speculation and hot air.
I liked the show although i though it was a little unchallenging.
/|\Yeah, this seems to be the only relevant, current and interesting thing to be said about "alien disclosure" and social concious meme creation as devices for control and deserves more air time. "What if" scenarios could go on forever and if are purely imaginative speculation, they could be practical like a researched expert corrobarative manual or maybe could be entertaining fiction like "The Zombie Survival Guide". IN this case is it pitched as a brain experiment? or is it hiding more prosaic beliefs as alluded to by others in this thread?
I don't think people would be ready for a life altering event. Isnt that what we have learnt from the countless number of Sci Fi films and other excercises in imaginative speculation as to what could happen... But back down to earth maybe we should be more considerate of the criminal law practicalities of what is a suing/ accident claims society?!!
What if aliens where made from Ham and or Ice cream? What are the implications on the meat industries and italian imigrants? I for one would
relish the meeting of man and tasty aliens. What if everyone was abducted? How would the world survive then? If no humans existed would the world end? would the world end if only bees were abducted?
When i went on holiday to a foreign country I had a little bit of a weird experience. Talk about a culture shock. i didnt realise that a culture shock was actually that, a "shock" to the system. i was effected by what i saw. i guess its the same as watching an animal being slaughtered. you dont really know how it will effect you until it happens, no matter how well your prepared for it.
This book could have been about who, how, what and why in the concreting and creation of the ET meme. Someone wants us to believe in ET and is creating extraordinary, ridiculous, sophisticated and amateurish attempts at doing so, wether its collective conciousness, unwilling victims, subconcious mental plagues or just plain hoaxing with an undisclosed agenda etc..
Differing hypothesis as to who or what strange lights/uFO experiences are have lead to differing factions and "unsubstantiated claims" to the phenomena. This in turn has created political structures and movements which in order to survive or gain credibility needs a corroborative and intrinsic doctrine and religious ideology to protect itself, from the nuts n bolts Roswell guys to the Pleaidian cultists, belief, religious miracles/events artifacts and aliens, they have all got loads in common with one another...Each in turn are staking their claim on a phenomena and inadvertently in a future" Truth will out" disclosure/apocalypse event. Fundamentaly, the speculation which in turn produces cults and religions factions gives us a retelling of religious disparation with cult movements forming under a mysterious nexus. One could even be as cynical as to suggest that belief systems are engineered with this "final act" in mind such as the cult of Greer or the Rapture Christians.
It might be worth looking at a disclosure event in terms of the society of the spectacle and the disclosure event itself as inherently negative in terms of us being "passive spectators" in thrall to an event which is a confluence of mass media and advanced capitalism. The "event" itself being the ever anticipated but never reached "money shot", the final act exposé. the medium and nature of the event itself being an indicator of meaning without having to fully know or understand the message. The medium overweighing the message, the repercussions of which having a tremendous life altering effect.
It seems if there was a truly distinct benign inteligence at work that had yet to disclose itself, it would have to do so without the possibility of interference, misunderstanding, control or reinterpreation by a second or third party. Its nature would have to be clear, precise and distinct and have an emotionaly logical and "rationaly empirical" veracity. good luck with
that reconciliation.
(note the use of "quotation marks" to express ideas and opinions not necessarily shared by myself but are an alluded to common concept or someoen else's expression or thought and can alaso allude to an alterior meaning.)